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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. lol Ok then simple test, carve and tool that same design you made with stamps on your cig case and let me know which was easier and which took more of your time and which looked better in the end. your question "Are they artistically equal in skills" ? the answer is no, it takes much more "skill" to learn to carve and tool correctly and artistically than to learn to stamp correctly and artistically.
  2. I agree somewhat however take a stamped belt for example any average person can with very little experience duplicate any design very closely with very little training or skill. Now take a belt hand carved and hand tooled I don't have to tell anyone here how hard that would be to duplicate for the average guy with very little training or skill. That is why stamps were invented they are simply easier. that's why people invent stuff , to make it easier. And that's why i charge more for a tooled belt than a stamped belt.
  3. Pretty easy to tell carve something then stamp something and see which is easier to make look good. Learning to tool a flower compared to grabing a stamp of a flower and whacking it. design concepts are obviously needed for both to look good but they don't compare in ability. I can stamp a design in a few minutes however carving and tooling a design takes more time and skill. Think of it this way Don Gonzales makes a bill fold hand tooled exactly as the one i did, which would be worth more. it takes skill eye hand coordination, experience and about a dozen other thing s to make your tooling look good it is an ART. Stamping is stamping its more of a craft that's why Tandy calls them crafttools lol.
  4. woke up to three more inches today, at least the roads were open lol.
  5. 25-30 for a plain one, a lot of folks like plain things. 35 -40 for one like that decorated with stamps only. Very nice looking by the way. 45 or 50 if they want it tooled.
  6. lol you cant judge by our two stores, the roads have been closed for almost three weeks off and on daily due to storms and or high winds. Sometimes we don't have any fresh produce or meat at all. I think we have crackers though. If there are nation wide shortages the truckers passing through stop and grab all they can, its become a real problem here and a second source of income for the truckers.
  7. thanks for doing the work for us finding a supplier, I'll be getting some of those.
  8. that's one of the things that started my leather journey 40+ year ago.
  9. those look great tell us more about them. leather weight, type, etc.
  10. yes it is and no you haven't. Keep on practicing
  11. And I'm going again as soon as i can lol...friggin snow is getting old. land rover is one of the best trucks ever made.. at least the old ones were.
  12. When they quietly changed the story from global warming to climate change most folks should have caught on. Willful ignorance is the true pandemic.
  13. excellent work and a beautiful result. Cant wait to see the sheath that you come up with.
  14. yw i know mines pretty minimalist and may be a problem if your new to holsters. That's so i can customize them or adjust them as needed for any number of gun sizes, barrel lengths and loop options. if you have questions don't hesitate to ask.
  15. you know what's funny about that edge finishing business, i usually have to show my customers that i did that extra work because they just never notice the edges, after i show them though it impresses the heck out them and that's what brings them back for more!
  16. I've made fringe exactly once in my entire life.
  17. Well you did a great job of it!! rugged isn't a bad thing at all quite a few folks like that look, I'm one of them lol. i could see that on any given day out here in my lil slice of the world. i would be proud as punch at that. My only critic if you want to call it that, Burnishing and edge coat of some type may be a thought for your next one, leave enough edge you can sand it out smooth and even, i use a cheap old belt sander for finishing the edges. sand just like wood but be careful of burning.
  18. if you were going for rugged but beautiful you hit it dead on! That's a gorgeous looking western type holster imo. i never understood the huge welt some folks do however not that it matters.
  19. All law is written for the same reason, why would divorce law be different? btw did you get your camp Lejune settlement yet lol i get at least ten emails day.
  20. i agree but i also think its more ignorance than misconception, folks don't know they can get shoes repaired because there is no one who repairs them anymore the shoe repair store in our town died way back in the 70s. We turned into a throw away culture about then too so even though leather will outlast the soles its a mute point no one fixes them they go in the dump. We are simply taught now days to throw and buy as a culture that's what we do. At least in the US! Now my dad took care of his shoes, cleaned and polished them, wore over boots in the winter but as a child he got one pair a year for school, then ww2 and the army gave him his first real shoes he could wear anytime he wanted and lessons on how to take care of them. He never owned more than a couple pairs at one time in his life. His pride and joy were a pair of boots my brother had made for him in the Azores in the 70s.
  21. i spend an hour or so waterproofing my boots every fall. My hunting boots are over 20 years old now and the leather is still holding up. the worst "myth" right now about leather is cow farts are destroying the world.
  22. ok this fits the s&w 8 shot 22 cal revolver it should be pretty close , you may have to adjust it a bit. not much to it. s&w8shot (1).pdf
  23. i will be glad to scan it for you if you have a printer you can just print it, i'm old fashioned i guess.
  24. i cant find that picture but its just like this one. i re did this holster for the same man, he wanted one that rode higher than the old fashioned western type and wanted a cant to it so this is what i came up with, The strap is sewn under the top of the loop kind of like a welt, it is shaped like the stitching at the base and keeps the cant where it should be. they ride high and tight.
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