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Everything posted by DwightT

  1. Beautiful work. The feather detail is awesome. My hands start to cramp just thinking about how long that must have taken. /dwight
  2. Fantastic looking apron. I know a couple farriers around here that would love to have an apron like that. /dwight
  3. Looks pretty good to me. I don't really know much about laser cutters, but can't you just have it do multiple passes to complete the cuts? /dwight
  4. Thanks. I was just a little concerned because when I got this air brush it was totally clogged and I don't want to go through de-gunking it again. It belonged to my wife's late husband and sat in the garage for many years and no clue what went through it then. /dwight
  5. What they said. I just picked up a box of 100 7-mil gloves at my local auto supply shop (O'Reilly Auto Parts in my case) for about $30. Harbor Freight has them for a couple bucks less, but the auto shop is closer to home. /dwight
  6. FWIW: I've used Super Shene over Fiebings Pro Dye without noticing any problems. Question for @chuck123wapati on the M&G or other floor wax products: any concerns with using an air brush to apply it? The only thing I could think of would be that it might clog the nozzle but I would think that if I clean it thoroughly it would be OK. /dwight
  7. FWIW: You can also use an arbor press for the same results. You just might have to be a bit creative in getting your chisel mounted in the ram. You can get a sufficient press from Amazon or Harbor Freight for $50-$70. /dwight
  8. I think it looks fantastic. Yes, you probably should have stitched all the way around, but that's a minor thing. Since you did cut the groove all the way around, you could probably go back and add the rest of the stitching if you were so inclined. In all this gives me some ideas for some wallets for my kids. If you don't mind my asking, where did you get the clip from? /dwight
  9. Thanks. My late wife loved roses, so I've kind of adopted that as my goto when I don't know what else to do. As for the weight, I went out to my junk bin in the garage and pulled out a bunch of old nuts and bolts. After 40+ years of collecting that stuff it was good to finally use some of it for something. Thanks. Time to get to it. I kept putting it on the back burner too, but I finally got tired of chasing my projects around the slab. Time to just get er done. /dwight
  10. Some time back somebody posted some photos of some tooling weights that he had done. I liked the idea of having something to keep my projects from sliding around on the slab while I'm walking the beveler or shader, so I decided to make myself one. Plus it would give me an opportunity to do some wet molding (something I don't have much experience with), along with a chance to try out the air-brush that I got a while back. I still need to work on my molding technique (and associated stitching), but for something that will just live on my workbench, I'm happy with it. /dwight
  11. Looks pretty awesome for somebody just starting out. He's off to a great start. /dwight
  12. I've used that glazed pigskin from Tandy on a few projects, and I've never noticed any significant odor. Maybe it will dissipate with time, but I still think you should take it back and exchange it.
  13. That's some beautiful work. /dwight
  14. Beautiful holster. I especially like the way that you brought the belt loop leather around to taper out in front. That is a really classy look. /dwight
  15. That's a beautiful little sheath, and I love the way your mark is incorporated into the carving. I keep saying that I need to get myself a makers mark, and after seeing how yours works I'm thinking I'll have to come up with a round design also. /dwight
  16. A long time ago when I was first starting my grandfather showed me a technique where on the last stitch he would push the needles into the last hole on each side, but come out between the layers. He would then tie a knot that was pulled tight between the layers, add a dab of glue as has been mentioned, and cut off the loose ends. He wound up with a slight bump in the leather from the knot, but otherwise it looked OK. I tried it a couple times, but I never could get the knot to hold tight enough, so I just went back to backstitching. The doubled-up stitches didn't bother me (just seems like the way it should be in my mind) and it seems to hold better. /dwight
  17. When that happens, I usually blame my wife. She comes in and cleans up after me and I can never find anything. /dwight
  18. I was thinking about this the other day. How about gluing or stitching a strip of leather to the inside to act as a ledge? Might have to do two layers to catch the candle depending on the slope of the sides, but it seems to me that would work. /dwight
  19. Thanks. It's lined with glazed pigskin. I think it is smooth enough to not scratch the lens. Thanks. I got tired of having to go back and find them so I cam up with this. The leather seems to be stiff enough to protect my glasses from crushing, and the flap keeps them from falling out. I can't say the clip won't scrape my belt though and it doesn't really hold as secretly as i would like, so one of the changes I would make next time would be to use a belt loop with a snap instead. But again it seems too work well enough for now. /dwight
  20. Since I only need my glasses for reading, whenever I'm wearing a shirt with no pockets I was constantly leaving my glasses in the other room. I finally broke down and made myself a case that I can clip to my belt when necessary. There are a few things that I'll do differently if I ever do another one, but on the whole I like it. /dwight
  21. Just this 1-ton from Vevor: https://www.vevor.com/arbor-press-c_10103/arbor-press-1-ton-lever-bench-mountable-bearings-cast-iron-manual-desktop-p_010988468116 I have an adapter that lets me use stamps such as my letters and some 3D stamps in it, but like I said having an adjustable fence would be a big improvement.
  22. @chuck123wapati FWIW I think you sent that pattern to me when I was looking to make a holster for my Taurus. I wound up using the one from @JLSleather though, but yours and Jeff's were similar (at least to my untrained eye).
  23. Love it. I've often thought that having an adjustable fence would make my press much more usable, especially for doing border stamping. I may have to see if I can get access to a 3D printer.
  24. Really nice. I particularly like the coloring and border on the first holster. Something in that just really appeals to me.
  25. Thanks. I'm originally from Idaho Falls, but I currently live in Meridian. Thanks. My goal was to have just enough pockets for the basic cards. Makes it more comfortable to carry in my front pocket instead of sitting on it when I'm in a road trip. Thanks.
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