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Everything posted by billybopp

  1. Both really nice! And they go together for a really good looking combo. Bill
  2. I think I'd replace the strap ...carefully ... and put the old one aside. That is one awesome horse .. and an even more awesome heirloom, made all the better by usability!
  3. FIrst and foremost, make sure your awl is sharp, sharper, sharpest. and the leather is well supported. Aside from that, this video is a pretty decent guide ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lCFTDqQaEIc Bill
  4. Here is about the best reference I've seen about sewing machine needles points that I've seen. http://www.campbell-randall.com/wp-content/uploads/SCHMETZ-leather-needles.pdf Hope you find it helpful. Bill
  5. Just tell folks you were hiking in the Himalayas and got frost bite. ... But they think they can save the finger. Bill
  6. Nothin' wrong with that as far as I can see Bob. Awesome!! Bill
  7. With an airbrush, it's dead easy to do. And the only way to get a transition as even and smooth as in your picture. You can get something similar with a barely damp sponge/cloth and build up the darker edge .. but it's harder to do, and nearly impossible to do that well. P.S. Drunk monkeys are a LOT of fun. I used to have a squirrel monkey as a pet. She used to sit on my shoulder and HAD to get a drink of anything that I was drinking. She was particularly fond of tequila sunrises, and terribly entertaining when trying to climb the curtains so that she could sit atop the curtain rod and watch what all was going on. Bill
  8. +1 for single malt. It doesn't stop thinking about leatherwork, but it does make it more enjoyable. Bill
  9. There are many, but inkscape is a pretty decent free program. Bill
  10. If you are having a hard time getting the stitching chisel back out of the leather after punching through, some polishing on the "tines" might be in order. Some of them come pretty rough out of the box. Bill
  11. Chisel tooth (hole) sizes are not all the same. Some are decidedly more "chunky" than others. You will find some information about that here ... http://www.armitageleather.com/shop/4583584113 Download the(free) PDF file found on that page. Hope that helps Bill
  12. Be glad it wasn't a tattoo. You can remake the seat. Bill
  13. The white dye and thread really make for no contrast at all with the white background. You might want to watch out for that. Bill
  14. That looks really awesome! Your daughter is a lucky girl. Bill
  15. I have one of the Tandy ceramic beaders, ... both legs equal and sharp .. and have to say that I really like it. It does not see a LOT of use, but for certain things it's great .. .particularly putting a border around things such as names, etc. Here's one example ... (albeit, upside down) Bill
  16. I can't quite decide whether it looks as if the hands on the book are sewing the card holder, or whether the gator is just attacking the hands! Either way, it looks great! Bill
  17. Pretty sure Ned Flanders has 'em at the Leftorium over at the Springfield Mall. *GRIN* Bill
  18. That looks great! Love the color combo too. Bill
  19. Not getting enough saddle time on horses, Thor? That does look pretty comfy.
  20. I always like to have something with a back on it. Invariably you find yourself bent over working on something for awhile and stress your back. It's really convenient to be able to lean back a little now and then without falling onto the floor. (I reserve falling off of barstools for bars). Bill
  21. Matt ... Any chance you could work a deal with Giardini to send you sampler kits as part of your regular orders with them? It would probably be a minimal addition to your shipping costs .. and NA customers would see far less shipping expense ! .. Even if you charge a small handling fee, it would likely be a good deal for us, and a good sales tool for you. Just a thought. Bill
  22. Looks good. Is that just a thumbprint, struck pretty hard, for the border? Bill
  23. One o' those turkey notebook covers would be totally perfect for anybody trying to read my turkey-scratch handwriting! I love the tracks inside. Beautiful work on both of them, Bob!
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