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Everything posted by skipj

  1. Saw this on a Make forum, thought it might work in leather. http://tinyurl.com/7xyhvjy Skipj
  2. Thanks for the info. Does this make much of a change in the thickness of the leather? SkipJ
  3. Holster the leather? A new term for me. Could someone explain. Thanks SkipJ
  4. Bad news for those who bought from Artisan before you left :-( SkipJ
  5. Very interesting, I just can't figure how to add a comment. The history of the company is something I hadn't read before. SkipJ
  6. There is quite a lengthy history of the symbol in Wikipedia at: https://secure.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/wiki/Swastika SkipJ
  7. Grizzly have that size for $47.95 plus $75 shipping. I picked one of their plates while I was in Pa a couple of years ago. Boy are they heavy!! SkipJ
  8. Thanks for the explanation, I've never been able to figure them out. SkipJ
  9. Nice job, but Wickenburg is in February not March.
  10. Interesting how many hand made stamps used. You can see the threads of the bolt they were made from. If I could only carve free hand without a pattern like they are! SkipJ
  11. How can I look for recent postings beyond "view new content, as all postings for the last 2 days? Seems I used to be able to do that. Advanced search won't do it for me, wants a subject. Thanks in advance. SkipJ Name: skipj UserName: skipj IP Address: Email Address: haroldcj@comcast.net
  12. I think I mentioned this book before: "Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster". It tells how luxury goods went from quality to mass produced products with the label not the quality bringing a high price. SkipJ
  13. Tandy managers don't seem to last long. The Detroit manager was let go earlier this year. They seem to have a short career span. Wouldn't want to work there. Seen to ship them all over the country also. SkipJ
  14. skipj


    Oops, The Leather Guy not Buffalo guy. Sorry. SkipJ
  15. skipj


    The Buffallo guy sells hides: http://www.theleatherguy.org/BISON-BUFFALO-HIDES-15367.aspx I have no experience with him just always wanted to try. SkipJ
  16. A friend of mine sent this, don't know any thing about it. Looks neat. It may have been posted before and I missed it. SkipJ
  17. I heard a story from someone who does craft shows, she does beadwork. A person with a table next to her's wasn't making many sales in the morning, but, when he doubled his prices after lunch, he sold out. So many perceive quality by price. If it's expensive, it must be good. Unfortunately, this has been taken advantage of by name designers by selling poor quality at premium prices. I read a book, I think may have been recommended here called "Deluxe: How Luxury Lost Its Luster" about that. SkipJ
  18. If someone from the company said the part was faulty, why is it skyblast's fault that it broke when he )?) tried to adjust it? I don't think they were being sarcastic thought. Something being industry standard doesn't mean it's a good part. Perhaps some one could help with the problem. SkipJ
  19. As the old joke goes, a good trade. A really beautiful job. SkipJ
  20. Wow have you been busy. Nice work. SkipJ
  21. Prayers for God's guidance on your decision. That you would clearly see the direction you should take. SkipJ
  22. I've seen a suggestion to use a punch for a tight inside corner. SkipJ
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