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Everything posted by Wishful

  1. Dont need them right now but that is a great offer. Hope someone grabs some.
  2. I bet she'll love it. Did you line it?
  3. Just face it - you are becoming trendy like Martha
  4. Not exactly what you are asking for but perhaps some detailed info to get you going. It is an article from shop talk on how to restring bells but shows some good detail. Shop Talk Article
  5. Looks like you are having fun with leathercrafting. Nice
  6. Same problem so I started using the spray super-sheen. I have not used anything other than Tandy stuff since they are conveniently located near me.
  7. There are a lot of braiding/knot forums that might help too like this one: International Guild of Knot tyers Most will translate fine to leather.
  8. Wishful


    I love that sunflower!
  9. Nice. What do y0ou use as stiffeners for the sides?
  10. There is a free pattern of an eagle flask at the leathercraft library 6oz but you should be able to adapt it if you liek the image https://www.leatherc...-6oz-flask.aspx quite a few more ideas at Elktracks.net too http://www.elktracks.net/free-patterns.html (hope it is ok to link here - mods?)
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