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Everything posted by kiwican

  1. I have a few tattoo books for this very reason
  2. Anyone on here that local to that area...and I extend that to Toronto. Drop by or call. These folks know what they are doing and are super helpful!
  3. Sounds like you know what you can do better for next time. !
  4. Thats a Great Job Grey! I was in store the other day and saw a yellow one of those bags, not as nice as yours at all. The price on the bag was over 1000.00
  5. So it's been said. If I han to guess. I' say that the statement applys to mamals. I can't see how a crocs brain could tan it. Especially a large one. Or fish leather. Seems to be one of those often repeated things?
  6. I have only made a pair of sandals for myself. They work for me but are no master piece of work. So I know I won't be making any money from it. Have you thought about teaming up with a medical professional that deals with making custom shoes?. I know in Canada here or at least in my area a few people make a decent living that way. They have the medical background and teamed with people that can craft from leather
  7. Totally rocks! If not to late you should tool a stamp into it
  8. Nice find Ross. Imperical evidence seems to be lacking and it also seems we may have had the issue wrong in the first place. I went back to look at my needle files in the chrome tan roll I made a few years back. No issues at all
  9. i made a pair of leather sandals, died them and used atom wax, no sweat or water from walking through wet grass soaked into the leather, i wore these so much that the rubber sole (cheap tandy stuff) has actually worn through to the leather. I have had nothing but success with Atom wax and sno seal
  10. Ive had some of my carbon steel blades in veg tan sheaths for years now. Not problems thus far
  11. I have not experienced that at all. I drink a lot of water which I leave the fridge so it's always cold. My coaster gets used everyday. Hot and cold drinks (drunk from my leather wrapped mason jar) no issues at all
  12. I used atom wax and sno seal. Never had any issues with sweat
  13. First belt I ever made was square at the tip. Never had any issues with and wore it almost everyday for years. In fact I just recycled that belt for a leg tie down for another project. It lives on!
  14. Good question. As these leathers can also be tanned in other ways too.
  15. Make use of the warp. Add more (depending on where it is and how much it's warped). There is a market for asemetrical bowls and trays too.
  16. Etc etc etc. That sums up leather working pretty well
  17. I honestly believe that it's everyone's responsibility and right to know how to use blade and boomstick. You never know when you may need to eat to survive or deal with varmints
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