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Tree Reaper

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Everything posted by Tree Reaper

  1. Daniel; There are smaller bevelers than the 197. Barry King puts a steeper angle on his bevelers which is better than the Tandy tools for small impressions. If the impressions are real small a stamp may suffice. When you can't buy what you want then you can always have it made.
  2. The quality of either will be great. I like the narrow end on Ron's tool, it prevents you from hitting the work surface with the edge of the tool when edging. An edger like the Montana edger will take the edge off your leather for finishing, smaller is better for what you want. The round edger can be used to make a channel used when folding the leather, it will take a deeper cut.
  3. That's a different design, is that yours or was the original similar to this one?
  4. Chief; I just completed my first mexican round braid and used your video to get me started. Thank you for posting that, it made it easy for me and I'm grateful to you for taking the time and making the effort to do that for us. Kevin.
  5. You'll need the leather,buckle and stitching. The leather has to be thin enough to match you watch. You need a a knife, I would suggest an exacto so you can change the blades out and eliminate sharpening. You need a small punch to match the pin in the buckle. An awl and ruler to mark and make your stitching holes. Needles and thread. Some dye to finish it and a sealer to seal the finish. That's pretty basic but will get the job done. Let me know if you have more money to spend, there's always something else to make the job easier.
  6. That looks heavy duty, well done.
  7. Always a chance of it freezing during shipping.
  8. Tree Reaper


    I looked at Barry's site and his bevelers are numbered as opposed to an actual size so I'm not quite sure how the number relates to the actual opening.
  9. Has anyone ever seen a tear drop like stamp similar to an inverted H Stop?
  10. Tree Reaper


    Thanks, I saw that but I'd have to call him, place the order and then get a U.S money order and mail it to him. It would less of an inconvenience to just order on line, use a card or PayPal ...and he'd likely get more business if he made it easier for people to purchase his tools.
  11. Tree Reaper


    It doesn't appear that Ron is set up to buy from on line.
  12. I think you are on the right track here. It looks like they used a resist prior to dying.
  13. Any chance it may have froze, it is freezable.
  14. http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=9&ved=0CGUQFjAI&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsa.gc.ca%2Fpublications%2Fforms-formulaires%2Fb239-eng.pdf&ei=QnO0UoSnL4qU2gWqvoGABQ&usg=AFQjCNEo6lCBmrRGWtFQSt3ySHppqUzR-Q&bvm=bv.58187178,d.b2I&cad=rja Just print the form, fill it out and hand it to them when asked. Make an attempt to comply and you shouldn't have a problem. You can always go into the office to see what the exact requirements are but I don't think you have to list everything like rivets, they just want documentation that the goods are from where you say they were from.
  15. I haven't experienced that. Sometimes I'll get a brownish layer after sealing and I'll just paint over it and reseal. Spraying the sealer usually prevents the brown but it appeared on my last project after spray sealing.
  16. You will most likely have to seal the dyed leather and then paint over it . Another option would be buy your leather pre-dyed.
  17. You can put concho type initials on it with their initials.
  18. It's very doable, I had this made in about an hour. An old mini chuck I had kicking around and never used will now get used.
  19. The last hide I bought was from Springfield Leather, Hermann Oak.
  20. I seem to have a problem with wet veg tanned leather but it's isolated to my hands. I always forget to wear the gloves. It's hard to imagine it would just start bothering you now but it could be. I don't buy leather or anything else from Tandy.
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