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Everything posted by David8386

  1. Thanks for posting it. That is a big project and it came out very good for a first bag. The critiques above are on the money but it is something you made from scratch, be proud of it. David
  2. Welcome to the forum. David
  3. They came out nice. Thanks for putting the pictures up. David
  4. Came out good, like it. Thanks for posting it David
  5. Looks good, you got 1 Christmas present out of the way. David
  6. Looks nice, I like the black with the tan. Bike looks really good too. Thanks for posting it. David
  7. I have used Tandy rubber cement just to hold stuff, contact cement when you don't want it to come apart. I tried barge cement one time and manged to get it all over me, the project, and the table. 3m spray adhesive for things like liners. I usually hand stitch things so I don't know how machine sewing might affect them. I usually leave a project overnight or for several hours after I glue it up. I try to use a roller on it if I can to get good adhesion and then put something flat on it and a small anvil on top of that to weight it down. Good luck with it hope this helps David
  8. Thanks for taking the time to do this Chief, I will watch it later but I really do appreciate the work and refer to your guitar strap videos on you tube regularly. David
  9. I am not sure but some people have talked about neats foot oil and then putting it out in the sun. I usually do neats foot oil and then a finish but I have played with some practice pieces with just neatsfoot oil and left out and it does darken some. I did one with linseed oil just to see what it would do. It got a little darker than neatsfoot oil. I don't know how they would wear with just oil. Hopefully someone will answer that has done it a lot. Good luck David
  10. Looks good, sometimes it is better to be lucky. It turned out very sharp David
  11. Ouch, very proper slap up alongside the head, worded very nicely and appropriate. Seriously thanks Bill it was needed. David
  12. Projects look very good. Lacing on the belt buckle also very good. Thanks for posting. David
  13. Look for used seats on eBay or Craigslist, also check with your local dealer they may have a seat off a used bike or one somebody laid down. I have found Harley seats there don't see why others would not be available. Good luck David
  14. I would get a couple of the kits, like the cell phone holster or wallet or something else you could use. These usually come with some thread, needles and snaps etc. you can make a pattern of the pieces and then tool or stamp away. The holes are already punched so sew or lace it up. The holes are too big but this means if you screw up lacing ( and you will) un lace it and start over. If you screw up tooling buy a piece of leather trace the pattern out and start over. Do this a couple of times and you will start to get the hang of it. There are a bunch of books at tandy and other places on sewing, lacing, and everything else. Then you can see what you need to get to do the type of tooling or projects that you want. Don't forget to post questions and pictures on here. Good luck and welcome David
  15. Looks good nice and simple design, I like it. David
  16. Looks good I like the leaves against the darker leather makes them stand out well. Thanks for posting them. David
  17. I like them that is a lot of hand stitching, birthstone one is really sharp. Thanks for posting them. David
  18. Hi, welcome to the forum and thanks for posting your work. Looks good David
  19. Thanks for sharing the idea. David
  20. It looks different, she ought to love it. Craftsmanship on it is excellent and it does look really good. She would really standout with it on here in the Texas panhandle. David
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