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Wild Bill46

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Everything posted by Wild Bill46

  1. Exceptional indeed ! I'm impressed with top edges of the pockets, and your seemingly clean stitching. although a bit thick for my taste. Nice work though ---Wild Bill46
  2. I think this is an Ingenious idea, Thanx for sharing --- Wild Bill46
  3. You still got that special touch Chief, Lookin good ! Wild Bill46
  4. Thanx for your reply Really nicely done, i have this in the back of my mind for future project.
  5. Thanks Thornton, for your idea about flocking the inside of a sort of pick/jewelry box ! Sorry, LoneWolf Diden't mean to hijack your thread ! ---Wild Bill46
  6. Thanx for your continuous efforts to help others, Camano I appreciate you -- Wild Bill46 just now finding this tutorial. ho
  7. I kinda like it for maybe a set of saddlebags ---------- Wild Bill46
  8. Very interesting dyeing process, Makes each an individual concept for personalizing. good idea. --- Wild Bill46
  9. You got a winner there ! I like your cunning craftsman ability too ! --- Wild Bill46
  10. First time greatness, congratulations ---- Wild Bill46
  11. I like the rivets too ! Your overall goal to blend colors works well, nice job especially for a first timer. -- Wild Bill46
  12. Very clean looking, stitching seems good, but, pulled a bit tighter here and there, still good looking ---- Wild Bill46
  13. Simple and clean it is, looks good from your photo's. Good work , good luck ! --- Wild Bill46
  14. Your Video was well taken ! Your resulting "Bolo Tie" is a really nice additional craft to go with round Braiding. --- Wild Bill46
  15. Nice Project, your work looks well done, I ilke it ! -----------Wild Bill46
  16. As with the others, I'm blown away, These bags, both of them are Super Nice, Clean I'm especially fond of your mixed color on the messenger bag. Alot of work went into these and you should be quite proud ! --- Wild Bill46
  17. Nicest looking Pool cue case I have seen, nice work ! How was the velvet looking material to work with ? ---- Wild Bill46
  18. Beautiful is a complete word for your craftsmanship, As always Chief Great looking projects. --- Wild Bill46
  19. I have basically the same idea for a friend for Christmas ! At one point he gave me the wooden box to find someone to give it to, Now, I'm making it into a kind of jewelry box to keep his Guitar, Dobro Bass, picks in. I intend to tool a leather top, sand the box before finishing it off. I thought about using either velvet or felt to do the interior ! Any thoughts out there ? --- Wild Bill46 and so forth
  20. I'm just ass stunned as these other fine craft people, Not sure I have an adaquit word for this project It is defanately beautiful workmanship ! ------- Wild Bill46
  21. Exceptional tooling for a newbee, you have onward talent for sure ! ------------- Wild Bill46
  22. I think I may have seen same video some time ago," Eller bros" ? maybe ? And the padding was most likely applied for creature comfort, not as a sealant ? then again, Maybe it was to be an overlay , the reason for gluing ? You can make new holes for new seat cover stitching. (or very carefully align old holes, hard to align real well) movement, stretching etc. Once your pattern is as you desire, and tooling finished if any desired, I would apply any dying, staining, coloring, if wanted, and then apply any jeweling, dots, decorative stitching/lacing etc. It can then be Stitched together making sure it fitted as you go. I'm sure there are other ways of doing this, Others whom have more experience might do it completely different.. but this is what I think I would do if confronted with this myself. Hope this helps in some way. Good luck ! Wild Bill46
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