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Everything posted by benlilly1

  1. Thanks Fred, I assumed it was this simple but just wanted to be assured. Time to move ahead on this project.
  2. My nephew is wanting to make a belt and I have one of these buckles he likes. I have no instructions for a belt blank. I'm sure it's simple but if anyone has the info please let me know. Thanks
  3. Yep! I didn't see that! He's at his real job in the office!
  4. Very Cool! I have yet to make any kind of strap. I need to get busy!
  5. Oh, that's too bad. A sign of the times I guess.
  6. He had an original but it was just a cheap vinyl one and he wanted a good buckle too. I'm not sure how much he's getting into this type of business. He started taking over for his dad.
  7. I found with mine, I didn't have enough strength to do an impression with stamps/makers mark. So I go out to the garage and use the hydraulic press.
  8. Ha! I will be generous then!
  9. Hi Sam! It's stapled to the pan. Shouldn't be any transfer on the dye. I tan cote and used leather balm for the finish. I'm sure I didn't charge enough but it was a first for this size.
  10. Hi Tom, He isn't a real big guy. It's padding. The original one he has is smaller in length so adding some inches to it. It's hard to get a 4" buckle so when he said he found one, I said to get it! We'll see how this turns out. Thanks for the response!
  11. I've been asked to make a Santa Belt 4" wide and 70" long. Being this is novelty, would it be wrong to use one thickness of leather rather than sewing 2 pieces together? He said he wanted a more quality belt than what he has. He is buying the buckle off of Ebay.
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