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Everything posted by Northmount

  1. @geordieracer Very nice work. You can resize your photos to a lower resolution and be able to post many more at a time. 800 x 600 pixels is quite adequate for viewing here. Saves on upload and download time for people with slow network connections too. Tom
  2. I've seen a purse and a knife sheath done this way. The people called it stitchless. Tom
  3. Happy I could be of some limited help and that you were able to solve the problem. The purse looks great! Tom
  4. Here are a couple more where lining was included in a google search. First used upholstery velvet. Second one gives info on selecting the lining. http://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/53350-wet-formed-cue-case/ http://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/14305-dragon-protection/ Tom
  5. I may have reversed the sort to put oldest posts first. Another good way to search is to use google and restrict the search to this site by including "site:leatherworker.net" without the quotes as part of the search string. I do remember there being something about lining the tubes from my browsing a few years ago. It might have been on JB's website too. Not sure. Anyhow, you're not so stupid. And more experience will help make searches work better for you. Google's search engines and databases are indexed far better than this site's so I often use it. More powerful, more money to play with! Tom
  6. See the following posts I found by searching for "cue case" (including the quotation marks to avoid all the other kinds of cases). Many posts by JohnBarton are quite informative. Tom
  7. Hey Trooper, can you upload your photos again? They seem to have disappeared for some reason. Thanks. Tom
  8. Northmount

    2nd Pool Cue Case

    Hey @Ebbtide please upload your photos so we can all see them. Or fix your account with photobucket to allow third party hosting. Thanks. Tom
  9. Hey @RiverCity can you post the photos here or fix your photobucket account to allow third party hosting. None of your photos are visible to the rest of us. Tom
  10. Try a search. I found this one after a couple minutes. Tom
  11. @Bolanca Someone in China will start mass producing it and selling in large quantities on Alibaba. Tom
  12. Reduce the photo size to 800 x 600 pixels and you will have tons of space to load more photos. You can also make additional posts to this thread rather than starting a new thread. Tom
  13. Lots of threads here about burnishers and making your own. Try a search for burnisher. Tom
  14. Ya, you can ball up quite a mess under the feed plate in the bobbin area. And if you force it when it is jammed up, more damage than just having to clean up the mess. Safety clutch on some machines might save you, but just don't ever do it. You can turn backwards just a little if you were trying to place the needle in the right spot so you can reposition the work. But that is all. Tom
  15. The hook or shuttle can only pick up the loop in the top thread going in one direction, so yes, wheel must always turn only one direction. As above, use reverse or turn around to back stitch. Tom
  16. Please add your location to your profile. You may get more responses to this and future posts from people in your area. And of course, we like to see where everyone is from. Tom
  17. Tandy's works, comes with 3/8" staples, 1/4" works better. Leaves staples proud of the leather. Use a pliers to help clinch them tighter. Tom
  18. Try Tandy's Leathercraft Library for PDF. https://www.leathercraftlibrary.com/p-1158-horse-tack-accessory-pattern-pack.aspx? Tom
  19. And yes you can use a light crease as a stitching line. You can apply a crease anytime it suits you in your work process. Best to make sure you have the final edge you wish to follow. It is a little easier to use the creaser before you use the edger as you have more depth on the side of the leather to help guide your creaser. Tom
  20. Northmount


    @Frederick Please allow the server time to respond after hitting the post button. During times that the server is busy, or that the internet connection is slow, just be patient. One hit is enough. If you have edits to make and the period for making an edit has timed out, then just add a new post to the thread with any additional info or corrections that need to be made to your original post. You should also add your location to your profile. It helps make contact with people in your area that may be able to help or that are interested. I realize that you have your location in this post. Tom
  21. Here is a Facebook post you might like. https://www.facebook.com/groups/elktracks/permalink/2048162658805107/ Tom
  22. http://www.baier-praegetechnik.de/baier/en/home.nsf/contentview/8914AFA9466CBFE4C1257CA70040DA08 Company website, has a little company history. Also google search results https://www.google.com/search?q=leonhard+kurz+furth+bayern+press&lr=lang_en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwimhIfK8ojaAhUF-GMKHfjVCikQuAEIJA&biw=1070&bih=658&dpr=2.22 Tom
  23. I give it a couple wacks with a hammer. The punches, anvils, etc. pop right out. Tom
  24. Have you tried the thinner thread on both the top and bottom? Also, get some new thread of a known size, that is within the specs for the machine and try it out. Eliminate extra twists and turns around any posts. Tom
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