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Everything posted by shoepatcher

  1. there is only a couple of types of hydraulic oil. Tractor Supply cares hydraulic oil and we have used it in our clickers. glenn.
  2. These machines will sew #138 all day. You must open up the feed dog hole a little bit. I sewed #138 on mine for years in hockey gear with a #23 needle.. They were the best machine in their class for decades. I now have an DA669 and that is the new generation. Great machine. glenn
  3. Parts for a Consew 229 will work on this machine since the Consew is a copy of this machine. The 168W101 is a post version of the 111W153, 154 or 155. I rebui9lt 4 of these in the 1980'2, early 1990's. glenn
  4. Use the right twist on the left needle. It will work better./ glenn
  5. Send us a few pics of the needle and hook. The busing or housing where the hook goes in could be worn. We need pics to better help you and her. glenn
  6. Pics of the two needs side by side. Also sizes of the two needles? glenn
  7. Should be a tension spring and two screws. The screws should be different from each other. glenn
  8. The dial wheel on top lets you set the high amount of the walk in the feet. Original Adler 467's did not have a dial on top for adjusting the height of the walk. glenn
  9. I would keep the Pfaff1245. I have had two of them. great machines. The 1245 is smoother than a Juki 563 because I have had one of those as well. The 1245 was the smoothest machine in its class vs. Juki Lu-563, Adler 267-373, singer 111, Juki 1508. Yes, the parts are mote expensive but how often do you break parts on the machine? glenn
  10. I agree with Hockeymender. Pfaff is a great machine and very smooth. glenn
  11. No the 268 Adler is a post machine. The 267-273 is the double needle version. The old Minerva plant in the Czech republic is where DA machines are assembled. They have a parts plant in Romania. Germany is the warehouse and world headquarters.
  12. That hook can be salvaged. If not, buy a new one. Hirose are very good aftermarket hooks. glenn
  13. I would take the hook out and buff and polish the hook and then show us some pics. unless the tip is broken off or is gotten short, I normally can be salvaged. glenn
  14. when you install belt, take up lever must be all the way up. The time hook to needle. we need Eric here. glenn
  15. Yes Just like the curved plate that comes with he machine only plate is flat. Feed dog stays in machine. Much better. The flat plate that Bob sells with the machine to me sucks. Plus, this flat plate does not hang over the edge as far. Why Cowboy made this flat plate this way so you have to remove the feed dog makes no since to me. The problem with the holster plate is their is a part on the plate that is raised up. This plate has nothing raised on it. Look at the flat plate for the 205 that Weaver sells. It is just like that plate only it fits the 441. glenn
  16. Definitely sand and polish the feed dog teeth as well as the sides on the top edge of the teeth. Most feed dogs new have sharp teeth and top edges around the teeth. I always remove the feed dog, lightly grind, sand and buff the edges to take the sharpness off. I suggest you do the same. glenn
  17. still looking JJN. thanks for your patience.
  18. Wiz, When you remove the feed dog on the 441 Clone to put the their flat plate on, you have loss 1/3 of your feeding power. In essence, you have a needle and top feed machine. This plate that Beiler's sells lets you leave the feed dog in but with a flat needle plate. Much easier to sew on than the curved plate, believe me. I will not go back to the curved plate on my 205! glenn
  19. No. Find a Testor's paint stick. Looks like a magic marker but it is paint. Used them for years in red to mark oil holes! glenn
  20. Wiz, the part # is 44712 A-22-F Flat throat plate for feed dog, wide slot price $48.00 They sell the genuine Juki 441 as well as a clone No web site. They compete against Weaver. Ask for a catalogue. My hope is you will get a throat plate, use it and put out the word. Bob at Toledo does not carry one if I remember correctly. Beiler's Manufacturing and Supply 3025 Harvest Drive Ronks, PA 17572 717-768-0097 Hope that helps. glenn
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