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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. here is the way to do it from the best. this thread is still open.
  2. this is a faux leather bracelet too. I agree if it is real veg tan leather then what Fred and Matt said.
  3. the picture isn't clear enough to tell if its even leather on the inside. Maybe a faux leather product with a "genuine leather" outer piece.
  4. all i see you need is a good quality edger, a belt sander and a burnishing stick. i have seen the refillable felt pens online. https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Felt-Tip-Pens-Pen-Refillable-Refillable_60825135024.html?spm=a2700.7724857.topad_classic.d_image.2c504fa9YmEXa8 https://www.amazon.com/Molotow-Empty-Marker-Chisel-729-100/dp/B0148VCT4Q/ref=sr_1_3?crid=YZH3TZTT112A&keywords=refillable%2Bfelt%2Btip%2Bpen&qid=1656331187&sprefix=refillable%2Bfelt%2Btip%2Bpens%2Caps%2C182&sr=8-3&th=1
  5. Man that is a lot of work, it looks great.
  6. Those are awesome work, they look great !!! Is there going to be a matching belt?
  7. lol. 50 + bucks for one of those? no wonder you want to make your own. get a few pieces of paper and practice your origami skills. You can come up with your own pattern in minutes.
  8. you've posted 140 times since joining and haven't posted since March except to bitch a little about others on this thread? what gives friend?
  9. besides it being the first weekend of summer and most folks on vacation i guess that could be part of it. why don't you post something? That's how this works.
  10. i wonder, wouldn't it be faster and easier to finish the tongue end of the belt then all you would have to do is cut the belt to length and finish the buckle end ? I don't know but am asking if it would be inappropriate to cut the stitching at the buckle end?
  11. nice work and welcome to the club. lets see some of that leather and steel this aint no union shop lol.
  12. We have ring neck Doves they are about four times the size but they too build the little stick nests. They look crazy setting on that little pile of twigs lol. They are so tame we can get within a few feet of them they are right over our lawn chairs.
  13. You did an excellent job. Those are beautiful definitely will be cherished for years.
  14. Yes they do, my whole yard smells of them, they are in full bloom and there are hundreds it seems. i go out in the early morn to sit and have coffee in the quiet, all i hear are two doves cooing that made a nest in my lilac bush.
  15. beautiful, i like the way it hangs back and cants. like the one john Wayne wore.
  16. i made mine out of hardwood. they aren't hard to make
  17. chuck123wapati


    beautiful work as always Stew and best regards and improving health for your wife. Your work always makes my day!!
  18. Those look great i am still trying to figure them out. I always seem to overwork them.
  19. https://osborneleathertools.com/product/skife-925/ https://www.springfieldleather.com/Osborn-130-French-Edge-Beveler-2
  20. My wife and I dug these wild roses from the mountains and transplanted them years ago. These are the wild roses AL Stohlman carved in many of his designs It sure is hard to think something so delicate could be copied in leather. I take a lot of photos for reference material.
  21. i like that hat too. What type of leather is it made from?
  22. so me being my always questioning self looked at the msds for evapo rust. it uses a chelating ingredient but doesn't say exactly what. so i looked up the definition of chelating. Guess what both vinegar and lemon juice are chelators lol. Reminds of the time i was trying to make my IT tech realize his five dollar an ounce cd cleaner was nothing but isopropyl alcohol. yea i prolly wont waste the money now that i think about it.
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