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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. A good start! here's my two cents. As an old guy you were hard to hear in the beginning, speak up a bit. A hearing impaired plus is you didn't talk and play music together at the same time. I noticed you referenced using a ball point pen in tracing without talking about backing the tracing paper your using, a beginner would print something off on copy paper then sooner or later rip through it and ruin his leather with ink marks. that's the only thing i saw that i would change. I do think the first step is deciding what you are trying to accomplish. education or advertising if education then who? beginners or more learned folks. If you are selling yourself then nice music and some of your awesome tooling, sewing all the cool stuff. with maybe some wording that describes what exactly you do differently. Leave out the tape section put in some more hand tooling work that pushes your skills. if educational then you have a lot more thinking to do comparatively. Making a purse Imo should start with pattern and leather selection with maybe some discussion on leather types and such whys and whatfors. then on to cutting out again why you cut your pieces the size you do, where you cut them from etc. tools you use for each sequence. Then on to your casing and tracing etc. again whys and how's, tool list, what a craft aid is, different methods. Any way i'm sure your getting the drift of my comment each segment should have a common denominator of how you do each step so as folks watch they get used to your methods, for example a quick tool list at the beginning, a quick rundown of what its about and then just right into the work. A guy can literally spend hours just perusing the youtubes on leather work let alone watching them i think a series would work well for keeping your audience. All the comments on this thread are great i hope i have added some food for thought also. i sincerely wish you all the Good luck !!!!! My last thought if you decide on educational videos for beginers find a friend who doesn't know s*#t about leather work and let him make something using only your videos. it will become apparent really fast what you need to work on.
  2. i usually use my round knife in open air for cutting the larger pieces, i found leather cuts much easier if its not laying flat on something. i use an old kitchen cutting board and a different knife for anything laying on the table
  3. you nailed it! one of the best i have ever seen for sure.
  4. that's really cool tell us how its sealed, leather weight ,forming please. Exceptional work!!
  5. revolvers work! both patterns are very good My 44 needs one or two of those lol.
  6. good luck friend!!! let us know how it turns out.
  7. very cool block dying would look good too.
  8. its more like a hip bag worn in front, multiple layers of pockets for your weapons with a thin belt, the round part on lower right is for the knife or sword.
  9. google ottoman weapons belt you can get a load of pictures of them.
  10. if you can find the country it is from and about the century it was made then i'm sure there are illustrations somewhere. Pretty easy to make a pattern then i do it all the time for my holsters. looks like some basic conchoes and some lacing , a little tooling pattern on about 4 oz or so.
  11. You rock man anyone that makes their own patterns plus pull them of as nice as you did is a true leather craftsman. IMO
  12. I like it!! i made mine from stainless all thread but its a smaller version. Making the tools is half the fun.
  13. must be something to do with our super secret and noticeably unique moniker. lol. i have no doubt its being worked on.
  14. I'm thinking maybe just antique wiped off real quick on the high spots.
  15. if i click on the link you posted i get the error code. if i click on my topic you posted i can read it.
  16. i get this error code when tryin to get into it from past comments. We could not locate the item you are trying to view. Error code: 2F176/1
  17. the forum subsection "critic my work "has disappeared?
  18. chuck123wapati

    Art ?????

    you can go cheap and make your self a few background tools pretty easy if your handy. stainless bolts, a file or two and a drill made these. i also made my lifters and modeling tool from stainless allthread a couple brass nuts and something for a handle i used leather washers .
  19. That rocks my friend. did you tool it flat then form it ? the work is very crisp.
  20. chuck123wapati

    Art ?????

    those are really nice! i too like the shapes. for a more three dimensional look bevel deeper, add some background then use a modeling tool to add shape to the image and a lifter to add depth in places like the wolfs mouth,
  21. Thats why i haven't trimmed the main roller shaft yet lol. was actually thinking about a hand crank. it would be easy to power it I have a one stall garage lol, i spend most of my time moving the few tools i have back and forth lol, wood working, knife making, welding and auto repair take turns. I'm afraid at my age a lathe and mill are just dreams for me, but i can do some small stuff on my wood lathe, made ferules out of 45 shells the other day for some hand tools.
  22. awesome indeed , ditto on the gravy.
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