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Everything posted by CowboyBob

  1. Doug, Someone must of modified the pulleys ,I been working on patchers f/30 yrs & never seen one different size belt pulleys on it.We have a small motor kit that will fit by drilling a mounting hole on the side of it. Bob
  2. Welcome to the board,your machine doesn't look to bad I seen alot worse.We work on alot of them so let me know if you need any help. Bob
  3. Try #138 thread it'll work alot better & make sure you pull the thread down in between the tension discs & when it loops & jams up underneath either your top tension is threaded wrong or the top tension is too loose. Also don't forget to oil the hook it you notice the inside basket part doesn't spin so oil the slot it rides in . Bob
  4. The first thing you might want to check is look in between the upper tension discs & see if there's any old thread & or lint builtup in between them. The looping underneath is almost always an indication of to loose upper tension (are u sure the thread is pulled down in between the discs?) The needle plate has 2 grooves under it & there's a small metal tab on the bobbincase the goes into it,then you can tighten the 2 screws. HTH Bob
  5. You can also ask for an Adler 69 or a Pfaff 335 both of these are alittle lighter weight machines the the 618 & have cyl arms w/rev the 153 is a great machine but it doesn't have reverse a Consew 227R does & is a clone of the 153.
  6. Ray, There's a feed dog available for your machine that has a smaller hole in it & by going to a smaller size thread & needle & loosening the foot pressure your machine should sew better in thin leather. Bob
  7. I'm an Adler Dealer & can help you either send a PM or call me & we'll get it straightened out. Bob
  8. Ok,now that the clutch is engaged you need to put some oil around the outer part of the bobbincase,then rock the handwheel back & forth to get the stuck piece of thread out of it. Bob
  9. This is a Typical China Mod#GC6-7 just like the Tacsew T111-155. You have to be careful trying larger thread as this machine has no safety clutch & if you jam it up it can knock it out of time.I really doubt if 207 will work & 3/8" soft leather will be the max. Those collars look Great!! Bob
  10. There can be a number of different issues that can cause this problem & the easiest is threading & tension,you need to make sure it's threaded & has enough tensions,not enough & it'll wad up underneath since it doesn't have enough tension to pull it up.#2 problem can be a loose screw on the gear underneath the hook,check that & #3 can be worn out gears . So try the first 2 & let me know what happens. Bob
  11. Years ago I used to sell a model#201 & if the 202 is similiar it'll handle chaps ok. Bob
  12. Allan, I'm in Ohio & if you want to give me a call monday I probably have the parts & have a DC Servo motor w/a built-in reducer that'll work great on your machine. Bob
  13. Sounds like this machine has alot of history.We have almost every part in stock for it including the spring you need. Give us a call 1-866-362-7397 Bob
  14. It will help if you post a pic.
  15. This is a Landis#1 a great old machine. On the Pfaff take the upper tensions discs aprat & look for thread in between them,then when you put it back together thread it & make sure that the tension is so tight that you can just barely pull on the thread then test sew & set your tension from there. If this machine isn't threaded correctly it'll do just what your saying too,so when threading make sure the thread is pulled down into the tension discs. Bob
  16. Natalie, I hate take over but since we are an Adler dealer I just wanted to let you know that the 30-70 will sew to 3/8" thick leather & your right that with the small arm it'll get in tight places but it has a top foot feed only & the teeth will mark the top of your leather. Bob
  17. It's a shoe repair machine that has teeth on the bottom of the foot & parts are unavailable for it.(the factory got bombed & never rebuilt) Bob
  18. On the needles it's hard to tell from the pic what you have,if you took it from the pointed end it would help,but on the needles the rounded point ones are used in vinyl & cloth,the leather points will have like a knife edge on them(they won't be round)they make a better looking stitch in leather. The bobbincase is broken & not for this machine. The feet one has finer teeth than the other so it won't leave has deep of marks on top of the leather. Last yes,the bobbins are small that's why these machines are used for repair work where you don't have long runs of sewing & the best thing to do is use the smallest thread you can to go further. Bob
  19. Well it's either the timing has slipped (doesn't happen often)or the upper thread is to loose or not threaded correctly,is the thread pulled down through the top tension once in a while it gets behind instead of through it, Maybe you need to tighten the needle thread tension alittle more to get it to pull up. HTH, Bob
  20. They use 29x3 or 29x4,they probably sold you 135x17 which is also the same length approx 1.75" long,what problems are you having with it? Bob
  21. Are you sure the thread is around the 2nd tension 11/2 times?It's a common mistake. Bob
  22. Wow, I hope I can answer all your ? Just put a4-5drops of oil everywhere then 1 drop each time you oil in the future.I know the wicks are dirty but just oil them too & they'll be ok. Leather belts will stretch so yes ,you'll need to shorten it alittle. There is usually an oil post on each end of the motor & probably a couple more holes on the clutch shaft & on on the pivot arm the runs the clutch just a couple of drops in each. We do stock the needles in both leather & round points for this machine & also have all the parts,feet & etc for it too. Let me know if you have any more questions. Bob
  23. How close is the needle to the shuttle?It needs to be as close as it can get w/o touching this is adjusted by loosening the screw just above the needles set screw & moving the needle clamp to the right if needed.Also you need lower the needlebar all the way down & check that the spring up there on the leftside is touching the needlebar sometimes they are broken or bent & will also cause skipping. How does the point of the shuttle look?Is it blunt? trade w/your other macvhine & see if it works better. We stock alot of parts for these machines along w/needles & thread. Bob
  24. The parts are different on your machine than the 29k58 but the oper man should be the same. The machines had weak little gears on them w/small teeth that get chipped from use & will eventually break,the best way to check is lay it on the backside & take the plate off the bottom under the shuttle & look @ the gears but try to be careful thatthey don't fall out or you'll have a problem retimng the shuttle. The worst thing about them is you can't get the gears for them anymore but,they are good to keep for parts the whole needlebar end & casting will work on a 29k58,70,71&73 Bob
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