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Everything posted by Northmount

  1. You could try different pipe sizes from your local home center. PVC or ABS pipe is not all that expensive. Pipe is usually measured by inside diameter so take a tape measure or rule with you so you can get the size you really want. Once you buy a lathe, you also need a set of lathe tools. A cheap set starts around $100. You also need a place to put it. Then to learn how to use it. You can make a lot of shavings or firewood in a short time.
  2. Very interesting video. A couple little gaffs that always seem to happen when you are putting something like this together: email sketches home in 1944 "narriation" I found it interesting that Al and Ann spent many years in Canada!
  3. See this link for a speed reducer http://www.leightons.ca/new-speed-reducer.html
  4. My daughter used a permanent felt marker on formica ... I found that scrubbing it with tooth paste (the good old white stuff with some abrasive in it) removed the marker. Seems there is fairly strong bleach in it. The abrasive is very fine, so helps as well. Coarse abrasive will remove the shiny surface and pattern. Polish it like you would your best silver. Carefully, a bit at a time.
  5. Use the tools. As others have ssaid, they are likely better than today's. I bought my first tools in 1960 when I was in grade 9. Couldn't afford the kit so had to be very selective about what I bought. I still have patterns from then, some of the same ones as in your photos. Every 10 years or so I have decided to make something and added a few tools along the way. A few years ago I was in a pawn shop and there was a tandy tool box like a fishing tackle box. It was loaded with saddle stamps, a few swivel knives and a few other odds and ends. There were about 70 stamps. Bought the whole batch for $125. Found many of the stamps are duplicates. It was probably from a school that included leatherwork in industrial arts and has now dropped it like too many schools have. Anyhow it was a good deal for me. Might run a couple mini classes for my grandkids since there are multiples of the basic tools. Now that I'm retiring in a few months, I expect to get back to more serious work. (Did 3 protfolios for my kids for Christmas 2010. Didn't know if I could get them done in time to start with, but did beat the clock.)
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