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Everything posted by AdamPCain

  1. I just wanted to share this i have been following her for awhile she is very skilled and shows a lot of good information about bag making https://youtu.be/g7vxP8Qvn0o
  2. Very clean is that your own pattern?
  3. All her videos are great.
  4. What kind of motor do you have on yours?
  5. Thought I would share this, she doesn't speak English but I have learned alot from watching her. Look at some of her other videos. She shows how she makes her patterns.
  6. I love seeing every ones work area I guess I will have to post a picture since I made a lot of changes.
  7. I sew mostly small goods I have a Juki 1541s for leather, Juki HZL-400 for linings and just picked up a Singer 241-12 because it was in mint condition and was only $75. My next machine is going to be a cylinder hopefully a Juki. I love how well built they are and parts are easy to get.
  8. I hear you I have 3 sewing machines, I have to stay off craigslist when people are selling things for a quarter of the items worth how do you say no.
  9. Great find you will have to post pictures of what you make.
  10. Very nice did you apply heat to it or just spray it and let it dry
  11. Congrats first thing you should do is get scrap and practice, watch a ton of YouTube videos and read the leather sewing machine forum. I did days of research before I bought a Juki 1541s. I just picked up a old singer 241-12 from craigslist. Your from North Jersey I work right in Allentown NJ.
  12. Thanks I will let you know after I have a chance to take it apart
  13. I know this is a very old post but I am looking for the same cork disc, do you carry any?
  14. I found out who made the clutch assembly a company called Atlas. Theirs supposed to be a cork friction pad on in between the 2 plates, I have emailed a couple of places with no luck. Do you or anyone else know were I can find one, or could I just get a piece of heavy duty cork and cut one out? Another item I am looking for is the spring for the knee lifter the one on it came with is broke in 2 pieces. I can buy the whole knee lift kit but if I could find a spring it would be a lot cheaper worst case I guess I could rig something up. Thanks for any help
  15. Thank you very helpful, not sure if I want to put a servo motor on now. I think it's pretty cool and unique. Love this forum I wouldn't have gotten this info.
  16. So I picked up an old Singer 241-12 off of craigslist with the table and motor I cleaned it up and all it needs it a new check spring for the tensioner and belt. The belt on it was made of leather, I have never seen a motor like this set up below. It's an electric motor that just engages with pressure from the foot pedal. Can anyone give me more info on this motor setup I researched it and came up empty handed. I do plan on replacing it with a servo motor I also know I need high rpms for the oil to flow. I could't pass this up it looked clean and it was only $75. The woman that sold it to me said it was her mothers that just passed, she made a living using the machine as seamstress. Thanks for any info
  17. Are you sure it's not just the check spring on the tensioner?
  18. Is there a free trial of AI, or has anyone ever used inkscaped.
  19. I have always wanted to learn how to use AI
  20. I looked at the same machine but ended up getting a Juki 1541s. You will have to post some of your projects. It's a fun learning experience.
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