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Everything posted by NCArcher

  1. Where in Sydney are you Carrie? I have a 226R and I have fitted a servo to it (and i'm an electricain) . If you decide to go that way I would be happy to give you a hand.
  2. A more permanent solution to the styrofoam is to set a couple of rare earth magnets into each side. I like your wingnut guard. I need to do something to stop the thread tangling on the wingnut. As you say, REALLY annoying.
  3. Just tested and I'm getting the same thing. Buttons still work just no labels
  4. Free pattern available from Tandy https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/p-1889-sophia-handbag-kit-44314-00-bonus-tooling-pattern.aspx? It may just be a tooling pattern. I didn't download it.
  5. It's not smooth, it's just a LOT of stamping with a basic backgrounder.
  6. Besides a coupe of practice coasters the arm guards/bracers for my wife's Thorin Oakenshield costume were my first project. I've always done woodwork but lost my workshop when we moved to the city into an apartment. I was very bored and restless so my wife and daughter bought me a beginners kit from Tandy. That was about 18 months ago. Really enjoy leatherwork, still very much a beginner though.
  7. Cut out an area, replace it with a thinner leather. Hold it in place with a very thin pigskin or similar on the back.
  8. Stitching chisel won't work. You'll end up making an 'X' instead of a '/' at each hole. But I really like the idea. You could punch from one side with the stitching chisel, use the awl to identify the start point, mark (not punch) the back then use a thin scratch awl from the back to open the holes and provide a path of least resistance for the awl as you sew. I know it's a lot of work and I should just learn to use the awl properly but this might aid in developing good technique.
  9. From the website: Availability notice: Only limited colors are available at this time - we are not planning to restock this thread in the near future.
  10. I used two this size. https://www.kjmagnetics.com/proddetail.asp?prod=RC22CS-S&cat=173 They seem to hold well but not so strongly that I have to leaver it off. It's had a couple of coats of polyurethane now too.
  11. Measured with a ruler (because that's all I have handy) the shaft is 9mm or 11/32"
  12. Yes they can. Replied in the other thread Paul.
  13. Yes it does. You have to buy the dies separately. Not cheap though. I have the large snap set and an eyelet set. I'll get the line 20 set when I get a spare bit of cash. https://www.amazon.com/Hoover-Press-N-Snap-Tool-Replacement-Socket/dp/B019JC2QK6/ref=pd_sbs_469_10?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ZG93ZE5GWQCPZ0N06324 https://www.amazon.com/Hoover-Press-N-Snap-Tool-Replacement-Eyelet/dp/B019JCGBWU/ref=pd_sbs_236_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=JJE97JDK552G4P2D1V1F
  14. This is my take on an Edge Guide for a 226. Two rare earth magnets fixed underneath. They grab on to the machine bed rather than the bobbin cover. Took me about an hour to whip up but I did have to dimension the piece of timber with hand tools. I'll put a couple of coats of polyurethane on to protect the timber and the leather. You can see from the straight lines on the test piece that it works really well.
  15. Thanks for the congrats, I have passed them on. Details of a Twitter competition/giveaway are here: https://twitter.com/ThoraiyaDyer/status/817366441481515008/photo/1
  16. Hello fellow Leatherworker.net members.A bit of blatant but extremely proud promotion for my wife's debut novel.As some of you know, my wife is a writer. After many years of improving and developing her craft, she was signed for a three book deal with the American publisher Tor.In itself, quite an achievement in the modern publishing world.After much discussion and editing and more discussion and even more editing the first book is to be released at the end of this month. The second book is currently in editing and the third book is well underway. Crossroads of Canopy is the first book in the Titan's Forest Trilogy.You can read more about it herehttp://www.tor.com/2017/01/04/excerp...thoraiya-dyer/at the publishers website.Or you can, if you are a fan of Science Fiction and Fantasy, pre-order from Amazon here:https://www.amazon.com/Crossroads-Ca.../dp/0765385929 Pre-orders are very helpful to an author. You can find out more about my wife's writing at her website http://www.thoraiyadyer.com/And I will post details of a Twitter competition/giveaway tomorrow. Tony
  17. NCArcher


    Is that a stamp? What size?
  18. I have a Consew 226R. I have been inserting the bobbin the wrong way, apparently. I've watched a couple of youtube videos with some saying make a 'P' with the bobbin and some saying make a '9'. I think I took the advice of the 'P' proponents and have been installing that way. It has been sewing fine. I just reversed it and sewed several different thicknesses of leather and it still seems to be sewing ok. It is currently installed with the thread and bobbin making a '9'. The bobbin rotates CW as you pull thread off. It doesn't seem to matter if the bobbin is backwards as long as it goes under the tension spring after passing through the slot on the case. arich, it looks like you have no top tension. The small pin that releases the tension when you raise the presser foot may be stuck.
  19. What about a rivet up top and a snap fastener below. Pop the snap fastener and swivel on the rivet to remove. You could put a couple of washers under the rivet so it could swivel easier.
  20. https://www.etsy.com/au/listing/294896727/swivel-knife-tools-for-learher-craft?ref=shop_home_active_54 The stamps are excellent. I will be ordering a few sets.
  21. Once you insert them into the text, you can drag and drop. Assuming you are working on a PC. If you're using a tablet, I got nothing.
  22. How did you go Sparky? Are you a proud new owner? I managed to pick up Consew 226R (same machine) for just $250. In good condition. I transferred the Efka servo from a Juki DL555 to the Consew and I now have a great machine. Sews beautifully with 138 thread and a 22 needle.
  23. I like the idea of a boomerang quiver
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