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Everything posted by fredk

  1. If you have young uns to keep amused, or just for your selves, Hornby Hobbies, who own Airfix, Hornby Trains and Corgi as well as other toy lines, launched about a week ago some Children's Activity pages on their websites Link to the Airfix one: https://www.airfix.com/uk-en/airfix_kids_zone Hornby: https://www.hornby.com/uk-en/hornby-kids-zone Corgi: https://www.corgi.co.uk/corgi_kids_zone Now excuse me for a while, I have some colouring in to do
  2. Some suggestions; 1 reduce foot pressure to the minimum needed 2. use a teflon roller foot at light pressure 3. cut off one side of the foot so only the foot part which will go along the outside of the stitching remains
  3. Make up a dilute solution of onion juice and wash the leather down with it. Rub it well into the affected areas.
  4. None of the belly I have bought from Le Prevo ever had any noticeable 'stretch' marks.
  5. fredk


    I've got it a few times. I just hit the 'reload' and everything was back to normal. Maybe mike can tell us more if he sees this
  6. I have a set of these; https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Prettyia-5pcs-Belt-Billet-Buckle-Head-End-Template-Leathercraft-Accessories/283420506040?hash=item41fd2db7b8:g:f0IAAOSwQXdcjkr~ sometimes I just set a wing divider to the spacing and walk it along the centre of the strap
  7. It would, but its not really necessary for such a simple X. suggestion. Use polymer clay*, aka FIMO or Sculpey, to make the X on a board. Wet a piece of leather for wet-moulding and place over the X on the board. Fix down and use a modelling tool to press the leather around the X *polymer clay needs cooked to harden it.
  8. Picked up a snippet from one of my model forums. Polish Post is suspending foreign shipments. That is, from Poland. Where one country leads in this others may follow so we may see postal items held or delayed for months.
  9. Its just embossing, but from the flesh side. Usually a 'plug' is used to make the embossing keep its shape. In this case that looks likely with a thin leather sewn over the plug to keep it in place, or is that just a pattern along the X edges? Press the shape into cased leather. When its dry fill with a 'plug' - either felted wool, shaped leather or similar, then sew or glue a thin piece of leather, such as kid or pig, over the embossing and plug.
  10. When did Tandy change their website? They've got rid of the Eu. site. Not only that, they deleted my account so I had to sign up again. Also, on my account I was building up an order which was deleted, and my 'wish-list' of things I was interested as well as the list of my previous orders, which were handy to see if I'd bought somat from them. I hadn't been on there for about a week but last week when I went on it had all changed
  11. Sorry, not UK. I get any I need direct from China. Presently its taking up to 4 weeks for delivery, its usually only 10 to 14 days. altho tbh I've not needed to buy any of these for a long while eg; https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/100x-7mm-Crystal-Rhinestone-Metal-Round-Spot-Spikes-Stud-Rivets-Leathercra-IUC/192955116074?hash=item2ced056a2a:g:xfMAAOSwRAZdCNS7
  12. Don't write yourself off too soon. Read this - and be inspired https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-51573285
  13. Thanks for that To the OP, this is another alternative. I do have one of these and I find it handy to do a free-hand sewing groove when the sewing line is tight up next to a shaped bit*. The bit that follows the edge is removable, leaving the groover free, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/DIY-7-In-1-Adjustable-Stitching-Groover-Crease-Leather-Lot-Leather-Tools-Ki-B9B6/233416477077?_trkparms=aid%3D1110002%26algo%3DSPLICE.SOI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20190711095549%26meid%3Dc3bfd89e5f9a496ab782f87669caa18f%26pid%3D100047%26rk%3D7%26rkt%3D12%26sd%3D233299625232%26itm%3D233416477077%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSellersOtherItemsV2%26brand%3DUnbranded&_trksid=p2047675.c100047.m2108 * eg; when a case is wet moulded in two parts around an object and the two sides need sewn together.
