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Everything posted by Dwight

  1. Mine are generally in the .180 to .220 inches thick when it is done. Starts out as Tandy leather 7/8 oz . . . same thickness for both pieces. Toward the ends of a side of their leather . . . it is usually a bit tougher leather . . . so I make the buckle end out of that tough leather . . . and it is only one thickness . . . the outer leather. It then folds nicely back over . . . gets two Chicago screws and a buckle and a belt keeper. Have never in over 20 years had a belt "wear out" in that buckle area . . . or have problems slipping thru belt loops or buckles. Truthfully never saw any sense in a double layer attached to the buckle. Jus the way I do it though . . . and it is not universal. May God bless, Dwight
  2. Hey, Handstitched . . . those are both really good looking pieces of work. Belt is a tad flashy for this ol preacher . . . but I'd make one for a friend. Anyway . . . if I were doing either one . . . I'd go back to my original suggestion . . . a drum sander for the martingales . . . and a band saw for the belt. OR . . . that little 30 inch belt sander that Amazon sells https://www.amazon.com/EX-ELECTRONIX-EXPRESS-Mini-Sander/dp/B004D96ZCG/ref=asc_df_B004D96ZCG/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309735728871&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8573954697880619670&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9014870&hvtargid=pla-521860277467&psc=1 It'll do the trick for you in short order. I've got two of the little belt sanders . . . one is used in the leather shop . . . other out in the wood / metal shop. Noisy little rascal . . . but they do the job. May God bless, Dwight
  3. If I did that . . . I would do like Alexis mentioned . . . make a pattern. Make the full size blank . . . trace the pattern on it . . . and if they are shallow . . . make the indentations with a drum sander. If they are deep . . . cut em out roughly on a band saw . . . then run them thru the drum sander . . . should make a nice belt. May God bless, Dwight
  4. Dwight

    Quick Question...

    The main thing I found . . . and it will be a deal killer to a large number of people . . . Your pictures are way, way, too big as far as megabytes are concerned. It took well over a minute for the first page to load . . . That first page picture should not be over 500KB . . . and my guess it is 10 or 12 megs. It should load in not over 10 seconds. People will not generally sit and wait for pictures to populate on a website they are going to for the first time . . . especially if it us just another "unknown" site. A 500 KB picture will give all the detail anyone needs to determine if they are going to do business with you. May God bless, Dwight
  5. Dwight

    Quick Question...

    Welcome to the club . . . don't feel alone . . . if it weren't for my Samsung Galaxy and Adobe Photoshop Works . . . my website would be a few words and that's it. Mine is very generic . . . dwightsgunleather.com . . . you are welcome to take a look at it. May God bless, Dwight
  6. I only put one per end . . . as I put the blank end on a red paper eraser . . . and seriously push down and screw tight with my screwdriver on the other side. If I can . . . I try to talk them into a woven . . . 4 hole . . . leather thong. THEY don't come loose. Never had one come loose yet . . . and when I've gone back to change something . . . it has been a pain at times. May God bless, Dwight
  7. I had my favorite coffee mug in the shop . . . a board knocked it off into the tractor . . . and into pieces. Good ol epoxy saved the day because it was just a few pieces broken . . . not fully shattered. We laugh and call it my "integrated" cup . . . but the integration has proved to be good. May God bless, Dwight
  8. Dwight

    Leather handles

    Good job . . . I always wanted a small finish carpenter's hammer with leather handles . . . never got one . . . May God bless, Dwight
  9. McBecklesworth . . . would you do us a favor here . . . we've got some folks on here that seem to think it takes 20 or 30 oz leather for a chair seat . . . or something nearby. Have someone seriously measure the thickness of the leather . . . and tell us in decimal inches just how thick it is. I've sat in too many of those years ago . . . and they were not thick leather seats. May God bless, Dwight
  10. Just take a micrometer and measure the thickness . . . measure all three pieces to make sure they are the same. The thing to remember is that 1/64 th of an inch is 1 oz leather . . . the chart below will help you decide. My guess from persona experience in times past . . . this will be in the 5 oz to 7 oz size range. Thank you by the way . . . for the good memory. It has been years since I sat in one of these . . . rocking on the front porch . . . watching the world go by. When some of our folks could not afford leather . . . we cut up one inch wide strips of inner tubes and wove them to form a seat. They were really comfortable if the owner wasn't say a 300 pounder . . . lol. Would sure like to do it again. May God bless, Dwight
  11. I wouldn't wear one to a dog fight . . . May God bless, Dwight
  12. Well, Doc . . . here is the real deal. As you can see . . . paint is long gone. Box like thing at the top is a package that once was full of the razor knife blades . . . laying side by side . . . in a decade plus years . . . I've used 2/3 or so of it. You can see the full size blade . . . with the broken one above it . . . done with 2 pairs of pliers. The "standard" blade that ain't worth a crap . . . cost I think 10 bucks . . . and could never be sharpened past screwdriver end sharpness is there rusting away. Anyway . . . this is my tool . . . works like a champ. May God bless, Dwight
  13. Dwight


