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Everything posted by David8386

  1. Looks good, haven't tried mystery braid yet. Thanks for posting it. David
  2. Welcome to the forum Chad. David
  3. It came out good, I don't notice any of the black in the green until you look very close. On the lacing try using leather conditioner on it before you lace. Good job David
  4. Nice work, they all look good. David
  5. Johnny, it looks pretty good for a first project, all the advice given above was correct. Angled basket weave stamping is one of the hardest ones to do IMO, and yours looks pretty good. Thanks for posting it David
  6. Looks very good, the color is great and everything just blends together on it and looks like it is supposed to be there. Great work David
  7. Look pretty good especially for a first project. Thanks for posting it David
  8. Hey Cheryl, I was at rodeo show yesterday and saw something that I thought was pretty cool and would be pretty simple to make. It was a piece of 9 to 10 oz leather cut in the shape of a tree and painted like a Christmas tree. It was about 4 inches wide and 6 inches tall with a flap to hang it on a door handle. It also had a couple of bells on it. I remember my grandmother had some like it when I was little except hers were made from cloth so you may have seen something like it before. They also had a snowman shape. Anyway just a thought for holiday items. David
  9. Joe, I think you are right on changing tables affecting your stamping. I have noticed differences in mine when I tried to change hands. Are you using the table you made on the porch now? It could also be the lighting differences out there also. Like the dog collar. David
  10. When you get what you want make a pattern of the leaves out of cardboard, I like coke cases, and then next time pull the pattern out and trace it. Separate your artist mode from production mode and spend time to design a project the way you want (artist mode), spend a little time working out the assembly kinks to streamline production, and then move into production mode and build a million of them with a little artistic license to change the final look as you like for a custom look, but not reinvent the wheel all the time. I hope this helps, and good luck on your next show David
  11. You might have her get one of the vinyl ones if they are not expensive and reverse engineer it for a pattern. When you get a paper or cardboard pattern mocked up have her look at it and arrange the pockets to fit her and go from there. If that is not an option start with an old belt and do cardboard or paper pockets until you get what she wants. Cardboard is much cheaper than leather. Good luck David
  12. I bet the issue is the thread cinch. I had issues with it balling up like you described when I first started stitching. And use pliers to pull the needle through like Mike said. Good Luck David
  13. Looks good Chief thanks for posting, agree with Bluesman love the basket weave. David
  14. I would would go by a leather dealer close to you, Tandy or another one. There are several books out there at Tandy on hand stitching and braiding. I do not know if there is anything on tack patterns or not. That would get you started and then adding the inlays and spots would be pretty easy once you have a basic pattern down. If you need to find a nose band you like and trace it out and adjust it from there.Hope this helps a little bit and good luck. David
  15. Mask looks good, like the details in it. Thanks for posting. David
  16. Good looking wallet, and some great planning to be able to use that stencil for multiple size projects. Good job David
  17. Those are some sharp looking boots, thanks for posting the pictures. David
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