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olds cool

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Everything posted by olds cool

  1. I saw the Styrofoam forms at Party City this week. I think they were selling them to hold Halloween wigs. I didn't pick them up to examine the quality though.
  2. Dwight, that is too cool. I've been thinking about how to do something along these lines but wasn't sure how exactly to accomplish it. The flat stock was the missing link. Thanks so much for sharing it, ugly or not. That's $50 I won't have to spend on a punch now.
  3. Reminds me of one of the pictures they put in Highlights magazine where you have to find all the hidden objects. Very cool. I wish I was able to pull off designs like this
  4. Poly cutting board, genius! I may have to give this a try.
  5. While we're on the subject.... What is the most commonly used size for the belt slots on holsters? I've been doing mine between 1.25-1.5" simply because it fits my personal belt. I too have been shopping around for a punch because I'm tired of doing them with a hole punch and a straight edge.
  6. Based on the intended use, I would say leave it unlined. You're already going to be standing next to a hot forge. Do you really want to add another layer of warmth to the vest? I know I hate wearing my unlined leather welding jacket in the summer because it's so hot. I only wear it for a few minutes at a time for hobby welding. I can't imagine it being lined and that much warmer and wearing it for an extended period of time.
  7. Simple & clean. Not a darn thing wrong with that.
  8. I fink it's pretty good but the U gets a bit lost in the D. I'm assuming that you use your computer to come up with patterns so I would recommend downloading the Fink fonts. The paid version can be found here, but I've found them for free in other places a few years back. Just takes a little searching.
  9. Ya know, carving good is one thing (and you nailed it here) but people who can then master a paintbrush on top of it.... Well I hate them. It's just pure jealousy though. I pick up a paint brush and no matter what it looks like in my head, it always comes out like . You did real nice Jimbob. It's outstanding work.
  10. I like it. The tooling at the top really sets it apart form every other vest out there
  11. I like them all but the middle is my favorite. Which tool makes that border around the middle section? I keep forgetting to ask when I see someone use it.
  12. I've seen this on a few other sites but I don't mind seeing it again a few more times. It's beautiful work and never gets old.
  13. Now there's a piece I've never seen done before. Really nice job on the tooling.
  14. I use transparency film in my inkjet. Make sure you print it in such a way that the ink is not facing the leather when you are tracing. I've had rub off doing it the other way, which I sure could be useful in some manner but not when laying out a carving pattern. I haven't done it in a while but I think I had to print a mirror image.
  15. Very cool. Wish I had a car that was worth some custom leather panels.
  16. I really like how the blue contrasts with the brown. I think I'll save that pic as a later reminder. I've been wanting to do a filigree belt for myself. I have the blank but can't seem to find a pattern that suits me. I'm just not a flowery type of guy so Sheridan style won't cut it.
  17. Havent done it myself yet but I would think a set of small diamond bits and a dremel would be your friend
  18. I second that, the bottom stitching is my favorite part too.
  19. Beautiful work. Love the coloring. The white snake skin compliments it really well.
  20. Looks great. Can't imagine how much time it took. I wonder if I'll ever have the patience it takes to do such a large piece of work?
  21. You've got a good idea there. I was a scout when I was younger and I remember leatherwork the most. Probably why I do it today. Now as an adult I've become a leader and after telling one of my scouts about my hobby and showing him some work, he couldn't wait to share every piece he did at camp. None of his pieces were even worthy of the scrap bin for most of the folks here but he was grinning from ear to ear and I was sure to share in his enthusiasm for the craft. I hope that some day he decides to take it up as a hobby and will look back and remember me the same way I remember the counselors that got me started many years ago. At that age, it doesn't matter if it's perfectly cut, if it's the best leather out there, or if it's stitched straight. What matters is that they made something useful with their own hands...a skill that seems to be lost on most of todays society.
  22. Nice seat and nice bike too. Any info you can pass on about the builder? Do they have a site or anything. I'd like to see more.
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