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Everything posted by Tugadude

  1. Check out their membership too. You can do some quick math to make sure, but if you buy a decent amount of stuff, it more than pays for itself. Another good supplier is Springfield Leather. Too far to drive but they have new flat shipping rates which are good. They are particularly nice and helpful and frequently run good sales. Their Finesse tool line has some decent quality punches for cheap.
  2. Tandy has stitching chisels that are affordable and do the job.
  3. Looks great and there was a lot of work involved. One suggestion would be on the shoulder pad. Next time you might use a wing divider or stitching groover to scribe a line for your stitching. You ended up with rounded corners on the leather and rectangular lines of stitching. Do one or the other but they should match. A divider or groover will follow the curves and help your stitching match the shape of the pad.
  4. Common sense tells me two layers glued and stitched. I would add nylon webbing in the center if you want ultimate strength.
  5. Couple things. First, no, I seldom put a stitching channel on the backside. In fact, they are unnecessary and can lead to issues such as you described. I understand the benefits in having the thread protected from wear, but they can also force the stitching to flatten out and lose the nice angles. Next time make sure you are keeping the awl 100% level to keep the backside straight. Also, are you certain that you didn't get out of order with your needles? Happens to all of us sometimes. That could cause the irregularities. Btw, I use the same chisels sometimes. Love 'em.
  6. Which Tandy chisel are you using? They make at least three that I know of, two of which I use all of the time and they are great. Tandy had added some very nice tools recently such as their fine diamond chisels. Hard for me to see details because of a lack of contrast, but your work looks excellent to me. Maybe show a close up of an area that you are dissatisfied with. Otherwise, why change a thing?
  7. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Lemo-5Pcs-Working-Hand-leather-Edge-Skiving-DIY-tool-Keen-Edge-Beveler-Wholesal-/161717054264?hash=item25a7166b38:g:gJAAAOSw~OdVZX3D Don't know if they would work, but they look promising.
  8. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=27754 Try this link. http://diyfunprojects.com/?tag=making-a-leather-tobacco-pouch Or this one. Try Google. There are videos posted to Youtube that might be helpful.
  9. Try this link. Guy's company catalog is listed below under Korean tool makers... https://www.reddit.com/r/Leathercraft/comments/3i2kmt/돌도끼_dol_dokki_tools_catalog_also_general/
  10. Never ordered from them, but I have been in the store numerous times as I travel there for business. Great store and even greater, helpful staff.
  11. Several companies make 5mm irons. Google it.
  12. BTW, I love the double-sided tape Tandy sells, use it and don't have issues.
  13. Nice job! If your pinkies get sore, you can always use leather sleeves on them. I use them if doing anything larger than say a watch strap.
  14. Thanks for the link! Can I ask how you fasten the brass feet? I assume they are crimped on.
  15. I try to keep them flush. Seems to me trimming opens up the potential for real problems. Sanding happens, of course, but I try to avoid any cutting post-stitch. YMMV!
  16. That is beautiful edge work. Others might have different methods, but so long as the results are there, do your own thing. And your communication skills are great. Thanks for sharing!
  17. Boriqua, how about taking the bolt out entirely and using a spring clamp? Not an elegant solution but quick and easy. I've seen Ian Atkinson do this and it seems eminently practical.
  18. I am sure he will love it. And the love and care you put into it must be very satisfying.
  19. Samuji.com is where the belt is/was sold. Try asking them. It might be custom for them.
  20. Make sure to express your thanks to VanDutch also. Glad it helps!
  21. A very generous forum member posted some templates awhile ago. I'm sure you can print out the file and adjust the size according to your needs. http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=54361
  22. I see the pricking wheel so I presume you used an awl? Nice looking work, color is excellent as is the stitching. What led to your decision to not continue the padding all the way down the strap?
  23. Too bad your retirement park doesn't have a woodshop. My inlaws winter in Harlingen, TX and for a small fee you can use a wide array of tools in their woodshop. Great job on the pony!
  24. No, not necessarily. Check out this verbiage...
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