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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. I've done that lol and never cut a hair, thanks, its better to have em and not need em than to need them and not have them.
  2. I must say you guys are right they are delish on a burger, tried them out last night with a few pickled jalapenos on top for spice. Darn tasty indeed!!!! Thank you for that treat.
  3. Or what ever you want to call em. I made a couple, they aren't much to look at and my camera is weirding out, it took these two blurry pics then said the chip was write protected. The first one i made is the dog eared one, the second one came out better. No dye just feibings golden mink oil. the splotchy-ness will even out as the oil penetrates and they will get a nice tan out in the woods. once i get back I will clean up the pattern, make some minor adjustments and some for different calibers then they will be saleable.
  4. My two cents is this doesn't mean much in terms of helpful info for the average leather craftsman and here's why IMO. We all know that when leather is split it becomes weaker, how much is what this study tries to determine accurately. We also know however that the hide on the back differs from the hide in other areas of the animals body, that's why we use different cuts for specific applications. Its a good study don't get me wrong it does show repeatable results I'm sure. 1. This study while determining the amount of weakness in one specific part of the animals hide does not put any numbers on the other 70/ 80 percent so IMO it cant give good data as not all the hide is tested and compared. So how do we know the results would be the same for the butt as compared to the neck or any other area. 2. do you plan on using calf leather for straps or chrome tan? does leather from a mature animal have similar results? The study doesn't say that either. So with that in mind basically it tells you what you already knew leather gets weaker if it is thinned, but what you don't know is how strong it is to begin with or even why separating the two layers has such an effect. So if you are still asking if two equal layers are the same strength as a thick and a thin layer it doesn't really answer that imo. That would be a whole different experiment.
  5. LOl Its 4 am and My sour casm cant taake it anymore this thread is insanely silly. omg they sell tea candles by the billions at Walmart of all places. Do they come with a keep out of reach of children and college graduates sticker? We may need to call an expert to get through this candle thing. But if your real carful you can put a match to a piece it wont take long to find out. Might want to inform the fire department first though just to be safe . And yes welding gloves still work ,Mine came dyed blue..
  6. I think it depends on what shoes you are wearing, at least that's my understanding. Honestly I have no opinion but I do like the bag and your art work!!!!
  7. lol my friends say i look like a grouse I have tail feathers, i wear it in back while still hunting so critters cant see it or me pulling out another arrow.
  8. i musta missed this, that is some great looking work !! Love archery for sure I use a quiver i modified solely for hunting years ago. i just rebuilt it in leather a couple months ago. it was a bow mounted quiver but now hangs on my belt.
  9. Sounds delish indeed!! The wife has the first batch of pickled beets is in the canner at this moment. 14 quarts in all. oh yea i like my pickled beets. Borsht is not bad by any means either.
  10. beautiful work my friend!! looks like you'll be throwin them over your shoulder till you find that horse.
  11. lol i had to look up beetroot, here they are just called beets. Coincidentally we just pulled all our beets yesterday and the wife will start canning them today. I love beets any way a guy can make em but I've never tried them in burgers that I know of. The wife does add other veggies once in a while and the oldest daughter makes the buns fresh.
  12. ok rawhide is literally raw hide, that means its been fleshed de haired, salted and dried. It has not been tanned. buckskins is a word used to describe tanned deer hides. I will recommend before doing anything else buy the book "deerskins into buckskins" it will tell you everything you need to know about brain tanning and explain everything very clearly. my son and myself tan our hides and bought the book a few years ago it is a godsend. don't listen to anyone else or read anything on the net, just buy the book and follow it. the problem is there are few ways to do things and this book explains each one without confusing the issues.
  13. chuck123wapati

    Ammo pouch

    that is nice work, I'm set to make myself one if a can get the time before I go. I plan on making mine hold ten rounds.
  14. oh yea low and slow lol. Or you could corn it and make some awesome pastrami.
  15. My point was there may be a recipe but "quality" is still somewhat subjective. good luck on your endeavor I'll be interested to hear what others say as well.
  16. Tom is right while there are consistencies in the process that can be determined most of the professional tanners have their own methods, solutions and variations closely guarded so your question wont be as easy to find as you may think it should be. In the end all tanners will say theirs is the highest quality and their process the best therefore the amount of tannins in their leather is correct. The various steps from start to finish all effect the final quality of the leather the amount of tannins is not the only variable in the process. Think of it as cooking, two different chefs given the same ingredients and recipe may both make the same dish but each will have its own flavor and texture differences due to their own personal choices and knowledge base.
  17. Buy a book of find an eBook on tanning leather its not rocket science veg tanning is thousands of years old. Tannins are used for vegetable tanning that's why they are in the hides and is the main ingredient in the process they literally soak the hides for months in the solution( made from woods high in tannins ,Oak for one,. how much is left in the leather depends on the strength they used and how much they rinsed out after the hides were done, if I remember right its the ph they worry most about. But all veg tanned hides have tannins. if you sealed the leather then used tea the black probably will rub off or bleed. The iron in the vinegaroon reacts to tannin you can put tea on wood and it too will turn black in fact it is used as a stain for wood as well as leather. The roon can be put directly on oak for example as it has mucho tannins.
  18. dang those look awesome, my smoker is an old freezer maybe this year i will make some summer sausages again.
  19. ask and someone on the site may make you one. i would offer but i am 10 days away from Elk season.
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