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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. the pattern repeats and you have it all in that pic the final is all you need now.
  2. i think its the same pattern but the original is much better done. The copy has been carved to thin to add the camo tooling and more background shows. the original has almost zero background and fills the whole strap.
  3. Well double dang your right and the design is thicker, takes up more space on the strap
  4. oops posted someone elses work instead of my own but it is a nice style and work all credit to Patrick Slivka
  5. a pancake style doesn't need a strap tension holds the knife in place.
  6. i think a guy could enlarge those pictures and get a good design, but dang i just spent 20 minutes lookin at cool hats!!
  7. very nice rig, i like that wide lacing you don't see it often enough anymore and that shooter makes a sweet little package for a crossdraw.
  8. that is nice, tell us about the forming and how did you sew the bottom.
  9. with out seeing any pictures its hard to say but i would start with saddle soap. read and follow the directions.
  10. Not food or flowers but purdy just the same, the hummers are here lol about 8 or them. little buggers fight like the dickens
  11. Thank you both very much!!
  12. i use the little jars, my paasche came with one but i bought a few more they hold a few ounces bought a few so i can leave my dyes in them similar to these. https://www.amazon.com/Master-Airbrush-Dual-Action-Airbrushing-Accessories/dp/B00BTAHEIQ/ref=sr_1_4_sspa?keywords=airbrush+jars&qid=1660482256&sr=8-4-spons&psc=1&smid=A23ADOZFIJNPFB&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUFNQ1dSVU43QkZPSU8mZW5jcnlwdGVkSWQ9QTAwMzQ1MzMxNE5JNEk2T1NSV1ZTJmVuY3J5cHRlZEFkSWQ9QTAyMzM0NTQ1UzA3OU1ORFhPMUgmd2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGYmYWN0aW9uPWNsaWNrUmVkaXJlY3QmZG9Ob3RMb2dDbGljaz10cnVl
  13. i bought this compressor its awesome and quiet threw my lil air brush compressor in the closet, i think.https://www.harborfreight.com/air-tools-compressors/air-compressors-tanks/air-compressors/1-gallon-135-psi-ultra-quiet-hand-carry-jobsite-air-compressor-64592.html
  14. i remembered a picture in my deerskin to buckskin book, it is a purse made from the lower leg hide of an elk with the hair on, very short hair. I have been wondering what to do with them now i know lol I will be making a holster or holsters lol. Your video rocks friend!!
  15. if i used any it would quilt batting material i use it for slings it works well as it wont break down over time like foam does.
  16. cool site with some info. Talks a bit about the morino wool your looking at. I look forward to your project. https://www.baizewoolfabrics.co.uk/product-insights/gun-case-lining-material-for-repair-or-restoration/
  17. http://mexicanwolfeis.org/about/range/
  18. the company is still in business you may have to contact them. very cool company and hand made cars. Good luck!!! ONe badass car!! https://www.supercars.net/blog/1968-intermeccanica-italia-spyder/
  19. lol if i did it would be a simple sleeve type 4 oz leather about 10 " inches or so longer than the gun with a simple leather tie, handle right at the balance point of the rifle. Bison brown with some mottling to look old. Not that it thought much about it lol.
  20. man you have a way with your colors, that is awesome!
  21. wow those are pretty indeed.
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