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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. i used to do it this way and it works great too, I used small brass 1" brads to line up the holes before gluing about every inch or so along the stitch line.
  2. " I boycotted eating garbage years ago. " I've had my share too. All it will do is make them eat good food but i guess your right its the thought that counts.
  3. so this Scotsman really ties one on and on the way home passes out next to the road. pretty soon a couple Irish girls come along find him and get curious about what's under his kilt take a peek and for fun they decide to tie a little blue ribbon on it. Next morn he wakes up and when he goes to take a leak sees the ribbon. " Oy don't remember where you've been last night he exclaims but you won first place.
  4. good idea! a guy could use it to set rivets, hole punches for belts and maybe a makers mark or some such stamp also.
  5. you can make a hole any way you want. The question, will the hole you make fit your design, look good or be unnoticed. Personally i think it would be to time consuming, ive made a few cribbage boards lol plus i dont like the look. I sew three layers of 10 most of the time if your awl is truly sharp it will go thru like butter if it doesn't its not sharp yet.
  6. wow I'll make one before i buy one and i have to fix someone elses mess..
  7. if it were mine i would use it to hold something tight against something round like a pipe so i could weld it up, solder or braze it.
  8. we have ones like that but much bigger out here in the west. They are for carrying post holes while building fences.
  9. its a question puller. works good too.
  10. BADASS!!! tell us how you did that texture please.
  11. "when I was a young man my neighbor lost his testicles because of a loose apron." What???? Was there a hole in his wifes apron pocket sounds like the beginning of a Rodney Dangerfield joke lol.
  12. thanks for posting those they are beautiful. I have always loved beadwork, never was good at it lol i did a couple little pieces on my possible bag. God bless you i needed some good feeling today.
  13. those came out really nice indeed. I'm more of a plain dresser myself. I love those dogs, i have had four labs in my day they will always be in my heart.
  14. Thanks I feel the same as you, i love working with antler and brass, they are my favorites for handles and what i use most often. hopefully i can get some time for more knife making, holsters have been keeping me busy.
  15. Thanks thanks the pattern is becoming pretty successful for me for sure Thank you. Yes they do almost as much as a large frame revolver.
  16. Thank you I made this awhile back Its Elk antler I made it to skive but it works just as well as my round knife for cutting patterns.
  17. My original 1911 pattern is getting tweeked alot but seems like it can take it. Two Browning .22 autos. I have made about six different patterns from it, these were the hardest by far.
  18. I'm gonna drink a beer in your name tonite!!
  19. that will make a wonderful tool heck yea pretty it up with some nice wood or antler if you have access and a new brass or copper ferrule. You need the ferrule because it fits tightly on the wood, the blade shank is slightly larger than the hole in the handle, as its forced in the hole it expands the wood and tightens the ferrule and shank together. the ferule keeps the handle from splitting instead of tightening.
  20. Has anyone else lost the spell check function on this site?
  21. LOL you eat that crap? I boycoted eating garbage years ago. I boycot now anything and anyone pro vax mandate. Dont really care about the smoke screen we caused.
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