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Everything posted by shoepatcher

  1. Gunz, Try Pilgrim Shoe in Mass.. They have generic parts for the 29-4 in that Harris , the owner has the parts made in China. glenn
  2. I talked to Allen at Weaver Leather a couple weeks ago. They finally got their first 969 Durkopp/Adler extra heavy duty cylinder arm in. It came in the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. Allen has spent the last week and a half setting it up and learning about the machine. This is the classic model meaning it is loaded. They had to modify their pedestal stand to accommodate this beast. The head alone weighs 200lbs! It is a monster! A normal 12" 205-370 weighs about 120lbs. so you do the math. Remember, these are direct drive machines meaning the motor is inside the head. The bobbins are not metal, rather a type of space age plastic material. Durkopp/Adler has a 969-100 machine coming out next June which has a 39.37" throat! This first one is going into their production so they can test this animal. Allen says this thing has tremendous power. He sewed 1" thick of hard leather strips like it was butter. The machine is only 13 months overdue from when Weaver was supposed to get it in (and in mean Oct. 2013). I will try to get you some pics of the machine. Allen says it makes a 16" 205 look small. He is still waiting on the service manual to clarify a few things. I am hoping to get a picture of a 16" 205 next to the 969. They will not be cheap. The Eco model which is the basic machine has air lift standard meaning you have to have an air compressor to run the foot lift and the direct drive in the head is a standard 220v single phase motor, no 110 volt so that would mean a transformer if you do not have a 220 line to set it up on. Adler has spent over 3 years developing this machine. Kind of a cross between the Adler205-370 and the new 869 cylinder arm. We have one of the new 869 cylinders in the factory here and it is a fabulous machine. All in all, no matter the price, Durkopp/Adler has upped the stakes in the heavy duty leather sewing machine industry. This is way above anything anyone else has. glenn
  3. Suellapal, The Pfaff part # for the steel bobbin to fit your Pfaff 9491 is #91-01--79-05/01 aluminum bobbin is #91-010079-05/61 or #91-119308-05) Try any Pfaff industrial dealer. Hope that helps glenn
  4. Muzisch, Starting with the 29k58 series which included the 2K60 and 62, all these machines since then can be rebuilt since they have the replaceable horn. Almost all parts are interchangeable on the 29K58, 62, 70, 71, 73, 171, 173 . Obviously, the big bobbin models 29K60, 72 and 172 have different drive pinions, shuttle carriers, bobbins, hooks. Rebuilding it will be cheaper than a new one. glenn
  5. I would keep the LU563 Juki. Vey good machine, parts readily available, reverse and nice big bobbin. Plus Juki is a major name in sewing and the machine is proven. Is the Chandler and Adler 267 with the chandler name on it? glenn Please send us pics of each machine. glenn
  6. Alexitbe, I have a 29K33 that I am going to rebuild sometime in the future. I can get you a line tracing drawing of the long rack. I will check to see if the short rack is the same one used on a 29-4. The following pinion may or may not be the same as a 29-4. If the 29-4 parts are the same, you can get the short rack and following pinion from Harris at Pilgrim Shoe Company here in the USA. He is the only one that has 29-4 parts. There is another gentleman in Ohio who rebuilds 29-4 machines and he may have these 2 parts . The long rack no one has and I am keeping mine. Best I can do is get you pics and a spec sheet on it. glenn
  7. Hey guys, A lady that I am helping with an Adler 30-1 in Florida sent me this posting on another 45K53 for sale in Florida if anybody is interested. Check the following: http:/gainesville.craigslist.org/for/4766287790.html It might have been the same machine that Frankqv bought but worth a look. shoepatcher
  8. Jimi, Great job. Couple of questions. 1. What part did you end up using for the tension bracket assembly, i.e., a Singer, a Pfaff, etc.? What about the Pfaff decals? 2. Can you send us a pic of the small brass plate so we can see what the exact 335 model info was ? thanks glenn
  9. Al, To me it looks like the feed dog is not moving mean it is set to a very small stitch. Move the stitch length to it's largest stitch and lets see what it does. glenn