    Yes . . . I've used it successfully on leatherwork. Too expensive to use on a large scale though. May God bless, Dwight
  14. Dwight

    CCW/cell phone

    Yeah . . . what he said . . . ^^^^^^ I have made "boxes" that hang on the belt carrying .380's . . . and the like . . . but when the flap comes up . . . the hand can grab the gun . . . and it's game on. I think the coroner would ID the body as having been a CCW licensee . . . and he had a cell phone. May God bless, Dwight
  15. That is some beautiful work . . . time consuming as well . . . I sat here and looked at the red / black / white diamond pattern and said to myself I'd love to have that . . . but I have no idea what in the world I would do with it. Hope you find folks who can take the second step . . . May God bless, Dwight
  16. Dwight

    Ranger Belt

    You should have put the belt on . . . and marked the belt either next to the first belt loop on the left side . . . between 1 and 2 . . . but next to 1 . . . OR . . . just before you get to the last belt loop on your right side. It should not have been attached to the tongue . . . but rather the belt itself . . . and about as high as you can get it. As you presently have it . . . it will be a total pain to get thru the belt loops . . . and will hang down in front . . . and be uncomfortable. But it is a good start. May God bless, Dwight
  17. My brother in law gave me an aluminum strap cutter some 10 or 12 years ago . . . I buy drywall razor blades . . . snap them in half with two pairs of pliers . . . use those blades till they get dull . . . break a new one and I'm good for another month or so. Works for me.. . . . (this is not mine . . . but is the same type . . . . black paint is long long worn off . . . left side is slick and shiny from all the leather passing by it) May God bless, Dwight
  18. That's some good lookin work . . . on a good lookin rifle. I've a .22 in a similar stock . . . bull barrel . . . bipod . . . it'll do little one inch circles at 50 yds if I do my part. Yes . . . those friends are few and far between. Am I correct that you may be doing some rat shooting?? May God bless, Dwight
  19. It's a whole lot easier to make a flat backed pancake . . . you can get almost the same look . . . especially the tooling. OR . . . you make the holster . . . the back of it will be sewn to the belt loop piece . . . then folded over and the side seam sewn . It is some tricky sewing . . . and I really don't think this one was done that way . . . but the T nuts and screws will ALWAYS allow the holster to flop . . . and if you are not up to a floppy holster . . . (I'm one who can't stand it) . . . then ya gotta sew the thing. May God bless, Dwight
  20. Personally . . . not working on "items" per se . . . Working on improving my processes and skills (summer is a low time for me usually) . . . and trying new "things". Got a laser engraver for instance . . . already have two jobs to do with it . . . still learning how to get it to work on those jobs. Couple of years ago . . . bit the bullet on a new sewing machine . . . it has made life a whole bunch better. Used the down time to learn how to make it tick. May God bless, Dwight
  21. If you make the bends over a round pipe or other type object . . . with the leather wet . . . there will be almost no "wrinkles" or bunching. Beats the holy heck out of trying to cut the liner as close and good looking as I do with sanding the edges and then bending. But that is just my preferred way . . . and there is more than one way to skin a cat or line a holster. May God bless, Dwight
  22. Just for kicks and giggles . . . I have a bunch of really flat faced cardboard in my garage. A buddy got it somewhere . . . we use it for target practice out on the shooting range. Well . . . been burning up my wood . . . and some leather scraps . . . trying to figure this laser thing out. Thought . . . "Hmm . . . wonder what ol Lee Ermey would look like on cardboard" . . . found out. And it is darn near a perfect duplicate of leather . . . so now I got a real cheap substitute for starting to check out a burn . . . but needing to check the settings first. I can check the settings on cardboard . . . and have a pretty good idea of what I have to do to make it look better on leather. May God bless, Dwight
  23. Good looking gun . . . holster certainly is great as well. I'd love to have one like that with one change . . . redrill the cylinder to accept .45LC Just not a black powder fan. May God bless, Dwight
  24. It will undoubtedly be a long time . . . but some day I hope to be able to see results like the one above. Thanks for showing us that it actually can be done. I'm thinking I would love to see a 12 by 20 or so of the Last Supper . . . May God bless, Dwight
  25. Two things I can think of . . . First is the trick I saw one of the guys down at Tandy do . . . he smacked the snap with a mallet to get it to close. Worked real good after that It is the trick I do. The other thing you might try . . . put a plastic freezer bag over the male part and smack the female down on it. I use that to expand holsters and knife sheaths that were too tight. Worst case scenario . . . didn't work. May God bless, Dwight
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