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Everything posted by eglideride

  1. Rick54- I like what you said- basically you can afford a machine, Cool. I bought one because I knew I would never sew a rifle sling, belt or guitar strap by hand. No interest in it what so ever. I am not into "production" at all really. I have one because I wanted one. The machine does make it possible to do more things that I do enjoy. Also, I like the "mechanicalness" of the sewing machine...find it fascinating. I will hand sew from time to time..when it makes sense (read, because I have to) Enjoy the adventure! Do purchase from one of the advertising supporters of this forum- Gregspitz is correct- buy the seller! Great way to put it!!...I went with the CB 3200 and Cowboy Bob FWIW...great experience. JLS and Wiz are huge resources (although JLS left Iowa and moved NORTH for some crazy reason, so he is suspect) do a lot of reading on this forum...watch you tube videos...then jump in! But hey- I am just a hobbyist... Best
  2. Well, for me that is 500 miles closer! Adding this on to my list for next year too!
  3. I watched you tube videos about 30 times!!...then went for it...still learning..still scared I will screw something up...so far..knock on wood!
  4. That is my plan Alpha2....see you there...next year!
  5. Elf Hardware is the retail arm of Ohio Travel Bag...according to the OTB website. FWIW
  6. Headed absolutely the wrong direction- more cold and snow? Yuck. You have been informative and always entertaining. Its in yer blood, probably end up making leather fish harnesses, dog sled slings or some such. Good luck. (And share any good Iowa jokes.)
  7. That looks great! (I want to hang with him and his friends....just sayin)
  8. I found an old wood rolling pin for about $3.00 at a junk store. Even has worn, red painted handles....I roll over my work with that. Lean on it pretty hard. Keep it in a drawer so I don't have to explain it every time.
  9. It's times like this that I wish I had the right words. I rarely do... It's not over my friend..it's just going to be different. You have touched many with you humor and generosity. Thank you for that and more. Peace be with you Ray. David
  10. Well, a month ago today my wife and I hit a deer on our Harley at 65 mph. Broad daylight. 12:30 PM.... jumped out or the ditch. We are blessed to have survived. Both banged up pretty good. Me with shattered left wrist. Her stiches, broken nose, eye socket and rib. road rash. we wear helmets...if we didnt, we wouldnt be here. But we are on the mend and hope to be back to near 100 percent in the next 2-3 months. Anyway, do what you can while you can. Don't put your dreams off for "someday"...life can change in an instant! enjoy every minute.... hope to be in your shoes again msdeluca!!!
  11. Youtube- Richard Black tutorial...I haven't tried it. On my list though.
  12. Good call Johnnywalks! That is how I have used it so far. I DO have leather wheel and a couple of other untried options (paper and wool wheels - who knows?) for edge paint. I just put this together recently. Harbor Freight buffer motor- 3400 RPM I believe, with a cast iron stand mounted on 4 x 4's for noise reduction. Spalted maple burnisher turned by a friend of mine. So important question: Johnny Walker Black? Red? you don't mention where you are from...Tennessee? Kentucky...or just a fan?
  13. Unsolicited reply from a hobbyist: > if this is urgent- you don't have time to build a machine prototype that might or might not meet your needs > The machines you listed have factory warranty, support, spare parts availability etc. > the engineering has been done- they work! Proven technology - with many options. > I would focus on your art, your work. I like tinkering and experimenting- but I don't have any deadlines/expectations that "I" haven't set.. Just my opinion.
  14. I am a fan of your work...lets talk when you are ready.
  15. I looked at purchasing one of these. Then I talked to a guy that owns a wood lathe. Showed him a couple of pictures. He had one turned in a couple of days, then he called me and said he did another one. I asked "how much". He took his 6 year old belt off and said " I need a new belt.". DONE! We are both very pleased! ( I looked for a picture or what he did for just now- not finding it, sorry)
  16. Very cool! Looking forward to seeing it finished with tools in it! I like the vertical design! Height and depth??
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