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Everything posted by Northmount

  1. Members or businesses wishing to place more than 20 ads per year are requested to donate to the site to receive a "Dealer" designation. Dealers will receive preferred placement consideration and banner ads on the site's resource listings.
  2. Members or businesses wishing to place more than 20 ads per year are requested to donate to the site to receive a "Dealer" designation. Dealers will receive preferred placement consideration and banner ads on the site's resource listings.
  3. Members or businesses wishing to place more than 20 ads per year are requested to donate to the site to receive a "Dealer" designation. Dealers will receive preferred placement consideration and banner ads on the site's resource listings.
  4. @LZpattern Members or businesses wishing to place more than 20 ads per year are requested to donate to the site to receive a "Dealer" designation. Dealers will receive preferred placement consideration and banner ads on the site's resource listings.
  5. Use something besides leather for the soles. I see people using soles cut from tires.
  6. I moved your post yesterday to leather sewing machines. As I said, it is the best place for you to get help and references to others that might be in your area. Work with the fellows there, and ask if they know someone that is closer to you.
  7. @jaygeo2020 Moved to leather sewing machines. You'll get more input here than in help wanted. Help wanted all posts have to be approved by a moderator before members can see them.
  8. Northmount

    Cracked clay stone

    Looks good, and interesting possibilities.
  9. 1680 x 1050 and smaller is the resolution of many computer screens (unless you are doing high res photos or some gaming systems). And of course many people are using smart phones and tablets with even smaller resolution. FYI: With your portrait photo showing the post bed, resized to 1680 pixels high produced a medium resolution jpeg of 131KB. Lots of room for many photos and able to stay within the limits. Thanks for posting here with your next photo. It is much appreciated by members, and especially in the future if any permissions, etc. are changed. Also good for those living in the fringes of the internet. Don't have to wait 2 hours for a photo to download.
  10. Please post photos here instead of linking to 3rd party hosting sites. Any changes in permissions, moving files, deleting, host out of business result in making the thread useless in the future.
  11. This type of swivel knife was sold by Tandy in the 1960s. I have one with a plastic handle. Never really had any success with it so stayed with typical swivel knives.
  12. If you can put these back together with photos, or as a PDF, it would be most appreciated by many. If you can assemble the PDF, we can arrange to email it to me so I can post it here. You can message me and I can give you an email we can use. Thanks.
  13. This is a prime example of why photos should be sized to fit and posted here on leatherworker.net
  14. That is not a problem. Just want to get you into the right place to get the help you are looking for. This forum "Leather Sewing Machines" has a pinned post about what sewing machine do I need, and several others with good information for you. The point you have narrowed down to, you have 2 very similar machines. The closest dealer to you is probably your best bet for purchase and any ongoing assistance you might require. I think you will get a few more posts along this line too.
  15. @Bow Moved your post to Leather Sewing Machines. Help wanted requires moderator approval for every post and is usually used to post jobs wanted or such type.
  16. All three links to Crazy Crow work for me.
  17. The OP hasn't been back here since April 16, 2020 so I am archiving this thread in Old/Sold. You can send him a PM if you want to try.
  18. @Deebo Welcome aboard. Good to have you here. Please post in English. English is the language of choice for Leatherworker.net. As you are aware, it is a world wide forum. You may include Dutch as well if you wish to. You'll get more response likely with English as members won't have to translate to English.
  19. @Alyskidder Moved your post to Leather Sewing Machines. Help Wanted - all posts require moderator's approval. It is more intended to be like classified ads for hiring or looking for work.
  20. Fiebings deglazer might take some off, but won't look great. I'd consider making it a full black saddle now.
  21. Members can't delete posts. You can edit them, but the time window for editing is limited.
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