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Posts posted by JW

  1. Hi BrotherRon,

    A cellphone camera will more than suffice, if you are using a new one that is. While the photo does depend on the camera you are using, what I find that is half the battle is the background-- making sure everything is flowing, complementing and directing the attention to the product.

    DSC_4805_Fotor.jpg    DSC_5075_Fotor.jpg    tumblr_p85ttswgk11x7qocgo4_1280.jpg&key=    tumblr_p85ttswgk11x7qocgo5_1280.jpg&key=

    The holster and floral carved sleeve was taken with a DSLR camera and edited in post, bringing out some of the contrast.

    The valet tray on the right was taken by a cellphone camera (Samsung S7) and is not edited in any way. It is more than capable in producing the same quality photos. Actually, the ones on the left originally looked paler than the one on the right. If you are going to use a smartphone camera, you want to make sure it is a good one. Most of the flagship smartphones out there have a better camera than my old DSLR (any iPhone nowadays will work as well)

    Summary: Worry more about how to frame the subject, make sure you have a lot of space, and lighting options-- it will help you a lot!

    Hope this helped!

  2. So I decided to try my hand at some more Hawaiian tooling, this time I drew the design myself. In comparison to the valet tray I did, it is minuscule. The only reason it is so irregularly shaped is because I drew for this particular piece of scrap leather. Everything here was done with a SK, 1 backgrounder, and 2 bevelers.

    Let me know what you guys think, thanks for checking it out.





  3. Wow, thank you everybody for the kind words.


    11 hours ago, Double Daddy said:

    Stunning craftsmanship...l like that you chose a rectangular shape rather than the typical square layout...and the button studs for the corners are a nice touch.

    @Double Daddy To me the rounded corners are more aesthetically pleasing; the square corners, in my opinion, look like wasted material.


    9 hours ago, Instinctive said:

    Looks fantastic. Carving straight lines and curves is one one of the toughest things to do (at least for me). Minimizing the coloring is really good to. I like my coffee to taste lake coffee and my leather to look like leather.

    @Instinctive Yeah, that's one of the flaws in this piece, the radius following the central sunburst isn't even, and that is bugging me big time. The way the color turned out reminded me of a carved wooden surface, but I agree, if my coffee tasted like leather, something's not right.


    9 hours ago, LatigoAmigo said:

    That is the nicest valet tray I have ever seen. Beautiful work.

    @LatigoAmigo Thank you very much, I'm certainly trying to make it better.


    9 hours ago, bullmoosepaddles said:

    Stunning. Unique. You should be very proud. 

    @bullmoosepaddles Thank you, it's certainly a one-of-a-kind, I haven't seen much Hawaiian leather work.


    7 hours ago, Dun said:

    hana hou!

    @Dun Haha, will do brah. Another Hawaiian leather project is in the works.


    6 hours ago, Tugadude said:

    Absolutely love it.  Well executed and unique pattern.  Does that style have a name?  For some reason it makes me want to travel to Fiji or Tahiti or somewhere like that...


    4 hours ago, Tugadude said:

    OK, so I re-read the description and feel foolish.  Hawaiian!  Doh!

    @Tugadude No worries, everything you see in this style has a meaning, the central 'sunburst' motif is a crown, either of feathers or leaves, symbolizing royalty, and so on and so forth. It's pretty interesting the more you learn about it.


    6 hours ago, Retswerb said:

    That is sweet. I really like the decorative cuts in the woven looking part at the top - great texture and depth.

    @Retswerb Thanks, I was hoping for some more shading and depth where the weaving was going underneath itself, but I'll experiment more. If you wanna try a similar basket weave, using only a sk and beveler, I suggest looking up paving stone patterns, like the Herringbone ones, it makes for some good basket weave.


    3 hours ago, DJole said:

    Great design, excellent execution. That's a real attention-grabber, there! It's too nice for a bedside valet -- it belongs in the front room. 

    @DJole Thank you, well, I'm not sure where it's final home will be, I just hope it will be used.

  4. Hello forum,

    It has been a bit, and I wanted to display something I finished recently. This is a valet tray I tooled a traditional Hawaiian design on it; a good friend of mine drew the design for me. It's not perfect, but it was a definite learning curve. It is surprisingly hard to translate a complete 2D drawing, into something with a 3D feel. Lemme know what you guys think, critiques, changes, etc. I'll take them all.




