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Everything posted by alpha2

  1. Why don't you just actually braid 4 strips of leather? No slits to cut.
  2. Your friend must be thrilled! I do like the various methods employed to keep the old sheath going, and going, and going.
  3. Dear God, tell me it wasn't Billy Beer.
  4. Made my day! I'll bet it just glided through that meat! (If you stropped it properly).
  5. Heinz 57...57 times my steak was SO bad I had to put sauce on it. 57 reasons I won't let that mystery sauce touch my steak. 57 people I won't go to a steak house with. 57... oh well, you get idea. Actually, that whole bit is from "You've Got Mail". Now, to be fair, Mjolnir, have you TRIED Heinz 57 sauce as your "charred steak brown" dye? And what do you use as a sealer? Resolene? Fiebings spray finish? Neatsfoot oil? Enquiring minds want to know! (Ha! funny, spell checker chocked on "enquiring"! apparently they don't know of the Nation Enquirer!")
  6. Heiser holsters are HUGE in the vintage holster business. In fact, I didn't realize they also made saddles.
  7. Okay. I'm 64 years old. I've seen A $H!TLOAD of videos in my time, some of them still classified and totally amazing, and filmstrips before that. And likely cave dwelling art before that in my life. I have NEVER enjoyed a video more. That's a fact. I have a new hero. Anybody that climbed that chimney smoking a cigarette all the way up, THEN go to work taking it down, a block at a time, (whilst inventing the method of doing the same), and say he's basically lazy, well, I got nuthin. My "lazy" is quite refined, with decades of practice, and I am shamed. And did I mention FUNNY!?? His bit about pissing down the center, or over the edge, and all the surrounding fields thinking "it's rainen"..I lost it. The trophy wife thinks I'm nuts. (She would know, she might be right).
  8. Remember to go back to the March 10th cartoon to see what Harry's talking about. (It makes sense, then!) It's what happens when I forget that I've moved the speed controller from slowest to fastest setting.
  9. the rough side was actually burnished to some extent, but the leather gets worked a LOT when making the knots. It tends to raise the nap some. I kind of liked the contrast in the knot, so I left it. I just burnish with water and a glass slicker, never tried the gum trag.
  10. Rocky is a tech wizard now!
  11. Have you used any of that thread yet? Looks very interesting. That site has some other interesting tools and such also. Thanks for the link! Jeff
  12. You are on your way to figuring this out. Can't wait to see what you come up with in the future!
  13. Very nice! Thanks for sharing the pic.
  14. Thanks, Jetdoc, They're not difficult. I just watch the video while I'm doing them. UKSaddlery gives you the proper dimensions for the slots. The rivet is not absolutely necessary. You can put a stitch there, or just leave the little tab hang. It's not going anywhere!
  15. Great first holster! Looks like the retention of the kydex is pretty stout.
  16. chevron?
  17. Funniest line in the whole movie, "Dark Shadows"..."that's the ugliest woman I've ever seen". Big fan. Not as big a fan as Mrs. Alpha2, but pretty big.
  18. Dang it! Thought we had an insight there. Carry on!
  19. I did not know that, but I'm intrigued. We'll let it go at that... God, I love this thread.
  20. It's actually a place for me to rest my thumb while I pour. Little known fact. So little known, in fact, that I may be the only person that knows it. It's very hush-hush. fredk was very, very close, though.
  21. fortunately, when I vent, it's nothing like that at all. But, my hide will be PERFECT!
  22. garypl for the win! Of course, anybody that has eve visited a winery would know that. And anybody that has visited, um, many wineries...would of course, know. Just sayin'. And, yep, I had to google elgoog. I'll never get that time back. At my age, that means something. Kinda like when the oldsters tell you when you're young, "trust me, you are NOT bulletproof". True dat.
  23. Matt is correct. AGAIN! Seriously, Matt?
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