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Everything posted by Dwight

  1. Thanks . . . I didn't need it for my Boss . . . but others may . . . appreciate your posting May God bless, Dwight
  2. Shiela What is the size of the cover . . . and what weight of leather did you intend to use?? Also . . . on the cover itself . . . what size image were you wanting?? If I'm successful . . . it'll be in about 2 weeks as I have to do some traveling Just let me know here . . . I'll see it while I'm out and about. May God bless, Dwight
  3. Thanks Sheilajeanne . . . I'd never seen that image before . . . it's gorgeous. I just might try to see what I can do with my laser machine . . . I know I can cut the outlines and the major lines in the images . . . but I don't how it will do on the subtleties . . . May God bless, Dwight
  4. That's sad . . . but thanks kgg May God bless, Dwight
  5. Prayers upward bound . . . May God bless, Dwight
  6. Pictures of your items work wonders for understanding. May God bless, Dwight
  7. Have you ever tried dip dying your products?? That is all I do . . . and it will alleviate the vast majority of the raw leather look. Takes more dye . . . but it also lasts longer . . . because it goes much deeper into the fibers. May God bless, Dwight
  8. The undyed leather on the basket weave is a product of trying to get too much detail in the molding of the revolver. That molding is great for the light brown one . . . but when you stamp something with a basket weave or similar design . . . just go light on the molding . . . I simply insert the weapon . . .and whatever molding is produced by the weapon being in there . . . is what I go with. Have never had a disappointed customer yet. My first commercial holster was a pancake . . . for a 1911 . . . and it just printed a tad too much for me . . . went with an IWB . . . but I did like that paddle . . . was really comfortable. My son still wears his Glock 19 that way . . . May God bless, Dwight
  9. I don't remember who it was . . . supposed to be a well known western figure of the latter 1800's . . . Was one tough hombre . . . and a hard nosed cowboy himself . . . When asked how he died . . . the answer was, he laughed himself to death when he saw a "store bought cowboy . . . in a 10 gallon hat . . . wearing wooly chaps" Sixty years ago I could have told ya who he was . . . have long since forgotten . . . just always remembered that mental image . . . May God bless, Dwight
  10. The machine will depend largely on what it is you want to sew . . . Give us some ideas as to the major group you want to sew . . . May God bless, Dwight
  11. That's a good looking alternative to my all black version . . . And I also like the longer barrel . . . Definitely better than throwing rocks . . . although historically a guy named David was pretty good. I did black because my customer wanted it for concealed carry . . . and it was IWB . . . hidden amongst the shadows. Have fun with it . . . may God bless, Dwight
  12. My preferred carry gun is my SA officer model with walnut grips . . . feels SOOOOOOOOooooo good in the hand . . . and it shoots great as well. But in many circumstances . . . especially as a pastor . . . discretion is necessary . . . so I have a little olive drab (??) S&W shield. Handling it . . . I hate it . . . but for concealment . . . it goes in my back pocket . . . and I'm Roy Rogers all over again. May God bless, Dwight
  13. Thank you . . . Yup . . . suicide straps . . . both the Ruger and the Glock . . . belong to a fellow in his mid / late 80's . . . all sorts of rhumatizz . . . and I had to put something on there to make sure he didn't lose one to some teenage "grabber" if he was out. He couldn't handle a thumb break. Thumb break went on the derringer though. May God bless, Dwight Yeah . . . ugly it is . . . but .45 it also is . . . which kinda gives it a bit of a pass. They're super ugly in 9mm May God bless, Dwight
  14. Thanks . . . .45 Long Colt / 410 shotgun . . . kind of a "big boy" derringer. May God bless, Dwight
  15. Recently asked for a pattern for a derringer holster . . . wound up making my own. Also got a request for a big boy . . . Glock 10mm full size with laser And a request for a Ruger .45 . . . with laser. Derringer was a pain in the neck . . . my vacuum pump ran overtime getting that thing shaped up . . . The Glock and Ruger needed special treatment so the holster didn't turn on the laser . . . wound up making a kydex interior holster . . . covered with 7/8 veg tan . . . saddle tan to finish it with couple coats of 50/50 resolene. Holstering and unholstering . . . sounds like the kydex holster . . . makes one do a double take looking at the holster. Anyway . . . sure don't plan on making these for a living . . . three of the hardest holsters I've ever made. May God bless, Dwight
  16. Dwight