  10. Adriancg, I have copies of both the parts list and operations manual. I do not have them scanned. It is hard copy. There would be no charge for the manuals but I would need to cover the postage. What color is your 1245? glenn
  11. Depends on how heavy a thread you want to sew as well as how heavy a leather. This machine will only handle up to #138. Lift on the foot is just under 1/2". glenn
  12. Evo160K, Very nice job on restoring this machine. Shuttle should be the same as today's big bobbin Claes. This particular Claes was made when Claes looked a lot like the 30 class Adler. They were even painted the green metallic hammer tone green like Adler's. I have a friend who purchase one ( and it was green colored) and I picked it up for him in eastern Ohio a few years back. Big bobbin like this one. Not sure what the sliding block does in the back. That is a new one on me. glenn
  13. Constabulary, That is a Singer machine that they contracted Adler to build. It is an Adler 69-372 or 572, or 672 in everything but the name. Never seen one of these before. I have a Singer 144A204 which was made by Adler. It is a 220-73-50. These were made after Singer quit making the 144W series. Both are better machines than what singer made previously. glenn
  14. Evo160K Can we see pics of the ongoing restoration on the Claes? shoepatcher
  15. Evo160K The system 88 needle is for the 30 class or large bobbin Claes. It is the same length as the 332LL or 332LLLg that goes in the Adler 30-7 and 30-70 machines. However, the shank Dia. on the system 88 is 1.90MM. It is 2.00MM on the 332LL or LLLG needles. I have found that trying to get 332 needles into Claes machines can be hard because the fit can be very tight into the Claes needle bar. Just wanted to make you aware of that. glenn
  16. The service manual for a 67 will work on a 167. Only difference is the size of the hook. Your machine needs a very good cleaning in the hook area. Brush out with an old paint brush or cleaning brush and blow out if you can get an air supply to it. Once clean, I would remove the bobbin case from the shuttle or hook and clean under that it. This is done by removing the 2 or 3 tiny screws that hold the gib down. If there are still threads showing, they are under the hook. To remove the threads,the hook needs to be loosen or taken out completely. If you have never done this, it will take some learning. I believe the service manual instructs you on how to do that. Should be a screw in the middle of the hook under the bobbin case. That is the one that needs to be at least loosen to get out any threads out from under it. glenn
  17. Sdgengineer, The correct need clamp screw for a 42-5 is Singer screw # 196. Still available. Specs on screw are 9/64" Dia. x 40 TPI pitch. Bob Kovar at Toledo should have the screw and if not, can get them. These are hardened as well. They also make this screw specs in a set screw with no head on them. Bob can get you those as well. glenn
  18. Head looks ok. The key question is will it sew. The ad says it will sew 20mm of hard leather. Not in my book will it. That is in the class of a 205 Adler or 441 Juki or clone. How heavy are you sewing? The 153 will sew about 3/8" max, maybe 1/2" in soft items, but not hard leather. glenn
  19. MortAuxVaches, The 29K3 was made at the Kilbowie plant in Scotland. A lot of the parts are the same as 29-4 parts. the 29-1 thru 5 were made at the Elizabethport plant in New Jersey. Both machines use most of the same parts. You can get 29-4 parts from Pilgrim Shoe in here in the US. glenn
  20. I think it was stretched by some company other than Pfaff. I have seen ones that came from Pfaff and they look a little different. glenn
  21. Excellent, Lobes look great. I think you may be selling the Singer 29K73 before long. glenn
  22. Socal, Go to Henderson Sewing Machine Company Website. They have a lot of parts manuals including Pfaff that you can download. You are looking for the older casting 1245 Pfaff. I have it but it is 122 pages long and it has not been scanned. glenn
  23. Costabulary, Cleaned up very nice. The long rack looks to be in good shape. How much wear is there on the bellcrack lobes? Great find. glenn
  24. Steve, A Bradbury is never worth anything close to that, even restored. I would say that machine is worth a max of maximum of $1,500.00 it nit's present state. I have bought them unrestored for as little as $100.00 There are no parts. Bobbins and shuttles are like "hens teeth", they don't exist. glenn
  25. Is the machine set to High lift when you are sewing? shoepatcher
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