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Everything posted by chuck123wapati

  1. It was also used in eastern/ asian cultures https://archeryhistorian.com/archery-thumb-rings/
  2. another way to pull the string, it was done by hooking the string under the arrow with your thumb only then kind of holding your thumb tip with your first finger. Kind of like shooting a marble if you've ever done that. The Romans for one used that method and used a ring to hold the pressure off of the skin hence a thumb ring. i would love to own a real English yew longbow.
  3. traditional English longbows dont have a rest as Fred said, the left or right problem is taken care of by holding the bow at an angle so the arrow is cast up instead of left or right. Even bows with a rest will shoot left or right because the arrow is still off center a bit if held straight up. I am left eye dominant so i shoot left but i'm right handed. Learned to shoot with a right handed recurve bow but when i bought my first compound it was a lefty I found i was much more accurate left but can shoot either. Always wanted to try a thumb ring i saw yesterday they make some out of leather i may just make one.
  4. lol an american made one does i have one it was made by PSE 50#
  5. I'll bet she isn't liking borrowing an archery glove they need to fit really well or your shooting just isnt on. If making a glove be sure to get the seams on top of her shooting fingers or they will pinch and make it so she can tie it or tighten it some way around her wrist. I shot recurve probably 30 years and i finally settled on a regular old medium weight leather work glove with the string tightener at the wrist, i would go to the store and try on gloves till i found a good tight fit with the proper length on all three fingers. Length from the wrist tie and the finger tips is important if to long the glove doesn't feel right and will slip during the shot. I also shot with a tab for awhile and used very light driving glove under it again tight and every finger the right length.
  6. All is well fall is coming on now today was the first frost. We were given two pronghorn Antelope the other day they are delicious critters when taken care of properly. Taste like a goats butt if not lol. It wont be long now till snow flys here and our Elk hunting season will start in October. I have to get to work on my hunting truck and winterizing my house again. We have no real fall or spring it usually jumps from hotter than heck to freezing within a couple of weeks it seems. Thats a whole lot of yellow i'll bet its awesome at sunrise. i love sweet and sour one of my favorites is S&S Sage Grouse Its a local wild bird here that we also hunt.
  7. A guy finds his look within himself, his knowledge is all he has to work with, the older a person gets and the more knowledge he collects adds up and in time his look pops right out. As tug suggested google searches I will go a step further and also add history books. If sheaths are your passion then learn all you can about them, their history is thousands of years in the making covering every conceivable society and culture and in every shape of weaponry imaginable with every type of leather imaginable. For example your sheaths and knives are very Scandinavian in design and appearance to me. You will then be able to realize a sheath style for a typical knife shape. You can then be able to further enhance that design to your liking. Then as you make what you like to make the way you want to make it, it will be your look.
  8. See now that is what i worry about. But! lol I gots me some tools, i can make em outa bout anythin fer a little bit o nuthin.
  9. LOL oh i tie it right but when you tie 500 lbs of elk on one end and a 3/4 ton truck on other, drag it through 1000 feet of sage brush and service berry shrub up a canyon wall it gets tight believe me. That's why i use it lol its the easiest to get undone. My brothers and hunting partners all use knots they don't even have a name for sometimes I don't let them tie my rope anymore. i learned most of my knots working on drill rigs back in the 70s and 80s its amazing how much much technology they used from sailing ships
  10. ok and...... ? macon and zeebee have some expensive stuff 2 squares for 95 bucks what makes them worth that much they are just aluminum squares.
  11. that is looking good! Your light source probably, different lights throw a different color spectrum so they make photos appear different. My favorite knot is the Bowline i use it a lot when dragging critters out of canyons lol but sometimes they get to tight to get loose without one of those spikes. i use a screw driver lol i really should make one i have about a thousand feet of rope in various lengths and sometimes i use it all.
  12. great first try its useable. i agree with Dwight on tooling and wet forming, I think we all try it at one time or another and that's how we learn. On a small sheath such as this no wet forming should be needed. And if you own a belt sander you can really make a nice straight edge after sewing it up. i need one of those knives, i use alot of rope sometimes hunting.
  13. awesome as always!! that contrasting background sure makes your theme pop. then the blue reminds me of the sky.
  14. friggin nice work friend!!!!
  15. age it a little bit something will come up and it will be perfect.
  16. them darned ole idiots, oh well good luck with your new camera phone?
  17. or down the rabbit hole lol.
  18. Your sheath looks store bought perfect and if that's what you were shooting for then you nailed it. i think its darn nice sheath and a darn good cause your making it for. My old boss had a saying " its your house you can paint it any color you want." I like computer generated art if its original and not that cut and paste stuff because it does take ambition, personal talent, time and learning to accomplish.
  19. beautiful and faster than greeased llightnin as Sam would say lol. !!! Why a kid lol a good cold Beer needs a coaster too.
  20. you ever think of making little leprechaun hats and filling them with candy coins for St. Patricks day?
  21. yea that plus you get to keep all the crappy stuff to use for yourself while giving or selling the real cool stuff to others. your new wallet will be awesome!! On a side note, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for mistakes LOL
  22. i like handles on my tools. and i prefer to buy good used vintage or antique tools for lifetime use, they are for the most part better made than the Chinese copies. Japanese knives made in Japan being the exception, they make excellent steel. IMO.
  23. these are very cool , make great use of scraps and and excellent practice. Now you gotta make make Yosemite Sam
  24. off to the races!!! lookin good so far, are the handles far enough forward to balance the gun?
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