    New holsters

    Good lookin stuff . . . May God bless, Dwight
  17. You said you put 5 or 6 coats of resolene on the breast piece (?) . . . and as I'm looking at it right now . . . I'm thinking you got a pretty good build up on it. That being said . . . without being able to actually "see" it . . . I would almost guess you did not mess up the leather itself . . . just the finish. Kinda like scratching the top coat on a car or truck. The paint isn't damaged . . . just the final "shiny" surface. If I were you . . . I'd go to a small spot . . . off to one corner (bottom preferably) and with a little cheap 1 inch bristle brush . . . I'd try brushing on a coat of 50/50 resolene and water . . . and when you brush it on . . . get enough to start like a little lather . . . then just keep brushing it . . . left / right . . . up / down . . . crosswise left / crosswise right and back and forth until it finally looks dry. Don''t add any to it . . . just brush it. Set it aside for 6 or 8 hours . . . come look at it. You just might like the results. May God bless, Dwight
  18. Looks good, partner . . . You should make some good memories in that May God bless, Dwight
  19. I like it . . . good idea . . . but my boresight is bright red . . . I also have a backstop made of railroad ties . . . red shows up on it real well. But if I were you . . . I just might refine that thing a bit . . . Put it on etsy . . . I'd just about wager you'll sell a few of them. May God bless, Dwight
  20. I'm no "all leather" professional / professer / know it all. But if you are using veg tan . . . belts . . . holsters . . . knife sheaths and the like . . . Make the project with the exception of some snaps if you can put them on later . . . or buckles . . . etc. Take a bristle brush and give the project a light coat . . . hair side only . . . of genuine neatsfoot oil. Let it dry 24 hours. Then dip / dunk dye your project with feibings pro oil dye . . . diluted 50/50 with feibings reducer. You should like the result . . . I generally always do . . . I finish it with Resolene after a good buffing . . . May God bless, Dwight
  21. Dwight


    Well . . . if you have a picture of one . . . it might go a long long way towards the understanding. I use 20 penny spikes for woodwork . . . railroad spikes on my forge . . . but do not spike my hair. Wouldn't make any difference any way . . . but none use a rivet . . . or screws. May God bless, Dwight
  22. Some years ago I needed a couple of small stamps . . . wanted brass . . . Went on Ebay . . . wound up buying from a Hong Kong dealer for one . . . mainland China for the other . . . would rather have used US . . . but could not find anything here. Their detail is absolutely excellent . . . I sent them a picture . . . one had to have some detail removed by me . . . but I was seriously happy with both that I still have and have used for years. May God bless, Dwight
  23. I did one . . . once . . . don't wear it often as it is kinda heavy on the noggin May God bless, Dwight
  24. Take your tools to a auto parts store . . . tell em you want some black rubber tubing . . . Check the size with your tools . . . couple feet of it will last you almost forever. I have a bunch of tools with rubber on the handles . . . whole lot easier for 79 yr old hands to handle May God bless, Dwight
  25. From what I could see . . . it all looked like it was there . . . only thing we could not see . . . the back was not shown . . . with the cover on it. Need to see the back with the cover removed. The real deal though . . . have him show you a piece of stitched leather . . . preferably two pieces of 8 oz glued together . . . flesh to flesh . . . sewn with 277 or 307 nylon thread. That should tell the tale. I would suggest that possibly the person bought it and never really used it much . . . maybe didn't even ever learn how to use it. The little plate and wire hook for the thread spool is missing . . . couple of inexpensive parts . . . but you don't sew without them. Plus he has the original shoe on it . . . one that for belt and holster and wallet making . . . is useless. Just a quick opinion . . . but google "image: tippmann boss" and you'll see the backside upper left where the thread goes . . . along with a wire that takes it up in the air and allows it to come down vertical to the machine. May God bless, Dwight
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