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Everything posted by Itch

  1. That is very nice and I like the way that the firearm fits the holster.. Offers maximum protection for the firearm..
  2. I think that is very nice and functional .. I think you should get a lot of use from that ..
  3. I just went to do a count on my molds 91, some are doubles with lasers ,some are pieces of old firearms. AS we mostly specialize in semi autos we only have about 7 or so revolvers..
  4. I was taught on the mauls and that is what we use 3 different sizes in our shop.. I would suggest the heavy weight for punching belt slots and such..
  5. If any of you have been to Weaver for their auction in June or have taken their tour then you know that this place is just amazing ..
  6. Mein Mann ist schuld. Ich habe ihn vor 17 Jahren geheiratet waehrend meines Florida Urlaubs. Und dann musste ich eben hier bleiben.
  7. Dein Englisch hoert sich sehr gut an. Du wirst hier viele Sachen finden koennen. Und scheue dich nicht zu fragen. Die Leute hier sind super freundlich. Von wo bist du? Ich bin die Frau von "Itch", Isabel, und bin aus Duisburg urspruenglich. Liebe Gruesse aus Tennessee.
  8. Here is another option. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Fantastic-Leather-Burnisher-Motorizerd-with-cord-/321532344012?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4adcd236cc
  9. We buy 4' x 8' sheets of ABS plastic that are pretty cheap this works very well for us. Something like this http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/item.aspx?itemid=23013
  10. Every holster that leave, s our shop get,s the inside treated with KG 9 leathercote. It is some nice slick stuff.
  11. Itch

    Custom Clicker Dies

    Nice work as we are alway,s ordering up die's we will keep you in mind..
  12. I would think that most tile will crack.. Find a place that makes gravestones for a nice piece to use...
  13. Nice review.. and as always the guy.s at Cobra seemed very helpful..
  14. I would add that I know of 3 or 4 Amish shops that use the one that I mentioned , they pull some very Dry Harness and Bridle through theirs and that is why we purchased this one..
  15. We have one of the Heritage Professional #65-6100 Leather Splitter/Skiver It is a solid machine and get's used a lot .. We thin a lot of belt ends down with it..
  16. I have often thought about building a temperature controlled branding iron mounted in some type of a press.. If I remember recently there was a fella on the forum from outside the US that had built one with pictures. It looked like it was working pretty well for him.
  17. Music moves my soul.. If I want to get my feet moving Bob Marley,but from Muddy Waters to Bach count me in.. Taylor Swift and that sort I would have to pass,but we were talking about music .
  18. I would look into something like surgical tubing if it would fit the tool.
  19. I would call Weaver and speak with them. We do go to their auction every June and they have been very nice to work with. I can highly recommend the Master tool series hand tools. The machines that they sell can usually be found at a little better price somewhere else under different names or a bit different...
  20. If you are set on putting in a liner I would check any major fabric store.. Maybe flannel ? But I am a Weirdo..If you ask the Wife.
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