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  • Interests
    Wood, leather, farming, 4x4s and guns,
    Not necessarily in that order

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Just getting rolling
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    Anything and everything
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  1. Thats a cool backgammon board, really nice
  2. Nice job,,, your pop has some mad skills, that piece came out excellent, so heres a stupid question, ive seen these clams, never used one, how do you keep it closed? i know, real stupid question
  3. Howdy,,, i am pretty sure there are different softness levels to the leather as well as different thickness, main shields would be stuff like skirting leathers, the secondary and full wraps stuff like a softer hand thick bison, the hood a combo also, cool project, really like the concept, maybe the way things are going in this country it will serve a utilitarian purpose for defense rather than just cosplay
  4. I personally would rather pay 1000$ to BK and be able to talk to an actual person on the phone than 30$ for something made by the chinese etc,,,,
  5. Cool stamp Matt,
  6. Way cool Troy, nice job
  7. Really nice, do you tool before or after lasting?almost looks like after its so perfect,,,
  8. Nice
  9. Wayyy cool
  10. The last are cheaper, but regular polyester resin would work for what your talking about
  11. Thank you for the info Bruce,,, much appreciated
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