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Everything posted by Spider

  1. Kimberangel, Look for Dbarleather here. I am looking to order 2 stamps from him.
  2. This sheath is so pretty you could wear it when going to a fancy ball... :D I like it.
  3. Hey Bighearn, I like the buckle idea. That could really come in handy when making belts and even bags if people want to really personalize an item. Really cool way to add to a nice leather piece.
  4. Tae, did you ever solve this problem? Maybe I could help. PM me.
  5. I am going to order 2 from Daryl soon. Still working out the graphics but it should be real soon.
  6. Tom, These helmets are awesome. Like Frog said before, Great for riding. I have horns on my helmet but nothing like this. Very cool.
  7. Hey Eric that is one tough looking Wristband/Watch strap. I really like it. Plain and all it looks solid. Once you have the stucture nailed you can always go back and make some all pretty and stuff....if you want that is. Nice looking piece though.
  8. I definitely want to see this when It's done. Pinups Rock!!!
  9. Spider

    evil dude update

    Great save!!! This looks like it was meant to be now. NICE!!!
  10. Yes this is pretty cool I love your shaping of the seat and the color.
  11. I would not feel right if I did not post to this one. Cool concept. Pretty good for an evening project. The world should be decorated in spiderwebs. lol
  12. No dude that was some Scary dude...lol He made a cool coffin bookmark but it was not me. I can show you how to do the wood texture if you'd like. It's not hard at all. Deep cuts, light wiggly cuts and dots for nails. That's it. Brent,Feel free to use whatever you like. Bookmarks are cool to do. Have fun and post a pic when you're done, K?
  13. Yeah Roo, I do love them. All my skulls share the same outter shape with different faces and decoration. Kinda can be Wicked Coasters. It does seem that Woodie is a favorite. Thank you.
  14. Hey Busted that is cool. Straight pan huh? Nice. I did that for a while... :skull3: Although mine now sinks pretty good on the right bumps or dips.
  15. Those there are some cool handles with metal something stuck to the front. LOL JK. I don't know neither.
  16. This is the latest to the collection. I used nailpolish on the character but still got a bit of bleed. Lemme know what you think. Please check out my photobucket also for some more of my demented stuff. Feel free to ask any questions or make comments also. http://s152.photobucket.com/albums/s184/gs...?albumview=grid
  17. Dude you really have to be proud of this. really good lookin piece.
  18. Hey I'm really diggin on your seat. Thank you for the explanation also.
  19. Wow Drac this one is cool. I take personal pride after seeing this cause I told you you would get better and master this like your "other" talents. Very cool. Look out ArtS, Don't let him whip you!!!....LOL!!! Sorry had to. Drac that is cool bro. I had no idea that you could sell at clubs. That is a great idea.
  20. Hey Guys you are right. I both draw and work my computer. I have done both made illustrations out of scans and just plain drew and scanned. Actually I also sometimes just draw directly on the leather and see what comes out. Just like a tattoo artist has to make a pic tattoo friendly, I've found that we have to do the same thing. Practice is key. I mean I can draw on paper all day long but leather takes different technique cause now we are making it 3D not just to appear 3D. I say learn to draw some simple stuff if you can but even us who draw need to look for existing patterns out there from time to time. Keep learning.
  21. Steve this is very nice. Kinda reminds me of the case that was for a PDA called the Zodiac by Tapwave. Of course yours looks way way better. http://the-gadgeteer.com/assets/brando-zodiac-case3.jpg
  22. Kevin, I've seen the fist thing and striping before but to be able to translate it to leather or stitching is what makes what we do so awesome. You have done a great job of translating the style.
  23. Dude that is nice. If you have an itch again that is cool. Of course, after hanging in this site for a bit that itch will become a rash....LOL sorry....LOL
  24. Man Beeza, this is a tight and comfy lookin seat. Very nice work on it. What bike is it going on?
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