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Everything posted by Django57

  1. Bienvenue, vous avez quelques tanneries fantastiques en France.
  2. Cheers Tom .
  3. No problem it's worth doing your research as they're not cheap good luck .
  4. This an example of a number 9 Blanchard iron if that helps with your choice , it's on a passport wallet
  5. Django57

    Brolly Strap

    Yep you've got it, just to stop the brolly from unravelling , it originally had a bit of velcro to keep it together , you could as you say adapt it with a strap for a shoulder carry but i just wanted something simple that i can throw the strap in my pocket when it's raining as it seems to be every day here in the UK at the moment. The Brolly is one of those Telescopic type so it's in a closed position in the photo .
  6. Django57

    Brolly Strap

    Idea i had for using up your bits of scrap leather .
  7. This might be what your looking for cheap as well could nearly buy left and right handed to see how they feel . UK based . http://www.hewitonline.com/English_Paring_Knife_p/tl-070-pk.htm
  8. Outstanding love it well done on the design .
  9. Cheers zuludog i'll do my best to make it . Sent you a PM
  10. I would be up for that zuludog.
  11. Welcome from another Red Rose'r and a Dave , great site and very informative . (Cod Head) if you know about football you'll know where i live.
  12. It looks good on that side but i have to work harder at getting it neat on the back , i'm still learning there are some lovely examples of Fil Au Chinois stitching check out Huns , and Petewon work on here outstanding . Petewon is very good and will answer your questions also he uses the Rators thread on one of his wallets which is cheaper but not as strong i believe.
  13. This 632 with a Blanchard no9 iron
  14. You'll find some useful info on this website . http://www.fineleatherworking.com/linen-thread
  15. Sold
  16. Added a photo of the thread if it helps .
  17. Pete have you used the Lin Retors again ? if so that is definitely my next purchase quality look you should be very proud of you work .
  18. Good tip on the Olfa i'll look into that, appreciate that info .
  19. I've used Fil Au Chinois 632 as at the moment it's all i have but i intend getting the Retors you recommended thanks by the way for the link to the ebay site . I did punch all the way through and used awl if necessary but i seemed to have drifted of line on the back side no photos as it winds me up too much , i must not be having the pricking iron vertical on every punch more practice i know but as this thread isn't cheap i need to be more careful .
  20. My apologies for hijacking your great post but it does link to the same goat leather stretching it a bit i now .
  21. That's handy being near Le Prevo i bought my first lot of tools from them , i've had a few samples from different places the one i'm going to try is Dickens Bros they have some nice leather and good prices worth a look also quite thin 0.8mm upwards , also when i feel confident i might get some Horween from Clayton , i have bought some Goat hide from Alran but i've struggled with the stitching as it's very pliable and i cant bare to look at my stitching if it's not straight. http://www.dickensbrothers.co.uk/index.php?webpage=standardproducts PS I thought Neumanns was mainly upholstery leather ?
  22. Same here , up in the cold north Lancashire , just wondered where if anywhere in UK you've been sourcing your leather ? they all seem to be based round Northampton , i went to A & A Crack amazing amount of hides of all types worth a look at their website if you haven't already.
  23. Hi i've got part used spool of 0.8 Tiger thread going if anybody's interested , it's the Dark Brown J21 from Abbey , i've only made a few phone cases for friends and family so there must be at least 450m + left on the spool. PM me if anybody is interested for price . Cheers
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