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Everything posted by Spider

  1. Spider

    Practice Piece

    Thank you Luke. I will pick some up when I go this weekend. Thank you Ken, I like seeing everyones work here too and am proud of how the scroll turned out. I love the 3D effect. This piece has proven to have much potential already. I took it to work today and got quite a few positive replies.
  2. Thank you Tammy, I really liked the work on your website. That helmet is awesome. I would love to ride with just that if my head would be protected. It will go with my bike perfectly.
  3. Pepin, this is a really nice looking sheath. I love how you put it together with all the consideration and being able to keep the design looking stylish. Very classy.
  4. Spider

    Practice Piece

    Does anyone know what kinda glue I can use to apply this to a photo album that is already wrapped?
  5. Victor you're nuts, in a good way. These are some nice whips you make. I would love to learn to do that sometime.
  6. Just looked at it again and it looks better than it did last night. My laptop does not give as good a pic as my desktop. STILL AWESOME.
  7. Spider

    Practice Piece

    Hey Brent, That's just some good thinkin right there. I think I will do that with it. NICE!!!
  8. Spider

    Practice Piece

    Good call Luke. I was just gonna leave it blank for now and sell it but I guess I can actually put a name and have it as a demo. Thanks Hey Brent, 9 1/8 top/btm x 11 1/4 L/R I just found made it the size of an 8 1/2 x 11 and then left a border on it. Wolvenstein, Thanks dude. I used (2) different seeders and A101 Craftool Backgrounder
  9. Hey that is a cool, practical bag. I like it. I like to carry only some of my tools at times and something like this can be modified for that purpose. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Kevin you are right. Beautiful masks. Darryn freaks me the F#@$ OUT!!! DARRYN STOP STARING AT ME!!!!!
  11. Spider

    New Mask

    I should find out how to make one of these bitch'n masks and wear it when I ride my bike. maybe put some lenses on it to not have to have riding glasses on. You and Roo make some awesome masks. I really like this one.
  12. Spider

    Practice Piece

    Thanks Tom Now I have to figure out what to do with it... :deadhorse: Lemme know if anyone has ideas.
  13. Wow that sure is a nice collar. Good work. I love different shapes to the everyday things.
  14. Bezza that is an awesome looking piece. Is that an inverted tooling? Looks like the smooth parts are not as raised as the pebbled. Maybe it's just my eyes but it looks bitch'n.
  15. Yeah, I wanna see if they will be able to match your seat with the bike. Tell them to rebuild the bike if they have to so it is as bad ass as this classic seat.
  16. Wow Timbo, these are clean. I love cases and these catch the eye in an appealing way.
  17. Spider

    Practice Piece

    Let me know what you think. I was just curious to do it when I saw the pic. I think I want to make it a cover for an album now or maybe a lid to a bag or something. We'll see.
  18. Very cool. I love the fine tooling on the lions.
  19. Hey Roo, Do you wet, shape and let dry or do you put something else on them to help harden?
  20. Hey Wolvenstein, I like the color you chose. I totally dig the antiques. Of course, I use the Dark Brown on everything....I mean eeeevvverrryything...lol I am going to do my grips as well. I am thinking of doing a plain center, maybe designed with stitched outter edges. I will match my seat and tank bra as well. I was thinking of doing my headlight in this fashion too. I think this will go good with your bike too. I mean the color and grip style.
  21. I like it Tom, Good lookin work. So clean. I like the dark look to it.
  22. 60W Valvoline? NICE!!! I shall try that. thank you for sharing. A slick lookin piece.
  23. That is a nice piece... carrier. lol To be honest I personally like the edges to be kinda worn. Just me though.
  24. Hey Drac, you read my mind. I was wondering and looking for a book on braiding handles. This seems like an easy but stylish way to do it. Very nice and thanks again.
  25. How big is this? Is this a small pill box? Or even a ......stash box? OOOOOHHHH
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