Okay. I'm 64 years old. I've seen A $H!TLOAD of videos in my time, some of them still classified and totally amazing, and filmstrips before that. And likely cave dwelling art before that in my life. I have NEVER enjoyed a video more. That's a fact. I have a new hero. Anybody that climbed that chimney smoking a cigarette all the way up, THEN go to work taking it down, a block at a time, (whilst inventing the method of doing the same), and say he's basically lazy, well, I got nuthin. My "lazy" is quite refined, with decades of practice, and I am shamed. And did I mention FUNNY!?? His bit about pissing down the center, or over the edge, and all the surrounding fields thinking "it's rainen"..I lost it. The trophy wife thinks I'm nuts. (She would know, she might be right).