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Everything posted by JD62

  1. JD62

    Leather Sewing Thread

    A great guy to do business with, and quick shipping.
  2. JD62


    If she wants black why not resist the dragon, dye the rest ,then use black antique? If you are careful I don't think the dye will be drawn into the dragon.
  3. YinTx, I feel your pain, I go thru the same thing with saddle stitching. I think I've watched every video on the tube about 4 times and even sew along with the tutor. I get about 6 stitches that look good , and then......... everything goes straight and flat. Oh well at least I quit using Tigger thread to practice with before I went totally broke;-( And yup that's gitin up to good bucks
  4. Wow you keep improving like that and you'll command the real big bucks! They are nice tools too.
  5. Thank you @OLDNSLOW, Ive been on the fence and now I can go to another site for some info
  6. JD62

    My 4th Project

    That's cool, nice job!
  7. Thanks guys! They look great, and what a great design and the price isn't as bad as I would have thought. Yes Nigel reviewed them I just hadn't checked my subscriptions in a while. He gives a good review
  8. OK, You've got my interest up. What are those irons? I haven't seen that type before, and am desperately in need of something better.
  9. Hi Rem, your rite on with #3 . Some times I even wrap some masking tape around the ends of my fingers when I have a lot of stamping to do.
  10. Agreed on JLS patterns and instructions, they are a must have for any one designing any type of fitted case. You have done an awesome job on these.
  11. Hi just wondering about payment options?
  12. Looks real good to me. Gota do one for my self one of these days. Not sure if I want a slimjim ore Mexican loop tho.
  13. Guy'll be 6" shorter when he gets home ! But I wish that was mine I'd were it with pride.
  14. Hi Brian, I like your first idea for a first run. If you make the top that the screw attaches to good and heavy you can make the side posts as long as you need. You then add platens about 2" thick on top of the first layer of molds, add a second layer and so on. The foot print stays the same but you just keep going up and the pressure stays about the same for all layers. I would think that after a half hour you could pull them out and they would hold shape until you lock the molds.
  15. JD62

    Leather Frisbee

    For some reason that bee makes me think of John Belushi !
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