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Everything posted by Northmount

  1. Moved your post to Saddle and Tack Accessory Items
  2. @rac1812 Moved your post to leather sewing machines. If your material is too thin and the thread is too thick, you can't hide the knots in the material regardless of what you do with your tension settings.
  3. Went to the local Tandy a couple weeks ago to get the double shoulder vegtan at this sale price. None in stock, didn't arrive, you can order it on the web (and pay shipping). I asked about them ordering it to pick up in the store. Sure we can do that, you pay the shipping though anyhow. Not buying that! I've bought from Tandy here since 1961, through several managers and locations. Finding I have less interest in purchasing from Tandy with all the changes in the past5 years or so.
  4. Take a look through this thread, You might find some help here. If not, there are lots more posts in the forum 'sewing leather'.
  5. I'm no expert with sewing machines so take this with a grain of salt. The holes look too large, so maybe try a smaller needle size. Also looks like you could use a little more tension on the top and bottom. Does the other side look the same?
  6. Moved your post to "Exotics, Reptiles, Furs and others"
  7. Moved your post to "Shoes, Boots, Sandals and Moccassins"
  8. Moved your post to Leather sewing machines. You need to provide a lot more information. Is the machine going to be used for thick or thin leather? plus many more questions. Look at this thread:
  9. Best place would seem to be 'leather sewing machines' as that is where most of the machine guys hang out.
  10. Northmount


    @casull45450 moved your post to wanted.
  11. You are commenting on a post from 2017. May not be relevant to them today. Have you checked them out?
  12. These are segma snaps. The left 2 pieces go together, the right 2 pieces go together.
  13. If your files are too large to post here due to file size restrictions, you need to resize your files to fit. Follow this link for some helps and suggestions. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/15122-how-to-post-pictures-on-lw/?do=findComment&comment=551171 There are lots of Apps, software, and online tools available on the web, or even built into your device to enable you to reduce your file sizes. 800 pixels in the longest dimension is quite adequate. Smart phone screens and many monitors don't display high res files in high resolution. People that live on the fringes of the internet appreciate smaller file sizes and high res photos may take from 10 minutes to hours to download.
  14. What device are you using so we can give you some tips?
  15. Please post your photos here. 3rd party hosted photos frequently disappear due to changes in the host's policies, host out of business, users moving files, deleting files, closing their account or the account expiring. When this happens, the post becomes worthless to all future users who are researching or looking for help to solve a problem. If your files are too large to post here due to file size restrictions, you need to resize your files to fit. Follow this link for some helps and suggestions. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/15122-how-to-post-pictures-on-lw/?do=findComment&comment=551171 There are lots of Apps, software, and online tools available on the web, or even built into your device to enable you to reduce your file sizes. 800 pixels in the longest dimension is quite adequate. Smart phone screens and many monitors don't display high res files in high resolution. People that live on the fringes of the internet appreciate smaller file sizes and high res photos may take from 10 minutes to hours to download.
  16. You need to provide actual information about your saddle beyond "Levins Buckles". It would have been better to start a new thread rather than generating confusion about the description should actually be. A few photos would help greatly. I'm splitting this off to a new thread with a new title. If your files are too large to post here due to file size restrictions, you need to resize your files to fit. Follow this link for some helps and suggestions. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/15122-how-to-post-pictures-on-lw/?do=findComment&comment=551171 There are lots of Apps, software, and online tools available on the web, or even built into your device to enable you to reduce your file sizes. 800 pixels in the longest dimension is quite adequate. Smart phone screens and many monitors don't display high res files in high resolution. People that live on the fringes of the internet appreciate smaller file sizes and high res photos may take from 10 minutes to hours to download.
  17. Added photo from Leather Machine Co. for reference. Same price as was quoted above, so should be the same machine.
  18. It can definitely make a difference. And as long as it isn't subject to a lot of wear.
  19. What is the 'red' material? Can't supply answers with no pertinent information.
  20. Welcome, good to have you here. Very few members use Instagram. Please post your photos here. 3rd party hosted photos frequently disappear due to changes in the host's policies, host out of business, users moving files, deleting files, closing their account or the account expiring. When this happens, the post becomes worthless to all future users who are researching or looking for help to solve a problem. If your files are too large to post here due to file size restrictions, you need to resize your files to fit. Follow this link for some helps and suggestions. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/15122-how-to-post-pictures-on-lw/?do=findComment&comment=551171 There are lots of Apps, software, and online tools available on the web, or even built into your device to enable you to reduce your file sizes. 800 pixels in the longest dimension is quite adequate. Smart phone screens and many monitors don't display high res files in high resolution. People that live on the fringes of the internet appreciate smaller file sizes and high res photos may take from 10 minutes to hours to download.
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