  5. It's a pretty cool stamp, it has a slight learning curve, but his basket weave stamps are fantastic. I haven't got any other of his stamps... yet, but hopefully I will soon.

    He is on leatherworker.net and his name is @arbalet12. Here is the link to his Etsy shop and the stamp I showed in the pictures:


    I got it with pretty fast shipping considering it comes from Bulgaria. Here is the other basket weave stamp I got.


  6. Hey Jack,

    Sounds like you got a great deal, some of those pro stamps are a good snag at $7.99.

    I have a similar stamp, while not a Tandy one, the process is the same.

    tumblr_p6tp0ksOf31x7qocgo3_1280.jpg     tumblr_p6tp0ksOf31x7qocgo4_1280.jpg    tumblr_p6tp0ksOf31x7qocgo5_1280.jpg

    You first stamp the stamp, I put a reference line for, well, reference. Then you rotate the stamp so it's oriented like the second photo, and then you stamp it.

    You just repeat that process until you get a nice basket weave.

    Hope that helped!


  7. @ec2121

    Thanks! It's actually Fiebings Antique Chestnut; I think it's a little less red in person.


    Thanks, I didn't mean to sound snobby or anything, I suppose it's the bane of the creator: it never looks like the way you envisioned it. I think it's just some of the curves in the scrollwork aren't... I guess, "curvy" enough. And some of the spirals where the scrollwork emanates from aren't perfectly circular.

  8. Hey @Killerwork,

    That seems like quite the predicament, you might want to ask some of the other more experienced leather workers here, but in my experience, oiled veg tan doesn't tool very well-- you might be able to get away with a brand stamp, but a whole tooling might be out of the question. Like what @fredk said, a separate tooling 'patch' might be the easiest option, you can even add some contrast by having it a different color. I think it would be less of a hassle in the long run to just remake the holster with the proper tooling, rather than trying to experiment with an already formed, stitched, and finished holster.

    I hope that helps!

  9. Hi forum!

    It's been a long while, but I figured I would post a couple pics of a holster I made recently for an XD. It was fun making it, not happy with the way the tooling came out, but the customer liked it-- I guess that's what really matters. This is the 2nd holster I made, so any feedback on the tooling or if you have a comment about it, please let me know!

    tumblr_p4tlebagt61x7qocgo1_1280.jpg   tumblr_p4tlebagt61x7qocgo2_1280.jpg

    Thanks for viewing,


  10. @DJole

    Thanks for the welcome!

    Yeah, that was my first time using the Angelus Leather Dye, and on that particular piece of leather (a glazed double shoulder I believe) it didn't absorb as it should have. I wanted to have some parts of it lighter and some darker, but you can see the final result. So the splotchy parts were a combination of inexperience, bad choice of leather, and trying to layer the colors. It didn't turn out the way I envisioned it, but not terrible enough to warrant a new tooling.

  11. Hey, you clicked the title! Thanks for doing that.

    As you may have deduced, I am a new member; while I made this account awhile ago, I am just starting to get more active on this. I am a hobbyist leather worker, and hopefully I can change that and become a leather worker full-time. I have done this for about 2 years, and it’s been an amazing journey so far. I am still in college so posting pics and being super active unfortunately isn’t a luxury, but I’ll try and post when I can. I'll attach some of my old work so you know I am a human, and not a robot. Please keep in mind that I am only a beginner, so any criticism is welcomed.

    Thank you again for reading,

    and if you want to see some more recent pictures of my work, check out my Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lowellleather/



  12. Hey Rossr,

    The reasoning behind the pointed striking surface is to 'direct' the energy more efficiently towards the stamp surface. I don't find it that it helps much, since the majority of the time, the maul/hammer slips of off the surface. Same theory would apply to a nail without a head, sure, it would direct the energy 'better', but it would increase the likelihood of missing and smashing your thumb.

    As to the nature of the stamp, I seem to recall the design, but it looks like either a one-off, or a heavily modified/misused production stamp-- a stamp that has had it's surface defaced. But I would lean towards the one-off theory.

    Thanks for sharing!


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