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Everything posted by alpha2

  1. Ooh! Good idea! I'm going to put some leather on the bottom of mine. Just because I haven't screwed something yet doesn't mean I won't!
  2. Well, that makes sense! Thanks. I can sew as slow as I could possibly want to with the CowBoy, I just didn't realize that was what happening. It looked so easy on the videos! I guess I've been lucky so far...until today. Thanks again! Jeff
  3. You're setting the bar pretty high, there Gus! Nice purse.
  4. So while making it around a corner, I got an errant stitch, noticeably longer than the others. I'm sure there is a simple and obvious explanation for this, but I'm way to new at this to get it. You know, now that I look at it again, the stitches after the corner are shorter...what is that all about? And I realize the border got a little wonky at the corner, that's another story altogether. Thanks for any advice. Jeff
  5. Ah, that makes sense! Mine came with the base-plate, upright post, and table assembled. I had to disassemble them to get them up the stairs! That stuff is way past what I'm supposed to be lifting. If you need any pics of assemblies maybe I can take some of my machine. I got some good tips from freezing the videos at certain places and looking at theirs. Jeff
  6. Right, I've found those videos to be extremely helpful. I still screwed up the threading once yesterday...I caught it though!
  7. It was brand T. I just started punching a hole and cutting out the leather between the holes. Not happy with that method though. It's fraught with peril...one little slip and it is trash.
  8. Not much fun punching a slot with an oblong punch, and discovering it was actually an "oval" punch, and wider at one end than the other. If I wanted a tapered punch, I'd buy a tapered punch!
  9. I just got mine, and the manuals are crap. Your best bet is the videos online. The dealers are very helpful, though. The Chinese manual is a hoot if you wan't to thread the machine. Also, the parts manual (China), doesn't even have some of the same parts that my machine has. How is it you're building it from scratch?
  10. Very nice! You just know I had to click on a thread titled "Hippie Cow and orange blossom cuff". I discovered that a heavier mallet can be just that, HEAVIER. But then I saw a video of someone with my "too heavy" mallet, but holding it up close to the head. I tried it that way, and it works great! You get the heavy head, but without the wrist/arm/shoulder pain I was getting after a longer work session. Then, if you REALLY need to whack something, you can hold it further down the handle. Jeff
  11. That's some shop bling! If I had a nickle for every time I said, "If I only had a candy-apple red metalflake anvil, I could really turn out the classy work!" Here's my sorry a$$ plain ol' rail. It's actually smaller than a standard rail. Makes it nice for my small shop. I think it needs more cowbell.
  12. Nice work! I've got a Leatherman that could use a nice holster. I'm liking those copper rivets. I'll have to try those. I suspect the world would fall apart around those sheaths before the rivets would come loose.! Jeff
  13. Zulu, you have any pictures of that???
  14. Not that difficult. Just think of it as needing to trim to a uniform edge. Weather it's the front piece, or the back piece. You just need to cut the two pieces to a trim that you can bevel and burnish to an even surface.
  15. I'm working on it right now. Not going well, 80/20 thing...not so much. Trying, though!
  16. Interesting booth. I might have to try something like that. It was 1 degree in Ft. Fun this AM. Not conducive to going out on the back deck to spray. Or even the garage, for that matter. Hey, at least you to get to "look over" all the other denizens of the "Springs"! So, there's that.
  17. As I recall, Glock had an issue with blue guns being made for the Glock. Trademark or some such infringement. Somebody should be making them anyway, I figure. I only make holsters for Glocks I already have. Yes, it's VERY limiting.
  18. You sure that wasn't Wyoming? "Honest to God! I was just helping that sheep out of the fence!" (Sorry, Colorado joke)
  19. I would like to know more about how this bracelet was made! I have never seen one like it.
  20. bikermutt, thanks for supporting Michigan's Coast Guard town! Jeff - Semper Paratus!
  21. The pencil disappears into the periphery. As I age, more and more things do that. And my equations don't lead to anything in the "real" world. Then, when your list of things to do, exceeds your ability to categorize said lists, well, welcome to my world!
  22. Hmmm, plinker, I think I may have to work that into my product descriptions!
  23. Nice! I haven't done a black holster yet. I guess it's about time I did!
  24. Yeah, I wouldn't eat that! Seriously, I just started using water based glue, so haven't had time to observe anything like that. I'm sure someone will be by shortly with some info.
  25. Thanks, olfart! I plan to have fun figuring it out. I thought when I retired I'd have a lot of time on my hands to work with it...hasn't turned out that way. Wife's still working, so I'm the chief cook etc. etc. etc. now. Can't complain, it's good to not be on the road all the time.
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