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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. thank you Stewart i appreciate that
  2. thank you. yea i only take what i need from the wild I don't kill stuff just for fun or to line my wallet but if they are in town i make sure they don't hit a kid or dog then i use them. thanks Hags yea crappie is a step up or more wish we had them here. We are going crawdading tomorrow lol cant wait.
  3. heck yea!
  4. thank you I appreciate that it takes a little work but adds a special touch i think. thanks friend! Thank you i have some more blades to finish up too. I like doing inlays but they take some thinking sometimes. Thank you!! They will be going to Alaska. Thank you!! Me too!! thank you.
  5. elk tonight my friend! thank you ! Thanks i am very partial to elk antler it feels so nice in the hand.
  6. thank you my reptiles are locally sourced lol, and delicious too btw.
  7. Those are nice, really nice, perfect amount of bling IMO.
  8. special order, two knives and sheaths that say Wyoming. If rattler and elk doesn't say Wyoming i dont know what does. lol All hand made the sheaths are rattlesnake, Bison brown dye. Man its hard to photo shiny blades lol.
  9. here local food banks get the outdated foods of course the businesses get a nice tax deduction and a write off so they aren't ever hurt. They aren't really being honestly generous or committed to helping the needy they really do it for the write off.
  10. here their latest trick is to use the same size containers but lessen the amount. A 16 oz bag or box just like always but with the new 12 oz size written very small.
  11. yes put money on good drill bits. they keep your drill from dying an early death, and make cleaner holes.
  12. I've looked at this a dozen times and cant find a suitable expression. . everything about it is exceptional, well thought out and really purdy!!!
  13. world economic forum! They are real and they are doing this on purpose. Stopping fertilizer usage in all countries as we speak.
  14. yes you can get a much cheaper and smaller bench size press. and he has a jig that is marked off at the right distances he drills then moves the leathers up to the next mark. you can also use it for other things like burnishing and sanding
  15. beautiful work! on all of them
  16. i dont but i'll look around. you can also just mark them and drill them too, a jig just makes it a little faster.
  17. holy cow!! i cant even see that small. Should i kick a hornets nest and ask the machine gurus what machine i can buy that will do this and also sew 10 oz leather holsters lol.
  18. i don't have issue with selling low grade leather if you are honest about it. My biggest issue and i wont give folks a second chance is selling low grade leather for higher grade leather. If you say its b grade for example it better be. This is something that is done frequently i feel by some companies either because they don't want to hassle with sending crap back to their supplier or some times intentionally. Last thing i want to hear is if you don't like it just send it back. I wont waste any more of my time to send it back so the seller can pawn it off again to some unknowing schmuck. But i will leave the review and not buy again and i have mentioned it on this forum as well as anyone willing to listen. My true to life example , i ordered leather that was advertised mid grade which should be something along low b or c i under stood there would be bad spots, bug bites and a brand no big deal i knew there would be waste but what i received was d grade or even worse, leather that was mostly waste, the grain side almost totally shredded by some machine during the tanning process. the damn thing shouldn't have even left the tannery. Herman oak to boot! For your own good don't ruin your reputation or the tanneries rep by passing that crap on.
  19. i saw fresh free range eggs here today 8 bucks a dozen that's freekin crazy. we have been stalking our pantry with canned foods for the last two years have two 20 lb buckets of powdered eggs i'm thinking we will be using them pretty soon. i'm sure we would love her too we would feed her all kinds of goodies. That's why you didn't buy a pig in poke too lol.
  20. i make my buckle holes the same size as the buckle prong, the prong tip just fits in the hole in the punch. If i were having your trouble i would try drilling them with a small bench top drill press and i would make a jig with a prong size pin in it so i could mark and drill the first hole , move the first hole onto the pin and the drill would line up with where the next hole should be. drill and move drill and move. But i would first try it with my punch in the press instead of a drill bit.
  21. Its friggin awesome!!!! That has to weigh a few pounds though lol. I would gladly tote it around.
  22. i like this one too. how big is this one it looks tiny.
  23. that would depend on what you want it to look like when done. You can use about any kind of leather on it depending on the desired out come.
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