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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. I agree we should be finding and eradicating the causes of these mass immigrations. People don't want to leave their homes, when they do there is a problem that needs fixed. I fault the criminals that are taking advantage, and the politicians who ignore those basic problems, but a real concern to me is the lions share of immigrants are young healthy men who could easily be military units. I also think any person who comes to the border should enter legally poor or not and if they do respect their new homeland shouldn't have a problem respecting our laws right from the first step to the last. Our immigration laws virtually mirror most of the immigration laws in the free world. Canada for example is almost word for word.
  2. not as bad as when your drill bit slips off the rivet. This is a good topic to converse indeed, Anyone have a better method?
  3. very cool !! my only suggestion is you should have made your initials blue like the grips. I always wanted to try that competitive shooting, But with my 45/70 at 1000 lol.
  4. looks like mine when i grease the wheel bearings on my truck lol.
  5. much easier and safer than the drill method Thanks!!!
  6. "I think it can be good to take inspiration from other people but not copy someone else." I absolutely agree friend. You inspire me with your attention to detail.
  7. far to OCD for me lol. Good luck on the book Danne but i truly don't see you getting any huge benefit from it you have already mastered your techniques so you have no need to mimic someone else. Those wallets Danne makes are some of the best I've ever seen I don't have the want to, patience, eyesight, or customer base to even think twice about making such a thing. Leather as is so with blacksmithing is centuries old What we have learned has been forgotten and relearned more times than we can count. We humans fool ourselves thinking the old techniques can be improved upon , forget them, turn to more complicated methods then pat our selves on the back when we discover the easier (forgotten) way. Kind of like "sustainable" farming LOL.!
  8. lol i wouldn't trust it for reloading.
  9. LOL don't worry about running out of things to make, my son wore one knife sheath to another elk camp last year and i have been busy ever since.
  10. i hit up the thrift stores around here for buckles as well the local Bomgar's store. They put a bunch of dog collars on clearance for 3 bucks last year, i bought them all just for their hardware lol.
  11. Nice indeed!! How is that goat for wear? I haven't used any yet.
  12. in my case this collar was grooved for stitching, the square ring in the picture has been sliding back and forth over it for one year with virtually no effect. No tears in the leather. With out being grooved it wouldn't have lasted a month. What I'm getting at is yes there are times when you need to groove your stitch lines . this collar is one of those times belts the same thing, a holster maybe not so much. One method doesn't fit every need its just that simple.
  13. good luck friend remember resist isn't an absolute solve to the problem you still have to be careful with your dyes.
  14. 30$ holy cow cant someone throw some in an envelope and mail them up to you? If i had some extra i would in a minute.
  15. except for my daughter lol. That's exactly how i did it and i can say it works out real nice.
  16. How do you think rough out holsters were invented! LOL . I use to have a boss that called it working faster than you can think lol he would see my frustration set in and he would shut me down saying time for coffee and a smoke.
  17. not correct, you use the resist on the areas you don't want dyed, or have already dyed and don't want to damage with another color of dye.. Once you put on the resist it will resist the dye.. As said above you wipe your brush on the edge of the dye bottle ,paper towel or a scrap piece of leather. Try not dip your brush up to the ferrule if possible the hairs will pull up the dye. For example if you have a flower tooled then you would dye your flower whatever color like red. Then so that you wont get the background color on it you will apply the resist on the flower. Then you can dye your background without danger of ruining the flower. Then if you want to antique your project you would resist the whole piece then apply the antique as directed and as you said above. you can use any of the resists that are for sale or you can make your own with the liquid acrylic floor wax ( I use Future) and water half and half
  18. Its not what you saved but what you gained, knowledge, confidence and ability to do it. Money means nothing. Idle time is wasted. IMO i would start with one of these lol.https://www.harborfreight.com/automotive/winches/12-ton-capacity-hand-winch-62592.html
  19. not in the "show off" section friend! My only question at the beginning of this thread if his vid was in the right place.
  20. Sorry friend but most videos are just sales pitches, nothing against you but that's the new norm and in my preconceived opinion, really why you are doing it also. You aren't selling a product but you are selling yourself and your company. That is why I don't watch them from anyone as I said before. I did check out your store its a nice start as far as i can tell all you sell are tee shirts so far. As I also said before I wish you all the good luck. I'm not part of this argument I just asked a couple of questions.
  21. How many kickstarters are successful? And what happens if your not one of them? Not being negative but this is an important part of the decision also isn't it?
  22. well then there ya go! As i said i didn't watch the video mainly because i figured it was a sales pitch. Looks like a duck.....
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