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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. i love good food too!!! Tonight its cheese burgers in paradise. lol Cooked on the grill of course. Then an awesome fireworks show.
  2. most folks don't have that much imagination, those are beautiful.
  3. lol that rocks my friend those who think different have a real mental problem, seems they have gotten their way on FB so long it has created some personality problems. people like that wouldn't say it to your face let alone look you in eye when they did. But no more negativity lowering myself to their standard is not in my playbook.
  4. i am sorry to hear also and wish you all the best. All i can do is say a prayer for you and yours! God bless you friend.
  5. I don't see them unless i intentionally go look for them I have no idea what the problems is?
  6. its really called a Clematis its isn't real fragrant but they are very fragile and only last a couple of days.
  7. well there ya go! let us know how it goes i wouldn't mind a nice cheek rest on my M1.
  8. i dont think so at least the stuff i buy wont ., i think it is chrome tanned. But you can always cut off a small chunk and test it.
  9. i've called these cleopateris so long i forgot the real name lol. My mom grew these at her house and i took one a long time ago.
  10. that's what i was thinking, get an old iron and a couple of files wouldn't take an hour to make.
  11. thats cool !! used a round brass tack and a slice of deer horn under it to hide a screw up in a sheath i made once. I clinched the end and it has held for years but is kinda wobbly, i could have used this idea for sure.
  12. you did a great job and a very worthwhile project!
  13. so then you trace your pattern on the grain side ?
  14. those look great !! are they adjustable in length?
  15. thats a great design!!! Happy 4th to all!!
  16. it looks pretty handy to me.
  17. if you like it that what counts, I like some bling too lol I make my own.
  18. what was that blade you sent me? It rocks !!
  19. your paying for more bling than function there IMO, Frodo sent me a really awesome little Japanese blade that only cost a few bucks. i think expensive steel has its place for sure but i doubt it would be cost effective to sell with so much cheaper competition. Most folks start on the cheap as a hobby and by the time they decide to make it permanent already have the cheaper tools bought.
  20. shoulda guessed you would have one lol.
  21. i just got this great brain fart, cut the end off of an exacto knife and install it on a custom handle that actually fits your hand.
  22. also i think that the youtube videos are taking their share of people who would use forums or stay on the forum. I've seen it here many times, someone will join the forum spend about a month asking questions , getting good free info then next thing you see is a video by them to sell their Esty store front. Don't get me wrong i use youtube for info as well for subjects i need, its a great learning tool but we all need to realize if the info can be had for free and no discussion or joining a forum then a lot of folks go that direction. Heck at least weekly some one here posts a video, that means someone else doesn't have to join the forum just that simple, they just follow the youtuber of choice. Many on here have numerous videos so why use conversation when you can watch.
  23. i found this too with his links to some of the products. Good luck friend!!! https://www.rmleathersupply.com/pages/bob-park-method-of-burnishing-edge-finishing
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