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Everything posted by KAYAK45

  1. Part of this post "dissapeared! Where did it go? I know I got a response on the type of metal used for reinforcement. Where did it go? Anyway.... Thanks for the type of metal. Could you, please, be more specific about the gauge/thickness/measurement you use for a stiffener? Kevin PS: Where the hell is the spell check on here?
  2. OK! SO I'M WRONG. Not the first time. Sorry to affend. Kevin where is the spell check?
  3. If you are putting them on E-Bay you will find out what they are worth! It's an auction! Just let us all know, when, and what the listing name is..and you will find the value! What is the purpose of knowing the value before the auction? To manipulate the auction? To set minimum's? To get bids here? Just list them here to start with. NO FEE-BAY! Just a thought. Kevin PS: Can we set up an auction section here? PPS: Where the hell is the spell check?
  4. Thanks Joel: I just bought...190 Sq. ft ...of various thickness to try. Also viewed several facebook posts. That, with you input, will cut my research time and cost down considerably. Kevin
  5. So lets see the results of all this discussion: We (THE FORUM) needs a Pinned training course on sewing A. In General, cloth and canvas and leather and..and. B. Leather sewing specific C. Sewing Machines and operations. (Choosing is well covered) All Signature and Sponsoring suppliers to Contribute. All in one place. No Kybitzing or opinions from others, remarks can be made in another post and addressed by a Sponsor. Be general, but go ahead and BOOST your machine and service. NO derogitory remarks, not backed by fact. Kevin PS: Where the hell is the spell check on this thing?
  6. Hey Monkfinch, why not make some! Whatyathink! You could corner the whole market. I'd buy one for say.. half it's value. Kevin LOL
  7. IF.. you find them, please post, I need one also. Kevin
  8. Kevin, EVEN.. IF.. YOUR Cowboy turns out to be a little heavy, don't sweat it. You could p/u an old singer..say..31-15.. for a couple hundred and leave it set up for #69 all the time. (Actually can use up to a #23 and 138 thread/needle) I started with the Singer and then got the bigger steel and couldn't be happier having the "light weight" set up and ready to go anytime. I even added a "middle" singer walking foot 111W155. Can (dose) use #24 needle and #138/207 thread. Kevin
  9. Sllooowww wwaayyy ddoowwnn! Use your machine as if you're doing ONE STITCH AT A TIME. When turning make sure you let your needle rise a little off bottom dead center to catch hook. Slow down, stop and do it. That will help keep you from skipping stitches. Make sure you have LOTS of light on your work. Slow down. Remember to take your foot off the pedal whenever something doesn't look perfect. One stitch at a time with a machine is still a lot faster than hand sewing. Practice with scrap leather or cardboard until you get it right. You'll get it! Good stitches. Kevin
  10. Lets see Rick. You going to set up a a full course. Start with needle and thread choices? Suppliers? Next machines for different needs? Wallets, gloves. boots, belts, holsters and let's see bags and maybe saddles? Machine choices, including accessories, guides and plates? Ancient Singers to say 441 clones. Needles for all needs to match threads. TRUST ME I THINK IT'S A GREAT IDEA! Written criteria and a lesson plan would be great. Objectives. plans and decisive outputs would be good. Step by step plans to achieve the goals, really nice. Includes daily plans for day one, two etc. Materials and take-home patterns a real plus! Home study guides and exercises would be nice. Output and achievments, necessary! Maybe a DIPLOMA? Travel expenses VS. value a true question. Good idea! Do it. Kevin
  11. No barell is really "frozen in place". They just need COAXING. First try soaking for a couple days in diesel fuel/Karosean. Try WD 40, Then GUNSLICK. All else fails then heat from a blow-torch. Gotta get tough love here, somehow! You will/can free anything with the right mindset. Or..buy some other swivel knives on E-Bay and adjust as necessary. Your choice. Kevin PS: I've got a few xtra swival knives I'll send you one to try. PM Me
  12. Great looking tools, as always! Use my Beary Mauls every day, though sometimes it's only to close the glue lid. (whince)..Glad I have my two and hope the new shop works out with your back problem. Good luck! Kevin
  13. Another good thing to have around with edgers is a sharpening system. My first set of edgers was from Weavers and I got all the sizes. Glad I did. BUT! The sharpening board I got at the same time, I won't give up! Get it, no matter what edgers you use. Yes, I could use twine and rouge, or make my own. Why reinvent a really good wheel. Knut also is very correct, one brand #2 = somebody else' #3. Barry King tools are superb, I have a couple. I am going to get more when the ship comes in, later this spring, I think. LOL Kevin
  14. Gotta keep this alive. What did you use for metal liner? What metal? Great holster,Great look.
  15. Needle are that not expensive, when advancing the art is the objective. Go ahead, I need a quote for prosterity!
  16. Thanks JR. I have 792x xxx needles on my Cowboy. And i like 346 thread. I like the answer cause it'w want I want to do. PS: Like you sub signature. Only problem when it grows back, is the scab line. Have to cut that off. Kevin
  17. Hi Bruce. I grew up competing with bill and Paul horn, Dale Wilkerson, Bob Loomis Etc.

    Love to tqlk about that era.

  18. Great answer, I had hoped you'd jump in. So.. I need all three tools, again OH NO NOT NEW TOOLS! I really appreciate the idea on sharp tools. Already have done the !@)(* on going off line. I also like the idea of one tool to start and then add another for the finish. Buy the way, love your stopping picture. Are you going to make hock boots in addition to regular skid boots? LOL. Might influence the Judges! I was one of the founding members in Ohio for the NRHA, way back when. Kevin
  19. I have searched all the above and cannot discern and answer to which system to use. One problem I don't understand is say.. Barry King difference between PUSH BEADER and EDGE BEADER and when they would be better than a BEADER BLADE on my swivel knife. Any input appreciated as I have a need for the LOOK and think I need a new tool! (OH NO NOT THAT). Which one, two or all three? Kevin
  20. I have to agree with steelhawk. Try a different thread. I don't think the thread companies can control dimensions from run/run at a truly precise level. The manuals for machines NEEDLE/THREAD also "fudge" needle sizes and cannot be used as absolutes, they are GUIDES..the craftsman must adjust. To use you current thread, try another needle. You might have actually received say..375..or 382.. or whatever thread. I have had the same situation on different thread on my CB 4500. The needle/thread combination changes. There are no RULES, JUST GUIDES. Try the test of holding your thread at 45 degrees and letting the needle slide down with free flow. If it slides the needle is the correct size, if not change needle size. Kevin
  21. What did you use for the "metal" in the lining? Great looking rig. I want one! Kevin
  22. gee wiz Greg Looks like you need to in the Randall business! I'd buy a rebuilt! Kevin
  23. I've got a couple of the edge tools and they are supurb! Oh hell I still cannto spell. HAHAHALOL
  24. I've got a couple of the edge tools and they are supurb! Oh hell I still cannto spell. HAHAHALOL
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