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Grey Drakkon

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Everything posted by Grey Drakkon

  1. Looks awesome! I'm VERY glad her name is "Mary" because that would be weep-worthy to mess that up! I love the leaf holding the D-ring, only wish the leaves went across the entire top so the other one was also a leaf!
  2. Finally got brave enough to try making something besides bracelets with the Horween I have. Based off of figure 66 illustration on page 44 in the book Purses in Pieces, I made the sides suede since it's strong and flexible, plus I had just gotten a nice dark brown hide that matches the Horween pretty nicely. I cut the lacing with a straight edge and a rotary cutter, I'm definitely going to have to get a lace cutter if I keep doing this because my consistency was crap. Still, I think I did pretty well considering I couldn't find my calipers (where DOES this stuff go?!) and I was making each hole one by one with a nail that had been flattened out and filed to make the lacing holes. I think it will flatten out a bit as it's used, right now it's keeping the shape of being rolled up plus the tension from the lacing.
  3. This took me AGES to figure out. Just about every other forum I'm on automatically tosses you at the last spot you were at on each thread.
  4. I'm glad you decided to share your work with us, it's really nice looking!
  5. Haha I don't have to ask, I found that out myself when using super thick Lumier acrylic paints. >_<
  6. I made some excellent browns by airbrushing red on top of green. Putting brown on top of green would make an even darker greenish brown, depending on the dyes used.
  7. Nice colors chosen and the exterior shape of the oak leaf is very well done. The next one you do it will be interesting to see if you can match the raised veins by carving to either side of them instead of using the cut to represent the raised areas.
  8. First off, that looks awesome, surprisingly so since you said you mixed dyes and stains which usually results in...Not so great results. Secondly, if you wanted a camo effect why not dye on the light color and then sponge on a darker color on top of it? Looks like a fun experiment in any case and a very unique look.
  9. Thanks to Cseeger I have some awesome coin snaps. This is the first one I've used since I got them so even though it's just a bracelet I'm showing it off. I also did something a bit different with the mystery braid, instead of cutting the strips the entire length of of the strap, I stopped in the middle so it's two braids in one bracelet. I really like how it lays flat against the flat of the wrist when braided this way. I think I'm finally getting the hang of setting snaps, they're firmly attached without denting the hell out of the caps. This is my first time setting rivets and once I figured out the trick of it (and used the proper setter) they were pretty easy to do. I rather like how the "filigree" one looks, I'll probably be pushing that further on the next bracelet I make.
  10. Thanks SO MUCH it was driving me mad! I'll have to give it a try right away.
  11. Would you sell the plans for it? I made a quiver based off the Tandy leather ones, it slides around an awful lot.
  12. Yegads. You could knock someone out with that thing.
  13. Interesting! Where did you get the plans for the quivers? I do a bit of arching myself.
  14. So I kept hearing about the book Purses In Pieces, and I angsted over it enough that my guy bought it for me. While flipping through it I found something called a "rolled wallet" that had three pockets in it, and it looked fairly simple. At first I was worried about it being too fat with having veg tanned leather on the outside and for the pockets, but then I remembered I have some pig suede, perfect! This being my first rolled wallet, I pretty much made up all the proportions. In retrospect, I should have made it 1/4" wider so the middle pocket would fit business cards. The bottom most pocket is pretty much perfect for change, not too deep and not too shallow, and the topmost pocket (that needs the most flex since it bends around into a U shape) fits paper money folded in half just nicely. I dyed the veg tan with walnut hull dye I made from green hulls, it's a nice soft brown.
  15. Haha if you didn't want to keep making them you should have made the first one look awful! Your own fault for being too good.
  16. So I got the book Purses in Pieces and was really excited to see the actual binding method was shown. Unfortunately, I just can't figure out how one of them is done! On page 19 here: http://www.oxbowbooks.com/pdfs/books/purses%20amerika.pdf it shows a binding that looks like twisted rope on the front, but in the back it's a tidy straight line stitch. How the hell is this done?! I can only figure out how to make it twisted on both sides which bulks it up too much.
  17. Wow you took it and ran with it, didn't you? Very nice, especially for using a material unfamiliar to you!
  18. Looking at their stuff compared to yours, their stuff is definitely soulless. I also agree with you that they pushed the violin thing way too far, yours has an "Oh yeah, look at that!" while theirs is a bludgeon over the head. Gotta say though, you should really have more "tanning stuff" on your leather pieces. ;D
  19. That is some stellar stamping, especially along the border where it merges.
  20. Grey Drakkon


    Very bold. Did you use dye or acrylic to color it?
  21. That is one smug looking chicken right there. ;D Lovely work though! I like how it's relatively simple, but the longer you look the more things you can pick out, like the patterns on the shirts and so forth.
  22. Did you use the same type of metal/vinegar? I remember reading that someone used steel wool but it had some kind of coating on it that made the vinegaroon turn out cruddy. I imagine that vinegar can come in different strengths, and temperature could probably affect the rate too. Thanks for the reminder about vinegaroon though! Need to make a batch of it and try it out. If you live near a park check out if they have any walnut trees growing, that's actually where I got most of mine. Or just ask around, lots of people who have black walnut in their yards are eager to get rid of the hulls because they make a huge mess. I think I'll try making another batch, but this time putting them in a cloth and letting it sit in the bucket for a few days, then cooking it up and seeing if that gives me a darker color.
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