  14. I don't think thats the reason Mike. I can access this site at my local library on their computers and they have all dodgy sites blocked, and even some not-dodgy sites
  15. That looks excellent I must get on and finish making mine - different style to yours tho yeah, but hes 'armless
  16. I don't think the Forestry Commission in N.I. really understands what a fire-break is. In our forests the break varies from a ditch 2ft across and 1 ft deep to 10 foot across by 1.5 feet deep. Both may be found full of undergrowth, living and dead, and the forest trees grow right to the edges, interlacing their branches.
  17. yup, they shure can, but I'm terrible at actually managing it thus I just buy and have a quantity of sharp ones handy. They do a lovely edge bevel too, much better than my old 'proper' one. These come in a U shape as well for U shaped sewing grooves. They are small enough, only about 4 inches long, to fit the hand and are easily maneuverable. Use a straight-edge for straight-aways and freehand on curves
  18. No experience of that one. I use these - link below. I buy them by the 5 so I always have a sharp one to hand. Although they say 'edge beveler' they make an excellent V groove, as can been seen in their photo https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/5Pcs-Working-Hand-Leather-Edge-Skiving-DIY-Craft-Keen-Edge-Beveler-Silver-Tools/352887641342?ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT&var=622143640519&_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2649
  19. As I read the OP; the postal service lost the item after the client had posted it to their relative, not when HS posted. I reckon HS should supply his client with a full price costing of the item for the client to use in her claim. Unless he has already. In my experience of Royal Mail losing items the basic amount claimable is up to £20 and its hard to get even that out of them. One can, for a small extra fee cover the higher value of an item. Yeah, its a real bummer (aka, it sucks) when the postal service looses an item. Its like loosing a pet. Maybe it will turn up, eventually.
  20. A sort-of update to this. I recently received some orders from China. One from the mainland and one from Hong Kong. Both suppliers sent me messages about the orders. Both were basically apologies for the delay in fulfilling the orders, due to this virus affecting their workers. But there was more. The HK dealer explained the delay was caused by his/her workers having to go into quarantine and his/her workplace had to be deep cleaned. Both dealers indicated that there was a delay by China Post allowing items out of the country. China Post was holding overseas items for several days before releasing them. This I read as the packages being 'quarantined' for some days. On one of my items it made a delay of 5 / 6 days over ETA, the other was 3 days over ETA but I noticed it had come by air service not the usual slow-boat
  21. I make two versions of a same style book cover. The cheap one uses upholstery grade leather, is glued and riveted together. The leather is soft and about 1.2mm (3oz?). The better ones uses veg tan leather and is glued and sewn together. The leather is about 2.5mm (6 oz?) on the outside and about 1.2mm (3 oz?) on the insides. The covers I make are for A6 sized note books or diaries. A6 is half of A5, the size you are looking at. For a tight fit the outside of my cover is 25cm x 17cm, for a looser fit it is 26cm x 18cm. Inside pockets hold the book covers, they are 7 or 9cm x 17cm or 18cm For A5 you'd need to up the measurements, to about 34cm x 23 or 24cm for the outside cover and the inside pocket flap to between 9 and 12cm x 23 or 24cm This is the insides of the cheap version Without a book and with a book hth
  22. Get along to a thrift or charity store or the local (proper) dump and look for old 'leather' covered furniture which is being disposed of and cut that 'leather' off the frames. In some cases you may be given a chair or sofa free and be expected to take the remains to the proper dump/disposal site.
  23. No, not really. They had already been known as the bread bakery, they promoted themselves as the bread bakery, 'we are the best bread makers as thats all we make. No cakes, no buns, no French Fancies, just the best bread in Ulster' sort of thing. Thats why a lot of us went wtf when we heard of the court case. This has been a deviation off the main subject so to get back on it: I mentioned 'shop front' to a few friends who had shops but shut them up. Actually being taken to court or threatened with it was a major factor in their shut down of their main shop, to continue their profession as a 'hobbyist' or part-timer from home, not directly affected by those laws.
  24. The clamps on the French both bow outwards before turning in to make the jaws. like this ( ) On the English one clamp is a straight extension of the leg then turns for the jaw. The other clamp bows out then turns in for the jaw. like this I )
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