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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. that is a beautiful finish job on those. i like that strap too.
  2. maybe it just needs to be in the right category, tools or advertising or something besides show off. I m sure he is proud of his tools but shouldn't this area be about leather goods people have made?
  3. my dad was in Ww2 also, grew up during the depression, man they had a rough go of it back then but you know my folks were always happy i guess when you live through tough times like that history everything else is cake. I have my great grandmothers cook book it is a reused fabric sample book that she glued recipes from newspapers and books into and also quilt patterns and doily patterns lol. Some of the oldest dates are 1895. i find them fascinating because of the simple ingredients that folks had back then to work with and the fact that cook books weren't something you bought but made. i made baked eggs from it the other day lol but i had a hard time figuring out what temperature a "quick oven" was, wood stove terms lol. My mom was always saving recipes too, i have hers still also. Got the truck about half ready so far, today i have to grease it up, check the winch, and maybe change a u joint. its only ten days but its a hard ten, plenty of mud and possibly snow instore for the truck that starts by pulling my old camper 60 miles up into the mountains.
  4. roses are my nightmare lol, you did a great job on them.
  5. you are getting better by leaps and bounds friend keep it up.
  6. don't forget the old masters. Any Al Stohlman books are excellent reference and pretty much led the way in western style holster making for years. Which leads to what type holster will dictate what info you need and from who.
  7. Life isn't always about perfection that's the joy of working with products made naturally. I think that looks great !!
  8. What weight leather? Are you getting your leather damp all the way through then letting it case properly? To me it looks like your leather may have been to dry to tool well.
  9. i think they may be a very unique repair job. they appear to be nailed on so the saddle wouldn't have to be taken apart to make the repair. same with the rawhide on the cantle, i have an old one in that condition the cantle leather has been worn off along the top . Its has a lot of good stories if it could only talk.
  10. i was thinking more on clean up or when you need to change colors. how hard is that? lol i keep a whole jar full of them babies. They are multi taskers.
  11. that is cool!!! what does air pressure improve? I mean couldn't you do the same with just gravity feed?
  12. according to Al Stohlman "Leather craft tools" cuts should be about 1/2 the thickness of the leather.
  13. That's way cool, how do you manage different colors. My products aren't all flat straight belts so it wouldn't get the use from me. I use the back end of a paint brush.
  14. Same for me my folks brought me up in a tent, hunting and fishing was a family endeavor, my mom was crack shot and fisherwoman as well as an awesome campfire cook lol BUT! i would give up the rest of my life of outdoors to have back one day with my mom and dad. You're the lucky one my friend enjoy every minute you can with them.
  15. very cool and just in time for holloweenie.
  16. thank you very much . nope it doesn't come up on my posts at all.
  17. lol no biggie friend i will if i can delete it. my edit button has been gone for some time. I thought your message was good.
  18. Hey Tug do you take the same precautions with buying processed foods or even your water? I ask because there are more dangerous chemicals being introduced into our bodies than just from breathing. Read an msds for fluoride for example, and as its put into every water supply its in every processed food and beverage and we don't have any idea how much we consume. Its important for sure to be proactive and trust no one. Just for fun sometime read the ingredients on a package of processed health food. Recently, epidemiological studies have suggested that fluoride is a human developmental neurotoxicant that reduces measures of intelligence in children, placing it into the same category as toxic metals (lead, methylmercury, arsenic) and polychlorinated biphenyls.
  19. i cant wait to tell you the truth I need some quiet time under the stars, a nice hot fire and a cold beer all at the same time. I made up some hunting gear to show off while visiting friends up there, we call it camp hopping, stop by and have a beer and BS a bit. Some of them i only see out there once a year lol but its a lot of fun. My winter chores are starting, fix some storm windows till in all the rabbit fertilizer, get the vehicles ready and fix up the green house roof. Jeez maybe I'll just stay in the mountains lol.
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