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Everything posted by OLDNSLOW

  1. those are easy to produce I made 4 or 5 of them recently for a person in Cali that will be giving them as presents I'll check my file tomorrow for the template and post it is you want.
  2. I have the black and the dark brown so please splain me the hot iron or can you post a photo. Thanks
  3. What I did with mine was to get some round stock of oak at Lowes and inserted those in to the holes, not so much to hold the sides together but for a different look from screws, rivets, or snaps. I used some leather dye on the wooden dowels wax them up a little and pushed them in the hole's.
  4. Those look great and interested in knowing what you used for the edge paint on those, it is hard to tell. Thanks
  5. If you try the Fiebing's dyes keep one thing in mind, they are known for being heavy on the pigment. This will allow you to cut the dye down using denatured alcohol, but you will need to determine how much you can cut with experimenting. And the Fiebing's clear coat can be diluted as well with water so that you can stretch you dollars a little more.
  6. I started to use it on my cobra 4, I don't use the machine at high speed but I kept seeing fraying at the thread guide just above the needle. So I thought what the heck it cant hurt, with all of my leather projects the leather is usually dyed before any sewing so it is not going to affect the leather from what I have seen so far. I have seen less thread fraying while using it and it has not had any affect on the tension adjustment from what I can tell. Now I will say that I am a newbie at this so others opinions my vary but so far I have not had any negatives. the other point that I will make is that, I had a potential customer ask me what type of thread I use on the leather, and when I responded with nylon his response was that he had heard that nylon will dry rot when nylon has gotten wet the dried, so my thought was that with the addition of the silicone lube it would help to create a more water proof barrier in the thread holes. Now my take on this my be all wet and full of BS and holes so I look forward to more comments.
  7. I don't recalling my two table costing much more than about 110. each one is a 4x8 the other is a 2 x 8. both use a 4 x 8 x3/4 plywood for the top the 2 x 8 x 1 1/2 is the one sheet cut in half and 4 x 4 legs, if you have the saw you can cut most of the stuff yourself the 2 x 8 lowes cut the plywood in half for me at no cost, the 4 x 8 table I did spend a little more on as I put it on big casters so that if I need to roll it around in the garage and make more room I can. I get a lot of satisfaction knowing I built to my specs and still didn't go over the cost of what I would have paid for a ready to bolt together table but each to his own.
  8. it was suggested at the top to put a tag on items, what I did at the 2 shows we did in the last 4 months was to use a business card on each item. We punched a hole in each business card and tied it to the item with the same thread we sew with and the item price on each card. and put some smalles out that can apply to both sex's like a key fob you can make or something like a miracle bracelet and make sure you card is one each item.
  9. ya I think I looked at knife kits and they had one of the kydex type molds in the 40, that site and 1 other do look the same. I have several of the kydex mold guns and have ordered from one of those 2 sites or both just don't recall. If the mold is one of the green molds it is a little better than the orange ones. I would like a rings as they are nicer but will settle for the knife kits if I am going to make the holster as I would prefer to save a few bucks.
  10. Has anyone had any calls for a holster for a Glock 40? And have anyone found a blue gun for a Glock 40 and did look around and didn't find much but I haven't called to see about availability. Thanks Ron
  11. Has anyone done a holster for a Glock 40 yet? I looked around for the mold gun and it didn't seem as though there was not a blue gun for it yet or maybe the vendors haven't had much call yet? Let me know what Y'all might have. thanks Ron I am gonna cross post this as well.
  12. HF wont take it out of inventory from a store, their warehouse import location is in Ventura CA just up the coast from L. A. it probably hits the dock in Long Beach the over a rail head to Ventura, If you look at Grizzly they most likely have the exact same tool just a few bucks more and will ship out of the same town that SLC or what ever that leather store is called. You ran machines so your partly familiar with the set up, in China there is probably 3 production lines all running the same stuff kind of like leather is a way number 1 grade #2, #3 the better the line the better the tool just held to tighter specs. So depending on the store HF line 3 Grizzly line 2, jet line 1.
  13. Thanks for the info so far we are making plans to go to Prescott in Feb although there are some if's in there so all I can do at this point is pray about it. But in the event we can make hopefully we can say Hi, I'll be the old guy looking like a kid in a candy store.
  14. Thanks to both of ya and D I will send you a pm with my email addy in just a bit here. and Thanks again!!
  15. While I was finishing up the last order of 5 I had another person contact me and wants an El Dorado for a Ruger Black Hawk with a 4 inch barrel, he was specific in pointing out he wants a forward cant and a 1.5 inch belt. The reason for the specifics is that the customer is wheel chair bound and wants to be able to wear the rig while in the wheel chair. I found out that Tandy carries the pattern, and want to note that I have not made one of these to this point and looking forward to the challenge, however are there any pointers you can lend to the project that I need to look for in order to meet the requirements and the challenges of making this for someone that is in a wheel chair. Thanks in Advance.
  16. Bruce, what is held in Ventura and what time of year is it held, I was thinking of trying to go to Prescott in February, we have a need to make it work with a trip on into L. A. anyway. So maybe Ventura would work better for us, depending again on time of year and what the venue has to offer. I always found that the trade shows and conventions are worth while. When I was in photography we made it a point to attend the major shows and some of the classes offered, leather has to be somewhat along the same lines. To bad there isn't more to be had out on the east end of the country!
  17. The pattern wasn't the problem it was the mold, but I have that and the pattern taken care of the photos of the molds and the holsters are in another thread.
  18. what size splitter is it? I have the 6 inch Tandy one I use on belt ends that I have done a few times now, each time after running several straps through it. Size might be the factor on how it is done. For the one I have and there are several others on the market under different names, but, I loosen the hold down bolt on one side remove the other swing out retighten the remain bolt and run a stone over the blade in the appropriate direction then repeat with the leather. The loosen the bolt switch the blade to the opposite side, I think you get the picture, I am still a newb but that is how I have done it with good success.
  19. Well I finally got my wicket and Craig leather is and so far it has been a dream to work with, I have 5 holsters on order and cut out the 1st three and it cuts like a dream. 1 of the first is to be all black and I hate working with black due to all the extra rubbing and buffing needed to be done to prevent rub off later, so this one I Laid down to dark brown 1st then went back with the black and it took it real well. As for other aspects of the leather it all looks to be real clean and real smooth no fuzzy leather anywhere should be dream to edge and burnish and finish, But I am still going to take a ride up to visit ADL leather as there only about 90 minutes from me so that in the event it will be weeks from W & C I might be able to get something real nice from ADL.
  20. so whater ya thinken on the final price cus I kin getem froma guy up New York way fer 42 and change but they tag ya on the shipping lessen ya buy 3 or 4 at a time then the shipping drops not driven the price up to bad. What sa ya on this.
  21. would like to know the quality and look forward to your report.
  22. see if you can post some photos of what is going on, your in NC so a couple of hours ahead of Cali so you should be able to call in and get help from them, but Like mentioned above look for the video. If you bought it new and it came from Cali did it have the CD in the box that will take you step by step on how to set up and run the machine, if it came from some other source the video is out there just have to find it
  23. Not a problem I hope that they will tell me tomorrow that is will be on its way!
  24. Just read yours Jeff, and as I mentioned I let the customer know what is going on and so far he is cool with it so I will hold off and see what tomorrow brings. Hopefully I will have something in the next run of stuff and not have to order H/O I am really wanting to try the W/C, but if they don't come through ya got any you can part with? gotta run to the store for my nightly dose of Ice Cream!
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