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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. i agree with you for once, whoda thunk it. But lets say it for what it is they treat their people like slaves and steal the intellectual property of every other country so they don't pay the necessary living costs or design costs that the rest of the world does. They spend their money on influencing politicians in every country.
  2. it looks to me like it is one really big stamp used with a press of some kind.
  3. look at black powder shot pouches, or black powder ball pouches.
  4. Those are great guys and would make nice presents and such.
  5. i see no ball in the glove. Must be safe. I love your work friend.
  6. Americans celebrated Independence Day on July 4th, the date the much-publicized Declaration of Independence was approved, rather than on July 2nd, the day the resolution of independence was adopted in a closed session of Congress. With their yes votes, the members of the Continental Congress became traitors to Great Britain and wanted criminals. That is why Ben Franklyn uttered his famous line, “We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately.”
  7. i have used iridescent paints lightly air brushed here is a sample black with blue green and purple, i think if you did something similar with a silver it might work. if it were my project i would try a dry brush technique or maybe a sponge or paper towel drug across with very little silver to create that effect.
  8. you clicked on each of these filters i copied and posted below and only got one thing? that is odd it works for me even from the ones on this thread. Filter by: All, Craftaid Tracings, Doodle Page Sets, Doodle Pages, eBooks, Kids Projects, Pattern Pak, Tip Sheets, Tooling, Video, Video Only
  9. just make your own, its not hard to do by any means and way cheaper.
  10. go to the tandy site, tandyleather .com, at the top above the picture header you will see three options, shop, learn, new arrivals. Hold you pointer over learn for the drop down menu. Pick leathercraft library, right under that header picture you will see in very small letters "Filter by" with all the options, pick what you want to look at.
  11. a lot of the Stohlman books are free on the tandy website site
  12. well i think you pulled it off, that's some nice work.
  13. i think that three hole chisel may be a lacing chisel and not for stitching but for lacing need a better pic of it.
  14. lol i went down to buy some and they were unmarked and the kid there couldn't find the price so i got mine for free!!! That's a fine build! made me spit out my coffee! now that's funny.
  15. chuck123wapati


    very cool!
  16. That was an awesome thing to do ! Darn right it was worth it!
  17. thanks yea i just wanted a hint of iridescent look to it, i think it really set it off. That was a five hug project lol the daughter loved it.
  18. the coloradians do that here, like locust to our lakes and mountains, one bunch came to our local lake two years ago and raised so much hell with their boats and four wheelers and left so much trash the landowner shut down the access to it for everyone. They made one heck of a video and posted to youtube showing all the crap they did. Lets see your swatter friend!
  19. chuck123wapati

    The Boat

    i like the boat!
  20. great start and smart to learn from the best before learning bad habits and having to relearn.
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