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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. for the antique and dyes i use cotton balls they work well and are cheap. I also use natural sponge for dyes it makes a mottled effect real well.
  2. here the city built a nice water park over $100,000 for the kids then figured out we dont have enough water to run it. we were on water rationing all last summer lol.
  3. you can add the variable thickness with a wedge shaped welt also. with welt or without the width of the blade has to be added to the pattern even with a two piece pattern, if the blade is 1/2" thick you need to add 1/4" on both pieces, what i would do on this is leave even extra leather along the bottom or edge you can trim off and dry fit test the sheath, always test fit as close as possible before gluing it up and leave some trimming room as well. Most times a paper pattern will work to test the size especially on semi flat patterns
  4. i took off the name of the company, I'll be glad to tell anyone who wants to know on a private message but beware, is the middleman. And they don't have a review section for customers to check their service. They say that midgrade leather is C or d seems to me out of 4 grades it would be B or c. I can read and did know it may have scratches and bug bites and a brand, that is what i wanted but this piece has machine cuts and gouges completely through the top layers almost half unusable imo. Now what does it have to do with shipping? It cost me 20 bucks +3 days to get it, to send it back for refund another 20 bucks +3days then to re order from someone else 20 bucks +X days then maybe i get a decent piece with just scratches and bug bites. LOL OR eat the 100 bucks i throw away in bad leather and save four or five days of aggravation and forget it.
  5. Happy St Paddys day to everyone a bit early. Was wondering today what the Irish really eat on the holiday? I'm going to have a corned elk roast But i as i peruse the net it is becoming apparent the Irish don't eat corned beef. What do they eat? Bangers and mash or is that British? The last time my family was in Ireland was right after the titanic sank lol.
  6. i got good shipping just crap product Herman oak midgrade almost half ruined with machine gouges and scrapes.
  7. lol just 4 times. I would have had to practice a couple of times on scrap also.
  8. To all the leather workers i very sincerely thank you for understanding, accepting or simply putting up with grumpy old men such as me. To the mods I thank you each and every one for your professionalism, knowledge, patience and understanding and as well and most importantly to the owner who quietly but very professionally keeps up a wonderful little piece of the world and its history for us to enjoy, learn about and be a part of.
  9. yum gonna try that!! thanks, I have some elk sausage in the freezer...right now i'm Corning a nice big chunk of elk for St. Pattys day.
  10. man i wish we had them up here, i'm sure the ranchers and farmers dont though lol
  11. Hand sewing or machine? If hand sewing this may be a place for round holes in your leather, for waxed canvas or heavy denim i would just use a harness needle.
  12. Real food comes in a jar without labels... My wifes passion is canning. Sweet and sour ,mildly spicey.
  13. Oh heck yea and the aroma cooking over a open fire makes it even better.
  14. yea well Now i gotta make some bacon steaks thanks to you. heres where you go to get bacon steaks LOL. And heck no i have more hair than that lol.
  15. Oh heck yea!!! On a fresh baked sourdough bun!!!! Man I'll bet if you got a bit of that on your forehead you tongue would beat your brains out trying to lick it off. These are good at any altitude lol.
  16. So then you would enjoy my cooking? Fresh Brook trout with fried potatoes and wild onions at 8,000 Ft.
  17. A Leather and heavy textiles seamstress. specializing in Leather and canvas repair, fabrication and design.
  18. it would seem so but no actually working for 30 years in a prison did that. here's a smiley face for ya friend LOL even though you wanted to line me and shoot me one time. Sure pissed you off that day i'll admit lol. Getting away from people and enjoying the fruits of the earth, smelling fresh mountain air and drinking fresh spring water probably helped a bit IMO at least it kept me semi sane. ever do anything like that? Have you ever listened to the sunrise out in the woods? at the crack of dawn every living thing goes quiet for a few minutes all you can hear is pure quietness, your senses come alive and you can smell the dew, the plants the dirt, feel the brisk morning air. Then just like magic the birds ,elk, cattle, even the fish start jumping again and seem to come back to life. Its an amazing thing friend.
  19. i like that! i was thinking wood, didn't even think about a leather piece for some reason. Anyway its an awesome case!!
  20. excellent !!!! does it have a nose piece thingy in side?
  21. I feel blessed to live where i do. I have spent most of my life eating wild meats, game birds and fish, veggies from my garden and some really awesome foraged plants , berries and such. We make most of our food daily. One of my favorites is a French dip sandwich made with Elk roast, fresh bread & au jus. With a nice glass of home made Service berry or Chokecherry wine. As soon a spring rolls around our shopping starts with a garden, foraging and fishing to get the freezer filled up again. Something i find amazing in the US is the "health food" market read the labels on some of that crap once in a while, all the same chemicals, bad oils and sugar as regular crap food we get.
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